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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Our ts is chicago.clanwarz.com:1169 In the Dongerville section Just hop on when ever your about, either on GW2 or LoL
  2. so you dont get upscaled for PvP? so you have to grind to max level to actually be useful?
  3. pley wit mai peen. aye meen, pley wit me. 80 teks no tim at all. evertings urpscalld eniwai
  4. learn* you'll definitely* bit awkward. ESO clearly isn't your game either u stills pley Gilly Wares Two?
  5. Luks lyk a bad version of gw2 PooVperP
  6. Oh well... Don't I feel like a fool!
  7. I'm writing this post out of pure stress and disbelief. A valuable figurehead of the community has recently brought to my attention the pure disgust which you have shoved towards him. David's abusive attitude has granted him a free "censorship". All though i dress this as a reward. Believe me it is far from it. The person in question is Tynisia. As a premium member I ask you, NEY I DEMAND YOU! to remove this censor.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLPM-P7mNQw Whateva, I do what i want
  9. ENTPExtravert(1%) iNtuitive(25%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(22)% [*]You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%) [*]You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%) [*]You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%) [*]You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%) basically... I do what i want. My personality doesn't tell me what to do.
  10. seems logical. I thought it was because all the black guys sold the shit they've stolen over the year for cheap before the cops catch on.
  11. right being a brit answer me this. Why the actual fuck is it called Black Friday?!
  12. why isnt "so i don't feel left out on Elder Souls" an option?
  13. Brad

    Idle Questions

    to be able to do anything as fast as I wish. whether its reading a book, walking to and fro, drinking a pint, sex (if she's a whale) lifes too short to be spending large amount of time of menial tasks
  14. the owl isn't there this made me sad and unwilling to comment further
  15. OMFG i just got Torchlight II I'm in that steam group and i have no idea what my steam ID welcome back to the fold brother
  16. hm i am neither a hipster nor am I currently on acid, we have a problem here
  17. FOR NARNIA!!! back in the day that was my leading cry that or "hey, that guy over there said he slept with your mother? KILL HIM"
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