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Everything posted by Brad

  1. yer its free ;)I started it a few days ago aswell only lvl 6
  2. if you play it add me - oBraderzStill learning but I seem to be winning now and going positive
  3. just you 0.0 mines fine, get a widescreen nub
  4. yer berzerkers take fkn ages to kill =.=
  5. well good luck getting wars council maybe we can have one soon?
  6. Brad

    Staff Promotions

    ok i understand the ranking system now :') thankyou +1 for you both o_O
  7. oooo fancy thankyou maybe you could say whos in each rank? incase we need to contact them?
  8. Brad

    Staff Promotions

    erm maybe some of the diplomats could be the mentors? like the ones that are able to be more active? But at the end of the day its everyones job to make them feel welcome :DYer seems like we need more active staff to me only seem to have about 1 in each rank? atm.But then we dont want a clan that has no members and everyones staff 0.0 a problem for the high council? :)Oh yer i totally agree Crazy they should be left in, but its whether we have the members to fill them?
  9. Brad

    Staff Promotions

    ok diplomats - I like the wholse recruiting thing, andd they recruited me through Tipit forums so good job, worthwhile rank.  Event co-ordinators are also neccessary, however I havent actually seen an event made by an event co-ordinator yet "/ and surely the diplomat should be in charge of making new recruits welcome seem as they in turn, recruited them?  Ok I dont know how many of each rank we have, because i cant seem to find the list :') but from what ive seen we dont have many active council+ ranks, correct me if im wrong.  SO the council members and high council members seem to do the same job which in my opinion is not neccasary, as there aernt a lot of things that can go wrong in a clan other than other ranks not performing, through my past experience (I helped run Legendz for over a year on High Council "/).  Given there all neccessary ranks but I dont know if we have enough active members on the forums/IRC or in game to hold all hese ranks together? So maybe merge a few ranks together? so more people are recruiting/making events and so on?
  10. Brad

    Staff Promotions

    So exactly what ranks do we have? cause as i understand ALL clan members should recruit when and however they can? Sorry if I sound rude, Id just like to learn the ranking system is there a link to the system?
  11. I shall try my best to be part of your new memories... (and dreams, but thats a story for another time) Hopefully see you there :DD
  12. well I cant vote in this seem as, there hasnt really been a properly organised event since I joined and I joined too late in the month good luck to all!!
  13. pfft not playing it till MW3 comes out till then its back to GoW1, sick of being shat on by long ranged lancers and Sawn-Offs Gow isnt GoW anymore
  14. hehe check the sig for proof or damn well check the highscores fooool >.> 99's - Attack/Strength/Defence/Range/Hitpoints/Woodcutting/Thieving Total Level - 1800 Combat level - 120+ Thankyou, come again 0.0
  15. Brad

    Staff Promotions

    gratz hopefully we will with have some events/wars now? what exactly does the diplomat do btw "/ seems like we have more ranks than we need.
  16. I'll probably be trollied either in a field or in the clubs sorry "/
  17. HOLA TO THAT ^Not my fault I can click faster >.<
  18. Brad

    TS3 Server

    fuck yes happy memorys of random TS convos in the past ^.^
  19. Ive trusted a lot of people throughout RS mostly lasses tbf "/ most of em I still talk to even though all my FL no longer plays rs :') Ive even trusted one of them with my personal bank details 0.0so yer id trust any long term member of rebelz tbh, cause I have a feeling they dont want to thrown out of the clan and be scolded
  20. Hia, first things first my names Brad, so feel free to call me that whilst im on rs if you can remember my rs name which is... Dudey Lucky, I dont like this name so will soon be changing it "/ okay well the basics are over, little about me irl now. I'm 18 from the UK in Lincolnshire, I live with my girlfriend in a house with no mortgage, we got extremely lucky I work full time as an engineer and left school when I was 16 I am also a massive FPS fan on the xbox, play COD and Gears religously anything you want to know just ask. My RS career, well I started in 2006, then discovered clans in 2007, so joined my first clan called Zdzira (which meant prostitute in polish i think ) I was with them for about a year, then wanted to get more into Competitive Clan Wars. So I joined Legendz, had a great time with them then 2 of the leaders and 2 of my good friends within the clan decided to split and make a new clan, that was after I was with them for 1 year, but I still stayed for another year. I stopped playing RS in 2009 for a long time and have only recently started playing it again again anything else just ask Why am i here? I'm here to meet some ace people and have a laugh basically Ok thankyou for reading and please say hi
  21. Brad

    Hi there :D

    What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Dudey Lucky (Changing when I can ) Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: - 122+7 Total: - 1778 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? - YES Zdzira in 2007 for one year and Legendz 2007/9 2 years Where did you hear about TRR? - Tipit Forums What were your first impressions of us? - friendly community went to o_Oranges 99 party, grat btw Why do you wish to join our clan? - bit of fun and to make some new friends
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