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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. David, while on this subject, would you care to explain the stupid Grand Staff of Charming because I have two and it's calling them quest items.
  2. From the descriptions you gave (and very good ones at that) I felt, that I would mostly be Hardcore, however I can be Genre, I'm mashed in with Online gamers and While being Hardcore, achievements always tend to make me feel a little better in my perfectionist vision of 100%ing a game to play it's fullest. A joke for a later time my friend... lol
  3. No problem, glad I could help somebody enjoy the game in a more out of the box way xD I know a multitude of other things If you'd like to know
  4. I'd have to double check to make sure it works on the current patch, but we'll see.http://eldersouls.com/topic/2037-oghma-infinium-glitchexploit/
  5. Well, If more people knew of the Oghma Infinium glitch... then I'd be happy, lol. but nobody seems to, even though I wrote a guide about it.
  6. exactly. And I could do higher level builds but nobody seems to have the innate drive to get to higher than 50 xD It'd be nice to do a decent 81. Haven't in a long time.
  7. I did the second and third for people who wanted the more or less Thieves Guild stuff. The first could work as what the description was, a DB TG hybrid thing. Seems to me like anybody who makes a build could normally only fit one quest-line.
  8. I'd still like to thank David for the quick lesson on making tables, as you can see, I've become quite proficient with them xD they are pretty easy to get the hang of etc. and they definitely do make things more unique. Also I found you guys possibly the greatest youtuber for Skyrim glitches (however a lot of them are rather old...)
  9. I've read reviews on Refurbs and generally they tend to be garbage. It's basically like pulling a number out of a hat and hoping for something lucky and reviews i've read state that the general at-home life of a refurb is generally short. If you are looking for an xbox, possibly not a bad Idea, but the HDD alone is generally somewhat expensive within itself so I'd probably say buy at your own risk*
  10. on an Xbox 360 controller, there is a rather large button in the center of the controller called the guide button. It probably differs from xbox players what they call it, but basically it has the xbox logo on it. When you press it, it'll open up like a "master" menu where you can do stuff, but it isn't like an in-game pause menu. This goes over the guide menu, and if you may have noticed a small lag when trying to do things right when you start a wait cycle, That would be the ideal time.For non-quest vendors, the fastest way of all, is to save after buying what you want, then killing the NPC and reloading. for whatever reason this will actually reset the vendor's items.I could try to find a video maybe, but I'm not sure if it was patched or not.
  11. This is a small glitch that i found on youtube, that allows a player on the xbox 360 to press his/her guide button immediately after starting the wait cycle. This glitch cuts the time waiting down drastically and can turn a 24 hour wait to finish in seconds!This does work up to the newest patch (I just tried it) and for PS3, somebody will have to confirm it for me.
  12. Or does she? we'll probably never know, I think Bethesda sends those, just to troll us
  13. Prenote: I did this in ode to just finishing the Thieves Guild questline, So I wanted to do a Hybrid DB and TG build. Level 50 Assassin/Rogue: Requirements: [table] [th]Build Number[/th] [th]Stat 1[/th] [th]Stat 2[/th] [th]Stat 3[/th] [th]Stat 4[/th] [th]Stat 5[/th] [th]Stat 6[/th] [td]Build 1[/td] [td]100 Archery[/td] [td]100 One-Hand[/td] [td]100 Smithing[/td] [td]80 Light Armor[/td] [td]50 Sneak[/td] [td]100 Enchanting[/td] [td]Build 2[/td] [td]100 Archery[/td] [td]100 Smithing[/td] [td]80 Light Armor[/td] [td]50 Sneak[/td] [td]100 Lockpicking[/td] [td]100 Enchanting[/td] [td]Build 3[/td] [td]100 Archery[/td] [td]100 Smithing[/td] [td]80 Light Armor[/td] [td]40 Sneak[/td] [td]100 Pickpocket[/td] [td]100 Enchanting[/td] [/table] Personal Notes: This Character specializes in killing with a bow or similar one-handed weapon. This character uses any light Armor, however for combat encounters, DragonScale will be your best bet. [table] [th]Enchants:[/th] [th]Option 1[/th] [th]Option 2[/th] [th]Option 3[/th] [td]Helmet[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify Lockpicking[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify Illusion[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Chest[/td] [td]Fortify Light Armor and Fortify Stamina Regen.[/td] [td]Fortify Stamina and Fortify Stamina Regen.