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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. So apparently there are only 6 Stormcloak Uniforms to be got in Skyrim. Well, I shouldn't need more than that. I mean, should I, Mr Cheeky?! I know. i always do the UESP I mean I mean I mean.... Yeah, sure you do. David doesn't love me
  2. never mind, I'll just look it up on wiki. Jeez... I could have fought the war by now
  3. I'm now at the highest level of any of my previous DB characters, without console cheating. As most of you know a Dragonborn needs to constantly upgrade the enchantments on his or her items in order to keep on top of things, but I am having a problem finding another Stormcloak Officers gloves and gauntlets to enchant. I am on the stormcloaks side in the war, who wouldn't be, right? but i don't want to go through the who war just to be given a new Stormcloak Officers Uniform. i did find a Stormcloak officer earlier in the game somewhere east of Riften, which is where i got my current boots and gauntlets, but I'm having a hard time finding another one who is kill-able and ripe for the picking.... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated???? And, on a completely unrelated note, check out the size of this CRAB!
  4. Yeah, I figured out how to kick... they could have made that easier. And I'm pretty sure that the first person view is out of the question, which is a disappointment. I'm so use to playing first person view in Skyrim, i find it hard to do it any other way. I played for a couple of hours last night and found a major glitch that just about prevented me from going any further. In the end i had to shut down the game and restart it to fix the issue. However, the graphics are good but everything in the actual game-play seems to be a little disconnected somehow... and they've set up the controls so that the functions aren't constant - generally the jump button is used to jump and the grab button for grab, but the variations of each control differs with any given situation, meaning that the game needs to constantly tell you what to press and when. It feels like I'm being guided by the hand through every stage. And if i did turn the prompts off I'd spend most of my playtime trying to figure out how to perform the simplest maneuver. So that stinks a little. I prefer a control set up like Skyrim where you know what you have to do in any circumstance and each function is true to its own meaning. I used to play the original Tomb Raiders on PlayStation years ago when i was a youngster. The graphics were a little archaic but the controls were more precise and easier to use. I would like to be able to search a room, look through boxes and chests to see for myself if they are empty or not, without annoying highlights popping up to show me where to search. Like... really? That's also kinda crappy, where is the mystery and joy of the hunt in that? In the old one you could press on a wall to see if it moved, or open a box to see for yourself if it had anything in it. At least that's how i remember it. So yeah, I like the old Tomb Raiders better. Plus Lara Croft was much tougher back then; she fought properly, none of this biting and kneeing in the balls bullshit. She needs to learn how to be a real woman again. Anyway, that's enough rambling on for me. And I might get use to it if i play it enough, and I suppose it isn't that bad a game. I enjoyed it on the most part. By the way, seeing I'm on the topic of other games, and after reading what i wrote here, are there any other STEAM PC games you might be able to recommend me??
  5. Dave, you were right again. As you know a couple of weeks ago i was having some computer troubles so i set windows back to default factory settings. But about a month or two earlier i had uploaded a "Marriage" mod, but had never actually activated it, so i forgot that i even had it there - so then when i reset my computer the Data Files in Skyrim activated the mod automatically! So I deactivated it now, went through the whole marriage thing again and, at long last, my spouse has moved into my Lakeview manor home! It's all good! Thank you - thank you - thank you! Sweetie! If only you lived in Australia, I'd find out where you are exactly, jump in my little Mini, then drive down and fu... I mean... well... ROCK YOUR WORLD!
  6. Yeah, what Dave said, but they're good for extra cash
  7. O, THAT symbol! now i know what's going on. I would have never paid any attention. My Bad... again.
  8. Question smestion.... I know the real reason why you singled me out.... Davey Smavey has crush on Little Buttons Smooky Wooky That's sweet, makes me feel warm deep down inside....
  9. I have no marriage mods, the closest thing i have to anything like that is the "Sophia The fully Voiced Follower" mod, who you cant marry anyway, and all the other mods i have are the same as they were the last time i married this person, and they weren't a problem before. The only mod i had on after my recent computer difficulties was "Clucky the Fully Voiced Chicken Follower", who i had forgotten about until she actually turned up at my wedding.... which was really strange. Only i Skyrim will you witness a Hen turn up at your wedding. Anyway, I disabled Clucky and tried the marriage again, but it still didn't work. I will have a look though the mods again and see if any others may be responsible.
  10. ok so i started playing tomb raider and it doesn't seem to have a first person viewing option, and I cant seem to get through the very first stage because i have no weapons and some guy with a pickax keeps killing me as i crouch through a hole. I would fight him with my fist if i knew how, but nothing seems to work. how do i fight without weapons? how do i get away from the freak. I'm trippn out here!
