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Everything posted by Brad

  1. You ruined the big mystery for everyone!! Hey man welcome my advice would be to add a guy named "Tynisia" to your block list, he's a bad egg that one. Enjoy your time on the site roll on ESO, hooorahhhh
  2. looks like the votes have been made and counted WE'RE GOING BACK IN TO GUILDING GUYS!!!!!
  3. Brad

    Hey Guys..

    Heads up, this guy caught something in Thailand. AVOID HIM LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!
  4. Looks like any other MMO to me at the moment. So, 6, can't be worse than your average MMO
  5. SO! What will our Guild be called?
  6. Brad

    Hey Guys..

    HELLO! Good to have you on board I'm one of the sites many general idiots, I will probably play ESO when its out though haha
  7. Right so far iv'e read nothing about ESO, go me! Is eldersouls making a guild? When does it come out? How many of us are getting it? Does the game need a self confessed and notorious bad man like my self? Let me in on the know dunderdicks.
  8. Brad

    Happy 4th of July

  9. they failed to mention the new Udyr and skin and the sneak preview of the Sej skin.... god help us all
  10. my disappointment in you cant be put in to words David.
  11. he still hasn't merged them... I'm appalled
  12. Brad

    Board Games

    If the game involves the devils juice and i carry the drinks on a board from the kitchen... then yes I guess I do play board games.
  13. I love this film. Tarintino is a god. You must be a Nazi David.
  14. its because its still glitchy as fuck, so if they do more fast paced games for example, it simply wont keep it they would rather play safe and have smoothish running games than games people go, WOW this is wank.
  15. OH MY GOD A TRIPLE FUCKING POST?!?!?! I don't even know what to say
  16. I like this makes the story flow better, rather than stop start for each character.
  17. a lot of people have already pre-ordered PS4 Microsoft is the better console, for maintenance and what not, looking at recent history BUT PS4 is a wayyyy better console
  18. in all seriousness. why the fuck do I need 500GB on a games console? -.- just makes it cost more.
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