[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Hands[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify One-Handed[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify Lockpicking/Pickpocket[/td] [td]Fortify One-Handed and Fortify Lockpicking/Pickpocket[/td] [td]Feet[/td] [td]Fortify Carry Weight and Muffle[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Ring[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify One-Handed[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify Lockpicking/Pickpocket[/td] [td]Fortify One-Handed and Fortify Lockpicking/Pickpocket[/td] [td]Amulet[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify One-Handed[/td] [td]Fortify Archery and Fortify Lockpicking/Pickpocket[/td] [td]Fortify One-Handed and Fortify Lockpicking/Pickpocket[/td] [/table] Perk Distribution: Combat Based: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#148259 Lockpick Based: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#148261 Pickpocket Based: (more for the lulz) http://skyrimcalculator.com/#148264 Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: [table] [th]Value[/th] [th]Health[/th] [th]Stamina[/th] [th]Magicka[/th] [td]Distributed[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]Base[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]Ending Value[/td] [td]400[/td] [td]290[/td] [td]100[/td] [/table]
  14. xD I don't try to stat Nazi, just happens since I try to enjoy the challenge of Master and really Ancient dragons on master are something to avoid in close range... so for me, I sort of have to if I want to stay alive (All damage done to you is 200% and all damage you deal is halved on master, so you could seem my point, lol)
  15. Well that is interesting xD but yeah, I think if I made a serious warrior build or something, I could probably make a 2 Hand do more than you'd typically see one do, since I know some interesting stuff about Skyrim.
  16. My level 81 Hunter spec that I made has a Daedric bow that currently does 465 damage and his Daedric war axe a staggering 430 something. Oh the wonder of careful planning xD would you maybe like some help for a character build?
  17. Currently working on the problem about death of a spouse with the new update, will edit this post upon completion of it, so keep an eye out when I finish.*Update 1: currently and quickly finishing a Thieves Guild quest, then going to confirm or deny the possibility of remarriage in Skyrim as of the current patch.*Update 2: Married Lydia, and ruthlessly shot her several times with the bow, and due to her being my companion as well as wife, only got inheritance. Don't know if you can't remarry if your wife is a companion but I think with the new patch, it wasn't added.Busted: Upon death of your spouse, you aren't greeted with any letter from a courier about possibility of remarriage.
  18. Since I normally play on master, and my most played character is level 81 and have all the shouts etc. they are rather just a hassle sometimes to me, also Ancient... so I tend to use my "special" Dragon killing bow that does waaaaaaaaay too much damage. like 800 Million... lol.
  19. I have a solution, but it isn't exactly "clean" as far as wholesome playing goes. If you are interested, I could share, but I don't want to post this large text if nobody cares.
  20. Playing Skyrim now, anybody want me do look up or confirm something for them?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      Did you see my post in the guides section Blex? check the marriable characters Guide.

    3. Blake


      Ohhhhoohhhhhh. Good work and thanks a lot.

    4. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      yup yup, poor Lydia xD Aela makes a much better wife xD (Too bad I'm an Argonian, lol. She still loves me i guess xD)

  21. I did this quest and almost finished the questline in a couple hours, this questline was actually a lot of fun to do.
  22. alien vs predator anybody? lol also just looked at the Dawnguard thing again, and I remember prior to release all my friends being like i bet that's the best armor in the game! trollface Bethesda said, "Lol that's Iron armor, useless aside for aesthetic looks" anybody else agree?
  23. if you want to, wait till around level 20 and find the Banish enchantment as well, it is proven to increase your value the most over any enchantment.like Iron dagger going from around 10-20 gold to about 800-900 gold.
  24. I think you can only smith Daedric items, however for whatever reason a vendor in the Ragged Flagon (don't remember who) sold me a Daedric Bow of Damnation. mind you i am level 81, but i found it odd. I guess it is possible just extremely rare.
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