  11. I got married and my spouse will not move to my Falkreath home. They will go to my Whiterun home, but will not go to Lakeview manor no matter what i try! I've married this person before with other characters but never had this problem. when i ask them to move to Lakeview they continue to sleep where they were before i married them. What could be the problem? Furthermore, I have more than two fully furnished homes in Skyrim. I have a house in the following cities: Markarth, Riften, Whiterun, Falkreath, and a cabin that doesnt matter. But the only options I'm given for moving in with my spouse is Whiterun and Falkreath. Something aint right.... Also, my adopted kid moves wherever i ask her to go, as long as there is a bedroom or her to sleep in. What's the problem with my friggen partner? They talk to me like they are married to me, they give me money from the shop like we are married, they do everything except move into my Falkreath manor! Please answer me.....
  12. Fergal hah? I don't believe we've met.... Greetings
  13. Really, you get Fergal's meaning but not mine? Well, sweetie, next time I'll be certain to add an extra exclamation mark or maybe one of Fergal's fancy winks to ensure I've portrayed my intended sardonic tone!!!! Anyway, the kids are fine, my love. Whiterun is a great place with lots of other children for them to play with.... Here, have a home cooked meal, though all i know how to cook is pie. Sorry about that. But the shop has made a cozy little profit... Here's your share, my love - $70'000,00! I just hope you get to read this, what with all the many posts you have to get through lately....
  14. I would post a pic for you but I haven't yet re-installed Google Chrome as my browser after some recent strife with my computer. (I can't post pics with Internet Explorer) Anyway, if you want a better look at the thieves guild symbol, go visit the blacksmith in Solstheim (Dragonborn). Can't remember the blacksmiths name there but he is actually Delvin Mallory's brother, and he has the guilds symbol next to the front door of his house. You could probably squat down and take a good look at it if you really wanted to. I'm pretty sure its posted somewhere else in the thieves guild location at Riften as well, I just cant remember if that is the same symbol as the one on the Guild Master Armor or not.... Try this site for all the Guilds symbols: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/shadowmarks
  15. Yeah, Mr. David at Admin, why doesn't this site have a free app??!!
  16. It's true that the Night Mother will repeat the same contracts here and there, some more than others, and more so if you have already done numerous contracts for the miserable old hag (Because there are only so many contracts for her to give out). If you have done a good number of contracts for her, she may have actually run out of new ones to give you, so you will probably find that she repeats herself a lot - But I haven't heard of the same contract being repeated three or four times in consecutive order like that. Have you checked that quest/Night-Mother-Contracts for known bugs on Wiki? That should say if what is happening to you is excessively abnormal or not.
  17. I understand Bear Goldblade, and usually I would just return it (besides, I prefer to finish the thieves guild quest line). But recently I paid a fine to the guards to avoid a mere 24 hours in jail, but they took all my stolen goods, that included over 90% of my lockpicks. (I was so happy to have had so many lock picks from pickpocketing, and then suddenly I barely had any at all!) I was very angry, so instead of pickpocketing everybody in Skyrim all over again I thought there might be an easier way. Hence the Skeleton Key issue.... Ah, the troubles of playing an honest game....
  18. mmm, damn... apparently the key doesn't do the same job if someone was to console it. But I also read I can put in a different command than usual to make it work as it's meant to. It's all a bit.... contradictory... and odd as well. I will need to have another read of that part. Hey Dave!
  19. Usually I will not bother keeping the skeleton key after obtaining it from Mercer, but usually I would console command as many lockpicks as I desire because I didn't see why I cant craft them at a forge. Doesn't seem right. However, with my new Dragonborn character I am sticking to the rules and only using console commands when I encounter a glitch that might rip me off or bugger up a quest. So, my question is This: If I keep the skeleton Key, can I still return the Thieves Guild the their former glory? Or does it only prevent me from finishing the main guild quest line? ...or are they one and the same?
  20. Hi, I'm back. I just spent the last few days in hell. My computer problems only got worse, then I was severed from any internat connection whatsoever when I tried to restore my windows to a previous date. So bad. Anyway, I could see how my problems were just going to last forever, leaving me with no other option but to reset my computer/windows to factory settings. So I spent all last night resetting my computer and I just got back on the net, so HELLO! Also, I saved all my Skyrim progress onto an external hard drive but haven't yet installed the game again because I don't know what the best procedure would be for setting it all up. 1. Do I install the game before the saves? and, once the game has been re-installed, where do I copy and past the saved files? Documents? if so, where in documents would I paste them? I obviously want to start playing again where I left off. 2. Can you recommend the best antivirus for my computer, and could you possibly please send the link so I don't get contaminated again? I'm not taking any more chances.... please don't say Norton. Is the free AVG ok?
  21. Thank you very much for your help
  22. this might sound a little strange.. but could you please provide me the proper link to the Google Chrome. I'm scared i will install the wrong version or something...., you know? the second last time i tried to install it was when all those popups started....
  23. aha.... when i say it fails to launch i mean i click on the chrome window (to google stuff) and nothing comes up. nothing happens, the little circle goes around for a second then stops, nothing else. and if i click on the window for this site, nothing happens either. it just.... fails to launch....
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