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Everything posted by Brad

  1. I wasn't mocking. I was expressing my opinion. If I knew you were going to climb on your high chair about it, I would have stayed quiet like I have for the past few months.
  2. hm reading what your all saying, makes me think I'm going to like this game
  3. Sounds like Tera now. please find the bit I said i thought it was more skill based -.-' I was just saying from the video it looks very point and click FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. your defending this like its your unborn child?
  4. you havent played ESO yet. and I can't say whether you've played gw2 at a high level in raids. so that sir is a very poor assumption.
  5. I play a lot of GW2, you do all this +Utility Skills, in 100vs100 battles... get the wrong boons at the wrong time and you'll be tossed around like a ragdoll in a dryer... like I said I'll see, it just very rigid and boring from that video, to me anyways
  6. hmmm this game looks too point and click for my liking :/ like anyone can be as good as the next... I like my games to rely on a bit of skill, but we'll see I guess
  7. hm I'm most looking forward to the part where your a player and then get this, you go against, vs if you like, other players!
  8. David listens to no one. No one has influence but the man, the myth, the legend him self.
  9. still get que's for wvwvw and 100+ blobs roaming around... so yer its still alive lol
  10. maybe just get a free host web page for the homepage, instead of running off ipb constantly, give you a bit more freedom?
  11. you did just that sir A few of us play this again now if you like PvP PLAY THIS GAME
  12. Never apologise. I only commented on this topic because for the first time in a longggg time it was fuck all to do with Skyrim!! Happy days
  13. GOI HOY! Server: EUW Sum Name: Special Kay Position: adc > top > mid Champs: Depends on the match up... Champs for the cancerous region: fkn Teemo
  14. Hey man, a few of us play league mainly EUW though you say you play RS still? If you want/need an active clan hit me up.
  15. Can anyone tell me why this guy has his shirt off?
  16. I'm predicting it will be One-time with a shitty gem store for cosmetics and the like tbh GW2 pulled it off, and its said a lot of other game developers will head down this route.
  17. I agree that AD will be more for the professionals I read somewhere about its territory being closest to a major city or something along those lines? I haven't actually read that much about TES, in case it doesn't live up to the hype, so I'm not all that dissapointed
  18. Right lets take this outside.
  19. Yer that would be sick! I'm sure it won't be long until Microsoft sort this with some of sort cloud system, they can't be far off. I mean they got TV on the xbox! they're experts! Personally I will be on PC Usually a lot more freedom in PC games But yer I think most of the people I know here just play games to chill serious raising isn't our style haha P.S. Lurkers complete us.
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