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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Damnit! I was going to post this on the forums, but I forgot
  2. Runescape name: EricBloodaxeReal life name: Bård (pronounced like boar)Facebookpage: Are TRR members allowed to add you?: Yeah... But then you have to find me!Age: 16Country+timezone: Norway, GMT +1School/University/Work: Entrepreneurship with focus on General Studies, I think my English teacher called it :S That's the course I'm taking.Hobbies:GamingSports: Just goes to the gym, can't be bothered with a proper sport. I went on Taekwon-do for quite a few years though.Favorite athletes: Petter Northug and Marit Bjørgen. Because they always win.# Years you have been playing RS: About 7Time you've been in TRR: I joined sometime last year, but didn't really become active before february this year. But I was quite active in LoL, and many people in TRR are from LoL, though I see most of them have left TRR again...What you usually do when playing RS: Lately, slayer.
  3. OMFG! I can't get on to RuneScape!

    1. Huygens


      problem fixed yet?

    2. Huygens


      problem fixed yet?

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Incase you still don't know, it's fixed. Besides the servers were still up, but not their page.

  4. Wish i could have been there, need the xp and it's quite fun! But the middle of the night is not a good time for me.
  5. What?! 4 months?! You're way better than me, and I've had my account for 7 years!
  6. EricBloodaxe was there! And the Canifis one was at Barrows -.-
  7. I've seen The Hunger Games movie, but not read the books. But I can't read them now either, because I think Game of Thrones books come before that in the line, and atm I'm reading LOTR. I don't usually read books, and it takes me forever to complete one. Game of Thrones TV-series is also pretty good, though I have saved up the episodes for this reason, so I can watch several at once.
  8. I actually listend to that a lot when I was younger, I loved the hobbit music.But I mostly listen to rap. Good rap. Not Lil Wa***! Jay-Z and 50 Cent mostly, but Dr. Dre, Eminem and Snoop Dogg is alright, mostly.
  9. WoW sucks! I've never really played it and just barely seen someone play it. But I'm still overqualified to state that this game sucks. I have seen some videoes of the expansion, and it seems really stupid and generic.
  10. Possibly thiev, but I'm kinda tired of ot... Slayer is what I mainly do at the moment though.
  11. How's it coming alpng now? I'm too lazy to check and do the calculation myself
  12. I agree, it's so stupid when people take pictures of accidents. Also, my uncle, aunt, cousin with wife and kid was in an accident reacently, a trailer drove into them. But they were all fine, though my uncle got knocked out and had a small concusion.
  13. Try wearing some sexy clothes or show it a sexy picture. Maybe you just don't turn it on anymore.
  14. I was there! Also, we weren't quite finished yet with the event, we went parading aswell!
  15. Could it not be 2-3 hours earlier?
  16. There is a chance I might come, but I'm already 99 thiev!
  17. I think it's a bit cold and a bit far. Also, that mountain IS climbed the hell out of.
  18. Well, I capped. I hope more will aswell. It seem almost impossible though.
  19. This is the view from where I sit and play RuneScape.
  20. Well, even though I hate getting resources, I'll help. I did last week aswell.
  21. There is also spammer bots everywhere, they have even taken over private chat. I hate those bots with crappy names that are just made to make and probably sell money, and they are also so crap.
  22. Lol, okay I guess this came kinda off topic
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