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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. We don't really have that big a problem with it in Norway. The immigrants, including eastern-europeans, takes the jobs we don't want. If the polish decided to go home, there would be almost no builders left... I can see the valid points in your statements though. I do think that immigrants should adapt the culture of the new country. I know there are some Muslims that aren't so radical as the people we normally see on the news though, that have adapted their religion to fit in the westernised world.
  2. I guess we could just have a meetup on Raidcall and just talk and play whatever? Or maybe we could have primarily LoL, but people who doesn't have it can just be there and chat. Possibly. I don't have any CoD nor LoL, nor intend to get any of them, sorry
  3. Isn't the next step to get a chat channel somewhere?
  4. Not sure how we are going to trace these people... Anyone still able to contact them?
  5. I think Aliath was quite fun. Feel like I'm forgetting someone though.
  6. I think SSBB was the only good game that came to Wii... It was pretty damn good though.Also, forgot to add my Steam. It's either Olbitt or CQ23. Display name is บ฿à¸à¸›à¹– though.
  7. Owned Communications: Skype: Baardakus I also got vent. I've used it like twice. Playstation 3: Xbox 360:PC: All Counter-Strike games except last one (Don't think I'll get it either, looks like a slightly enhanced CSS), Guild Wars 2, MineCraft, Terraria.Other:
  8. Brian Blessed FTW!This is getting a tad off topic btw.
  9. Just so we can add each other to our friendslist. Mine is EricBloodaxe.2140
  10. European. Both me and Brad are Europeans, and you are aswell.
  11. Just so everyone sees it^^
  12. The movie is about Tom Hardy playing the game, that's why it's so quick to make!
  13. There should be awards for former EC and that stuff, so new members don't get confused.
  14. Several people here don't play RS anymore, just hang around on the forums and in IRC. Why you leave eh? :'(
  15. Eric the Bard

    IMG 03731

    From the album: EricBloodaxe stuff

    I got hypermobile joints in my fingers.
  16. I think it is in stores already, pre-purchase, if not it will. It launches 8.28.12, but if you pre-purchase you can start playing three days before that. On this site you can find a list of official retailers for pre-purchase, they will probably sell the game after pre-purchase aswell.Edit: If you PM Traag you can order it through Amazon and raise a few $ for the site.
  17. It's mah bday bitches!!! Arenanet obvoisly knew this when they scheduled a new stresstest for tonight. Answering all the messages on Facebook right now, hard work using the right smileys and words...

  18. It's an amazing game, I thought my expectations was too high, but it turned out to be just that amazing! And I know I've just seen a little part of it, because there sre secret places and dungeons with puzzles and bosses that I don't know where are.
  19. Necro Phil is a pretty good name for a necromancer, but the Yogscast already used it, which means it's unoriginal and going to be taken immediately. Engineeric I thought was a pretty good name for an engineer. Other than that I didn't have very good names. My Charr was called Sir Killalot, surprisingly nobody had picked that name. My female thief was called Miss Terius.
  20. I might call possibly my Charr "(The) Bored Boar" after my name, on Blexun's suggestion. It sounds worse for everytime I think about it though.
  21. I think I had some pretty good names, but I can't remember any. I might check tonight during the stresstest, if I'm able to get on. I'm terrible at names though, and only a warrior fit with the name Eric Bloodaxe, and I don't like that class.
  22. Norn necromancer is beast. I got to level 12 or 13 with it during beta, and I was far from bored with it. I think it's the most interesting area, and right next to the charr area aswell, which ialso is a pretty cool area. The pets I was able to summon wasn't that great, I found out that some of the other specials was possibly better. The good thing with pets though is that you can let them take all the damage. I tihnk around level 30 or something, when you get elite skills, you can get some pretty epic pets.
  23. Does amazon deliver to all countries? Also, maybe you could ger a list of official retailers and link to their site, and, if it's not too much work, say what's the best price in their country from those retailers.
  24. My trip was alright, was called in at the hospital though to take some tests of my liver. I might have a very rare congenital disease.You do get some advantages for being low-pop vs. high-pop. I think that high-pop still will have the advantages though. I think a mid-pop server will be best, although a high-pop server is fine for me. The reason I wanted low-pop was because I hated when there was lots of people around and the monsters got too hard to kill, and I like exploring without lots of people around me. Seafarer’s Rest and look like a nice server for english mid-pop, Desolation and Gandara looks like nice servers for high-pop.
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