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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Talk to them you poor soul, you need to talk to them to move on! Eh, or not....
  2. Yeah.... that's probably not gonna work out too well for you....
  3. It's more of a... "search for new quests" kinda game.
  4. I was born in Canada.... I can wave.
  5. also, for future ref. You don't need to console code that, you can just start fighting the war with the stormcloaks for one or two quests and you will be given the opportunity to converse with Ulfric at some point about the peace con. patience, there are certain things about being a stormcloak that need to be moved out of the way first. If this doesnt make any sense its because i was too lazy to read further than the first paragraph of the first post of this thread... my bad.
  6. I'm pretty sure you can do it with a digital television. You know tv can connect to the internet though, these days. You still on analog? you catn't save images to your television and then transfer them into a disc/usb/hard drive and do it that way? Because you cant keep tormenting us with this names without faces, cool as they may be.
  7. Sure you can. Just make an account with Imgur. That part is easy, as you know, no harder than being a member on this sorry forum. hehehe. After, when you want to post a pic here, just click on the little window picture at the top of where you are posting, then go into Imgur, click on the pick you want, copy the direct link address on the right of the picture, then go back into this site and paste it in the URL box. click post. Simple. Unless of course you have that shitty Outlook server which doesnt let you perform simple tasks, you'll need Fire or Google to do it.... by the way, take screen shots of your game using f12 button.
  8. she's too hot for practicalities..... Anyways, practicalities are relative when you're the Dragonborn Cheeky bugger.....
  9. Bear Goldblade, good to hear from you again. Your new characters sound cool man! post a pic of them I'd like to see what you've done. This is my newest character, also a Nord, been playing her a while now though. Her name is Angel...
  10. I would suggest you were trying too much. in my opinion simple is best, and there is nothing wrong with running Skyrim through Steam. There are too many possibilities to start guessing at in order to correct whatever it is you have done to cause these issues. Just try and set everything back to the beginning. Start fresh. and dont mess with your options until you google what you want to change, that way you wont run into any troubles.
  11. No. But you could always try making your own quest to do so. but you will find that difficult as there are certain members of the guild that can not be killed.
  12. You don't, I created it with console commands. its actually the kids bedroom/alchemy lab, transformed into my treasury room.
  13. Hay is what horses eat. Hey, As for your question, if you kill someone crucial to a quest, that is, if the game lets you kill them, then the quest probably won't start because it can't. (many of these NPC's can't be killed, at least not until their quest has been completed).
  14. recently ive been on a forum, not this one, and while on that forum ive been picking up random radio feed/signals. it is a local radio station playing in. but not every time im signed in. the feeds last intermittently and if i change pages the feed will get cut off. but if i remain on the page where it starts the broadcast segment (for instance the news) will finish before cutting out on its own. Is anyone familiar with this problem? is this some sort of spam or maybe some other phenomenon? if you know what it is could you please tell me how to stop it as it is driving me insane! and as far as i know ive only got a little sanity left. And, as far as i know, it is only happening while im on that particular forum. i know, you will probably suggest that i ask the people on that forum about it, but somehow i don't think they will know.... i really dont
  15. There is something else that can cause the diplomatic quest and some other quests to be delayed: it may be the thugs who are sent to teach you a lesson. You know the ones, sent from random people you may have stolen from?? They may be on their way to you, in which case the quest may be postponed. its just a bug, so go back to a previous save point, right before you get on the carriage, and go do something else while waiting for the thugs to arrive. try waiting in a major town like Solitude, or some other major town. If they don't come within a day or two then make sure your timescale is set to default 20 long before activating the Diplomatic Immunity quest, Because resetting the timescale during the quest may not work either. I don't know what else to suggest. Unless you have a mod holding you back??? Have you downloaded any mods since the last time you did the Diplomatic immunity quest?
  16. if you have windows you can take a pic of your screen by pressing the "windows" key and the "prt sc" buttons at the same time. if its a mac then you will need to google it. To answer your question your game matrix seems very archaic and somewhat cartoonist, lacking the details of graphics that mine and most others ive seen have. i doubt if a mod is responsible for removing the doors from a tavern room or the details from a wall and floor. but you could always go into your Data Files and un-tick them 1 by 1 and see if you come across any culprits. Actually, in your situation - and only personally speaking - seeing the extreme nature of your issues, i would deactivate ALL the mods you have at once. See if that helps. And if it does then slowly start adding them back again, 1 by 1 until you come across the problem again. I am unable to guess at what mods you have. In the future try and avoid mods that affect actual game atmosphere settings or gameplay/strategy. Why chance breaking the game?
  17. Um... I'm not even sure what I'm looking at there, the graphics seem archaic, no offence. the details are missing, the grain in the timber of the walls is missing, and even the floor in your pic is different in your game than in mine. That just doesn't look right. Did you by any chance download a predated version???? You are on PC, right? In any case i don't think I'm qualified to help you any further with this.
  18. Are you telling me the door in the above picture doesn't exist in your game?? Seriously? Sounds like you have more than one bug, in your case it would seem you have a severe infestation of White Ants. You may want to call an exterminator. How long ago did you download the game?
  19. I've got a good complexion........
  20. I can't even recall who Senna is atm, had myself too many Sambuca's.... but you are obviously on PC. I take it you have a marriage or relationship mod active??? Get rid of it! Seriously. The only time i have marriage difficulty (in-game haha) is when i have a relationship/marriage mod active. Check and make sure. If not, i don't know what to suggest. Really, glitches aren't that common when you do everything by the book. have fun
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