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Everything posted by Brad

  1. id usually play redguards BUT I like them hairy.
  2. that bitch fucked with the wrong skyrim saves!
  3. Brad

    Visiting America

    Are you fucking serious? thats ridiculous?
  4. Brad

    Anyone here?

    trouble is I dont think there is a clan to stay in :/
  5. Guest Viewing Topic: Joining Instructions 31 January 2013 - 10:48 PM No options available OMG!!! are these bots?
  6. hate to say it but weve kind of all quit haha gratz though Glad to see youve found another clan as well?
  7. Brad

    Visiting America

    Cause all you eat is PO-TA-TOES!
  8. Brad

    Visiting America

    never jest about an americans guns.
  9. Brad

    Archive TRR?

    finally an MMO with no fkn ability bar just lick your mouse and it fkn dies
  10. Brad

    Landed On My Hand

    i practice left hand just for this reason.
  11. Brad

    Archive TRR?

    RS is dead + Clans are dead, Bye TRR Hello ES on Elder Scrolls Online?
  12. dont worry we will dominate elder scrolls online
  13. I didnt actually lie though lmao arena let a lot of people beta test GW2
  14. signed up and my likely rating was maxed out I AM EXCELLENT!!!! suck it baby
  15. yer my current boss Nickname: The Chimp, PinHead, karl pilkington, that fkn twat (theres a lot more...) Job: Floor Manager This guy does a lot of shit but he pisses you off at least once a day... whether its going back on his word or just being a complete twat. everyone now emails him every request, just so they have his reply in writing. He managed to spindle it that me and my team leader owed 2hrs toil, we went to see HR about the utter shit he was spouting and they told us I was owed 1 hr and my team leader a lot more... he still wouldnt drop it so we got the union involved... hes just a twat and that was the most recent example
  16. aww mate I won the yahoo lottery yesterday!!! sponsored by "Anonymous Donors" wn my self $1m
  17. and I quote - #phishing, lol makes me wonder where the fuck they got my email from though... i must be on there list of targets
  18. Fuck no LOL What gets me is when i download add ons for a program or something that i thinks easy to do, my friends go oh how did you do that, I send them the guide I used and they cant make heads or tails of it...
  19. You can have my copy if you collect it, fuck queing in the post office
  20. I'm glad. and its not the games that are crap but the fact hes a plumber chasing a princess...
  21. well i still dont see mario on that poll...
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