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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. We should livestream it aswell. Just for fun, maybe other members that can't play or can't be bother will watch aswell. And we're awesome, so we should be on the web.
  2. So they are closing down Wii, not making more games, but comes out with a new Wii?
  3. On mobile version all posts look like they have been written by the same guy. Array or something.
  4. I thought it said "Problem with a grill".Now replace all the "girl"s with "gril"s!Now back to the topic; I can't tell if you're trolling us. It's not the first time I see some long weird text from you.
  5. From the album: EricBloodaxe stuff

    Reposting like a boss. My hard work must pay of, and I didn't want this to be lost. It's pretty crap though. I was listening to a lot of rap at the time. Original thread: http://eldersouls.com/topic/1821-pets/
  6. I want premium. Now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      sounds reallllllyyyyy familiar. Where'd you see that name?

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Content Team. With 5 posts.

    4. Nathan


      That's my brother, he signed up started writing an article and hasn't done anything to do with elder souls since.

      The few times I've brought it up he's claimed he intends to do it but I doubt he ever will.

  7. I thought we went for the best tasting ones... Kellogs and cheerios isn't that healthy either, though more healthy than those chocolately ones. I can't really eat any of them, because I'm not supposed to eat much chocolate nor grain.
  8. I'm not sure how many would participate in the raffle though. I would gladly donate quite a bit of money, however I can't as I'm underage. One more year...
  9. This varies. Boiled egg is good in it self. Fried egg that isn't too cooked is pretty good, however only in periods. I like scrambled eggs when I have stuff like mini sausages, meat balls and potato.
  10. Blafffnlmmbf! Cocopops is really good! I haven't tasted Count Chocula though, probably since it wouldn't be allowed in Norway being too unhealthy. I have tasted frosty flakes though, but they are kinda boring. Nesquick is pretty good. I must warn you that most foreign food have to be norwegianized to be allowed, so that it isn't too unhealthy.
  11. I like potato. In general. I think I like sliced potato best. Actually, I definetly like potato chips/crisps best. However, seeing as that is not really potato, sort of, I'll go with sliced potato.
  12. I won you. I got 31d 14h on my top game, you only got 14d, nub.
  13. Now I've registered... Looks cool, not sure if I'll use it much.
  14. I didn't know what to say... Thought I liked it though, but I hadn't.
  15. We should do that thing we did once more often. Where some gathered to play LoL or something. We could maybe play TTD, although I don't really know how to play it. MineCraft is also good.
  16. I agree. I've tried to surpress the sheep in me, but can do so no longer. We need someone who organizes events. I would do it, if I wasn't so unreliable. I can't help it, I can barely plan an hour ahead.
  17. I don't have BLOPS nor an Xbox, PS3 or computer. Well, I do have a computer. But that's not the point!. I'm not even sure why I would post this.
  18. I could apply. But I think I'd go for Squishy.
  19. It makes me sad outside.^^ This is why I never make new threads. I don't have any reason to make new threads, I just write crap in existing threads.
  20. More members. But I guess you knew that already...
  21. My school laptop got my friend's charger in the screen. It's not looking to good. The store where I bought it is closed for good, and I don't know if the warranty would still count anyway.

  22. He got 99 magic cape inside his costume.
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