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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. I just went into all my installed programs, not one of them refer to the date the 15th, which was when the trouble started... and the only programs listed for the 16th are Google Chrome (because i re-installed it yesterday, and Hitman pro (which Microsoft installed for me to get rid of the pop-ups while on the phone with me yesterday) they purged my computer! like the Borg! assimilation! They took it over like the damn Borg and cleansed the system of shit. Or so they said. ps, i don't think i get the pop up adds any more. I still cant find my password options....? WHY DOES IT FAIL TO LAUNCH??? the two issues are probably connected... maybe when i restored the high radar program it didn't reset the connections properly or something. what do you think? Sorry for loading all this on you, i don't know who else to tell. I'm sick with concern....
  2. Ok, but the thing is, when the pop up adds began it was still remembering my password, it was only after i accidentally uninstalled that high radar thing then restored it again that it started to not recall my password and, of course, had failures to launch. how do i get into the area of the computer that give the option: tell me before/when to remember a password? I cant find it. I'm on windows 8.1. its a pain in the ass. I actually don't know what the fuck I'm doing... I'm scared I'm gona make it worse
  3. My situation is going from bad to worse. yesterday I uninstalled a program called High Radar from my computer, because I thought that it was responsible for giving me all those pop-up advertisements. I was wrong, by uninstalling it I severed my ability to support the internet. This morning I figured out how to restore the program, so now I have the internet back again, but now there is another problem: 1. Windows now refuses to save my passwords, so I have to sign in every time I go into any personal email site or a forum site like this one. 2. I can no longer access this and other sites through my windows shortcuts/icons any more. when I double click on a window icon, such as the window for this site, it fails to launch.... Google Chrome icon also fails to launch, as well as Umgur and many other shortcuts I have on windows, all failing to launch. I still have google chrome, but now I have been forced to access every site through internet explorer. I spent the rest of the day (8 hours) on the phone with Microsoft and they haven't been able to solve the problem.... I had their so called best technician on it the whole time and nothing... IS ANYONE familiar with this problem/problems? I need your help desperately.... (By the way, Steam has never had an issue, it has been working fine through it all. it's the only thing that keeps chugging on without a hitch)
  4. hey everyone, I've just developed a new issue with adds popping up while I am on Google Chrome, googling. It started today, actually. Here is what happened: Yesterday I had too many cookies related to this particular website (elder souls), and i didn't know how to get rid of them, so i uninstalled Google chrome then re-installed it to see if that would get rid of them, but the cookies were still there. Eventually I found a way to erase all my cookie history (working with windows 8.1), so yes i can get into this site again now. BUT the issue I'm having is that ever since i re-installed chrome I'm being bombarded by advertisements, so I'm thinking that maybe i uploaded an " enabling adds program" of some variety while uploading chrome. Can anyone help me get rid of this annoying shit???? I've already tried going into my programs list to uninstall the culprit, but i cant find it in there! Where else can it be hiding? IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Did all of that stop working once you did the setstage command? that can happen if you haven't finished your preparations correctly. If so return to a previous save point and make sure you finish talking to everyone that had dialogue leading up to the quest: I recently I had a problem with getting started on Diplomatic Immunity, and i found out that it was because i had my timescale set at a different rate than what is normal. I had it set at 1 (which is real time) instead of 20 (which is default in-game time). Have you made any changes to your game through console that may be to blame? Also, are these quests showing up on your journal/quest page? maybe you have a new mod?
  6. Hello Skyrim Kitten, I had a quick read up on the "Touching The Sky" Quest (I hope that's the right one). As far as I can tell, most of the bugs are caused by unfinished rolling dialogue with either Serana, Gelebor or Vyrthur. If you are rightly fed-up and don't want to go back and talk to them all again, just use the "setstage" command: setstage dlc1vq07 that should get it started for you. or you could visit the site for more info on commands: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Touching_the_Sky OR, have you tried shutting down the game and restarting it? probably. By the way, i hate Darkfall Passage, i always have to reset my lighting to high so i can see where the hell I'm going! Wish you well Skyrim Kitten
  7. Buttons

    Breezehome Enchanting

    I am a perfectionist. Everything's been thought through, nothing random. The yellow dwemer dressers are for enchanting potions, the arched chest on the floor is for all the empty soul gems, the other two on the lower shelf are for filled gems, one for black, the other for everything else. the urn on the top shelf is for soul gem fragments, the long noble chest next to it is for certain weapons, some enchanted, some yet to be...
  8. lol it all took a shitload of time
  9. Why do you torture me like this David, Don't i deserve an answer? ...Will you be my Valentine? He loves me... he loves me not... he loves me... he loves me not... he loves me... he loves me not.... he........ well... who couldn't love me?
  10. I recently cheated my way (leveling) within the first hour or two of play with a character i recently created, just to see what would happen. But i didn't want to eliminate all the challenges of gaming either (although i almost did). What i did was (after killing my first dragon) is use console to add 1000 gold ingots to my inventory. Then i went to the blacksmith forge in Whiterun and made myself several hundred gold necklaces, which brought my smithing up to 100. Then i went up the Dragonsreach, acquired myself an armor enchantment that can be applied to a necklace, console coded a few hundred filled black soul gems, and then proceeded to enchant my necklaces until my enchanting was at 100 as well. After this I leveled up all at once, increasing my health then stamina each time while carefully selecting my perks until i was at about level 28. Then I sold all my unwanted necklaces to the annoying wizard in Dragonsreach and to a few other places around town. So, i ended up damn near invincible and feeling like a real Dragonborn. Surprisingly there are still a couple of enemies i struggle battling with, but not many.... Now this particular Dragonborn concentrates mainly on increasing one handed/archery/sneak/pick-pocketing etc. I'm still playing that character off and on, She's very cool! I think you may have heard of her... The Bitch? A good thing is that this cheating method was practically glitch free.
  11. That depends on whether you're me or my ex lol Looks like a Zucchini is the best that i can hope for this year.... Am i aloud to say that?
  12. love the play with words you've got going there... funny
  13. Francis, how lovely of you to join the party. Always a pleasure. Although some might say that four is a crowd or, in a perfect world, much more satisfying... mmm Anyway it's good to hear from you again
  14. Oh, yes, now i recall why my ex is my ex. Tighter than a bloodsucking fleas ass! And after all i did for that dirty...... still got the taste in my mouth
  15. Valentines day... what's that? I'll be your Valentines, David... O, my David It's just a pity about my face....
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