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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Gregor is really starting to annoy me. I spent a good day making his chambers all sexy and nice for him, but he won't sleep in the bed I gave him. He just looks at it suspiciously and stands there and yawns... and when I run into him, you know, to try and speed up his decision making, he just looks at me and say's; "I Am your sword AND your shield." But i don't care what you think you are! I just want you to sleep in your stupid bed!! It's a GOOD bed! It's the best bed money can buy!!! Why won't you sleep in your bed?? Please.. just sleep in your bed...
  2. That i assume would change with each character being played.... as you never play the game the same twice....
  3. im guessing your on xbox or ps. Why didn't you go back to a previous save and then not put it on the rack? Dave's right, its probably embedded beneath the floor surface or something. some things do that when they aren't placed correctly. this is the code for pc if you wanna know it: 94a2b To use the code, open the console and put in the command as you see in the pic below (bottom left of screen), and then press enter for the ghostblade to be added and show up as "Ghostblade Added" at the top left of the screen:
  4. I know right! i tried a hundred time to place that horse in its hole, but he never went in, not even backwards! which would have been funny at least. I guess i will just have to kill her..... By the way, who is that beautybb or whatever her name is that responded to my "incorrect enchantment affects" post? I don't think i trust her. too full on. I'm scared to open her URL. she's not from around here is she....? Good to see you back Dave! no... that stable horse mod doesn't look... stable
  5. Buttons

    Enchantment Perks

    From the album: A Buttons World

    Anything for a good enchantment....
  6. Buttons


    From the album: A Buttons World

    So... been waiting long?
  7. So I ah... I didn't really want a steward for my Falkreath house, because I only built the entrance way so I could make it my Getaway Cabin Retreat. So anyway, I tried console coding a horse for my stable, but the silly boy wouldn't walk into the stable where he belonged, plus he didn't receive a name as my character's horse either. So in the end I decided to get a Steward and had her buy me my horse... after which I killed her while she stirred my stew! But now I regret it, thinking there might have been an easier way. Is there an easier, better or possibly a friendlier way of doing this??
  8. The code i wanted wasn't there... I will continue my search
  9. Here are my new weapons, without the unwanted fire!
  10. No mods for creating my characters, I just spend over an hour getting them right. Mathematically there are almost countless variations. A quick tip: Choose your race, then chose your sex, then choose your presence, and then choose the eyes you want - which is the most important thing - doesn't matter if the eyes are too high or too low on the face, that can be adjusted. After you choose your eyes get rid of the hair so you can see your face better, then set every other feature to the middle setting. from there just adjust what you want adjusted. Add your hair last. keep in mind that girls usually look better/cuter with smaller chins, and guys are the opposite. As for naming your weapons: you can only really do that while enchanting them, unless you've got a mod like Jaxonze Namer, which never uploaded right for me so i cant use it. Anyway, when you enchant your weapons just choose your enchantment as usual, then choose the soul gem you want, but before you click your sheath button to commence enchanting, hit your jump button instead and the little flashing typing marker (cursor) will come up allowing you to name the item. After you name it, hit enter and complete the enchantment. Have fun Gav
  11. Mmm, I knew about the health thing, Anyway, all the people telling me i'm playing with fire was getting annoying.... so I just decided to take all "Absorb health" and "stamina damage" enchantments off my weapons - I'm still using the mod though (never gave me problems before) and everyone has now shut up about the friggen fire!
  12. Now you're just showing off, although i think i already have all the Throne codes listed in my "How Yo Furnish Your Home With Console Codes" Guide, but i haven't finished that Guide yet so maybe not... But I'll definitely get back to you on whether any of these other codes are codes I don't have and/or the code I'm looking for. Thanks again David. I knew you had it in you...
  13. I have placed Shock and Frost damage on my weapon (bow) and when i pass by people with my weapon drawn they tell me, "be careful with that fire!" BUT I DON'T HAVE FIRE! I tried making another weapon to enchant and the same thing is happening. I don't want fire, i don't like fire, why is this happening??? UPDATE: I've been going through the different enchantment combinations, and i now know that the problem lies with the Stamina enchantment. I didn't say anything about having a five enchantment mod on one item before because i didn't think the stamina was the issue, but i now know that when i combine Frost Damage, Shock damage, Magicka Damage and Stamina together I will get a Fire enchantment. But there is no fire damage listen on the weapons enchanting list. I've used this mod before and I'm pretty damn certain it hasn't caused this problem before. Here is a photo of the enchanted weapon in question, as you can see, no fire... how do i fix this issue? Somebody please help Dirty Duff Darby, she doesn't deserve this confusion!!!! Meet Dirty Duff Darby.... Sure she smells, but she's cute as a button!
  14. Anyone know the code to this item? or at least its correct identity so i could search for the code myself? It is quite a common item, found in all the taverns and many other cells. I've already tried the help command using the names "tavern bench" "tavern bar" and just "bar" but it ain't there.... Any ideas?
  15. Ask your woman to part ways with you, and you'll be lucky if she leaves you with the clothes on your back! My ex is still looking for his Mellencamp t-shirt. ...say goodbye to your precious little home, Brandon.
  16. I was a little annoyed that I couldn't find codes for many furniture items. I scaled the web, searched wiki, and visited grim looking sites of all sorts on my hunt for them, but I just couldn't find them anywhere! So i decided to spend the last couple of days playing with and experimenting with different number sequences in my console - and I am now happy to say that I have discovered four new codes that i don't believe anyone else has. And if anyone else has found them then they obviously didn't have the decency to share them with the rest of the world! If they had then chances are I would have found out about it and wouldn't have wasted two days trying to find the winning numbers... Anyway, I'm so excited about it that i decided to make a new post just to declare it! So here they are, compliments of Buttons: Round Noble table (no benches, no chairs): c29de Rectangular Noble Table (no benches, no chairs): c29df Small noble shelf with irregular compartments: c29dd small divider, (good for desk and table tops): c29d8 In light of this information I will now have to revise and change my "How To Furnish Your Home With Console Codes" guide that I've been working on... I will let you all know if i find some more....
  17. Buttons


