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Everything posted by Brad

  1. I've pretty much never made it past level 10.
  2. you could cuddle with the khajiit afterwards though :/
  3. If you read some of our other posts, you will find out were not easily offended dont worry haha
  4. But you need a low IQ. Some guy with a PHD wont come round collecting my rubbish
  5. Thats what the North of England is for.
  6. too much bleak fkn scenery and snow. Bring back the sun like in Oblivion.
  7. where would you like me to bite and how hard? >.>
  8. Brad

    North vs South

    dont know if you guys have seen this http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/north-korea-threatens-allout-war-a-nuclear-war-as-it-announces-it-is-on-war-footing-with-south-8554932.html its tricky
  9. excuse me you missed out halo, that soundtrack won awards
  10. holy shit that bot post got deleted quick, but it reminded me about this thread GAME TIME
  11. Brad

    Rate this Girl

    could be a new article will get gabillions of views
  12. Brad

    Rate this Girl

    everyone heard of the "Dog Punching Scale" ? like when your feeling particularly hench you exclaim, "gee wiz i reckon i knock out a great dane right now!" or when your recover from a night out "fkn hell id struggle to ko a poodle, good night!"
  13. Brad

    Rate this Girl

    thats a 2. chick with a dick
  14. Brad

    Rate this Girl

    shes closer to a 4
  15. i just set mine up by the "popular picks" option lmao
  16. Brad

    Rate this Girl

    noooo the scale doesnt work like that lol 10 is impossible for any woman to get because its the perfect score and no woman is perfect. you go on your scale 90% of the female pop would be 5 above for me... cause id smash 90% of all women
  17. Brad

    Rate this Girl

    her body bumped her up from a 4 for me given they all look like dancers and she has a good pair
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