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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Carlsberg Citrus. I'm battering through these at the moment but i hate desperados :/ but then again I dont like tequila all that much lol
  2. I'd do this every time I released a new product... I'd at least make a new reddit acc though jesus
  3. Brad

    Worst TV Channel

    seriously guys... the porn channels have to be the worst! Such a tease and so expensive
  4. only reason I watched the Great Gatsby.
  5. weekends, i drink a lot, mid week i log on read threads cant think of anything useful to post, so don't lol
  6. Brad

    The Hunger Games

    YOU HAVENT SEEN THAT?! thats the japanese one right? because its fkn ace.
  7. Everyone needs there own space to beat one off.... given Superman is a pompus fuck lol
  8. mate I grew up to the superman TV series!!! Batmans just a glum prick that wants to live in a cave, on his own.
  9. Neverwinter pretty much just came out. Great game and its 100% free. I cant see eos competing with other mmorpgs long term tbh
  10. Brad

    The Hunger Games

    yer I read the books in a really short time as well... there addictive. Watched the film and it misses so many key plot points out, I had to explain to the person I was watching it with why certain things were happening... Like adam said the Jay Pin annoyed me too -.- that was supposed to be a strong symbol from the mayor of her district. FUCK THE MOVIE MAKING WANKERS.
  11. Brad

    Your Summer Plans

  12. HAHA T lad, we could make a game of this
  13. Brad

    Your Summer Plans

    first of I'm going to drink a bit then I may follow that off with a bit more drinking, then on the 2nd day of my summer I might have a beer or two or thre maybe four might push it for 5, 6?! why the fuck not! may as well have 7 now, 5 left in the crate, may as well drink them all! BECAUSE ITS ONE FINE DAY TO BE NUDE!
  14. HAHA be the big spender. I actually roll with the Razer Naga atm lol the 3rd replacement they sent out worked just fine...
  15. the IRC is gone :'( saddest day ever I dont use the chat room
  16. you know its moderator for the video game deals that you will have to post up right?
  17. so why dont they post on stuff? >.>
  18. I pretty much run Soulbane, even though i log on for like 10mins a day but meh
  19. this. everyones dissapointed with every MMO atm because they cant compete with single player
  20. yer exactly what i expected tbh, kind of looks like age of conan?
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