    You can use your sheath button to drop items, that is if you don't want to go into a store and sell them off. Go into your inventory then select an item and hit the sheath. Selling them would be better for you though. I'm guessing it wouldn't take long to find out what a Jarl is if you follow your quest markers... Here's one, the guy with a little white marker on his head. He should usually be the first Jarl you meet in the game: The Jarl of Whiterun.
  18. Buttons


    Hey Gav, how you doin?? I'm Buttons! Have you even made it to Whiterun yet? That's generally what people do after escaping Helgen. But then again you don't have to. If you keep getting killed then you probably killed someone you weren't meant to. So if you like killing folk, just try and make sure there aren't any witnesses. Otherwise yes, just follow Davids lead - Doing the quests is the best way to help a new player of the game. and if you aren't sure which direction to go just follow the white markers at the top of the screen where you have the N S E and W. Those markers will only show up when you have a quest activated. Have fun!
  19. (Please Note, before I begin, that this is a work in progress and may take a while to complete... Completion of this Guide will be marked by the removal of this note.) As specified in the title, this guide should only apply to PC players. No Mods are necessary to follow this Guide. And, most importantly, nothing in this Guide will damage your game in any way. So let's begin.... If you're like me, you will occasionally enjoy taking a break from the usual Skyrim Game-play to spruce up the old Skyrim Home. Personally, I like each of my houses to be decorated to suit the particular Dragonborn I'm playing, and much of the time each Dragonborn will have a few different houses, each one catering to a different aspect of his/her life. e.g: One house for the Family, one house to store the stolen/treasured goods, one house to serve as a personal museum or grand armory, one house to suit the secret life of a contract killer, and sometimes I even build myself a small cabin/shack so I can get away from it all now and then. Here are some examples of what you should be able to do after reading this guide: Lakeview Manor Entrance Breeze House Garden Below is a different look on what was meant to be the Lakeview Manors East room kitchen This is the opposing angle of the same room A table in the Cabin Of Riches Here is a list of Command Codes you will be needing to complete any work referred to in this Guide: # player.additem <code> <amount> # player.placeatme <code> # tcl # setscale <preferred size> # save <name of save (must be one word)> # markfordelete # disable # help <name> 0 # lock <lock strength> # unlock Regardless of which house you choose to move into, you will always have the option to have the place furnished with the original furniture provided by the game. So, if you do want to have a few pieces of the original/default furniture, go ahead and do that. Also please note that the furniture provided in the Skyrim Elder Scrolls Edition can be deleted without fear of the item re-spawning later on, however any furniture provided in the building of your house through the Hearthfire Edition may re-spawn after 10-30 days. So take care with your picking and choosing. To prevent re-spawning of Hearthfire furniture, go into console by pressing the ~ key near the top left hand side of your keyboard, then follow these instructions: * click on the item you want removed (make sure the ID code that comes up is in fact the ID code for that specific item. To be certain that the code is the correct code, try clicking on a few items surrounding it to see the code changes accordingly.) * Type: disable * press the enter key * Type: markfordelete * press the enter key * exit console by pressing the ~ key again. (Be sure not to exit the Console before putting in both of these commands) * now save and reload. If for some reason the item you deleted does not actually disappear, even after "saving and reloading", then exit and re-enter the cell (House). Note that exiting any of the Hearthfire homes will automatically reset the game, but exiting any of the other houses from the Elder Scrolls Edition does not guarantee the same. The game only resets on exiting a cell when a picture comes up on the black screen, as depicted in following image: And so, once you have chosen and placed your default furniture in your home, its time to start adding your own improvements to the place! FUN! PLACING YOUR OWN ITEMS First stand in the position you want the furniture/item to be placed, then make sure you are standing straight and facing in the right direction by lining up your sight with vertical and horizontal lines of the house (be careful with this because not all the support beams of a house are perfectly vertical or horizontal, and so try to use door and window frames where possible). Now, once you are happy with your position, Save that point, then enter console to type in the following commands: * player.placeatme <Item code> * press enter * exit console Once you exit the console you should rise up in the air as the item spawning at your feet lifts you off the floor. And presto, you have your new piece of furniture! However, if the item is off center, too far to one side or facing in the wrong direction, you only need return to your save point and adjust your position accordingly, then of course repeat the commands to re-spawn it. To re-enter a command in console, you do not need to type in the whole player.placeatme command again, just use your up/down arrow keys to find your previous command, and then just hit the enter key again. Easy. Here are some possible problems that may occur while spawning items, and the solution to fix them: 1. Getting Stuck: when you spawn a piece of furniture you may find yourself stuck between the wall and the furniture, or in a corner somehow, unable to break free! In this instance, and in the words of my favorite author, Douglas Adam's; Don't Panic! simply re-enter your console, and type in the command tcl, then hit the enter key. If you would prefer to avoid the possibility of getting stuck altogether, simply put in the tcl command and hit enter before typing in the player.placeatme command. 2. Height Level Corrections: When you spawn a piece of furniture and find that it is half submerged in the floor or hovering a considerable distance above the floor, you will need to go back to your save point, change to tcl (collision off) mode, look straight down at the floor, and then adjust your height accordingly using the forward and back controls. I admit this adjustment can be tedious and time consuming, even frustrating - but in most cases, as long as your feet are planted squarely on the ground when you are spawning an item, you will be OK. Fortunately, only a few items will spawn too high or too low, most of which are miscellaneous items like precious stones, some ingots, trophy bases and things like that. 2.5. Placing/mounting a head on a wall: This will require a high amount of height level adjustment, but you will also find that in order to place the trophy head in the right position your sight will be beyond the boundaries of the house wall, outside of the cell, looking into what I call "The Void", where all you can see is a grey-blue landscape and an dreary version of the sky - but you will also see a horizon, which will be what you need to use to make sure you are standing straight. So just look directly at the horizon and you will no doubt be standing upright, then use your North, South, East and West at the top of the screen to adjust the direction your facing. 3. Spawning the Miscellaneous: When Spawning a Misc (miscellaneous) item suck as a precious gem like a diamond or a gold ingot, even an Ornate Drinking horn, the item may fly across the room after exiting your console. Once again this problem is corrected by having your tcl set for collision off while spawning. 4. Items Don't Stay Put! THIS PARTICULAR PROBLEM SEEMS TO BE DOMINANT FOR MANY PLAYERS WHO DECORATE THEIR OWN PLACE: but alas, this problem is due to a common mistake and is easily overcome. Many people, when placing a miscellaneous item on a table or shelf, will simply drop the item out of their inventory and then take a while balancing it where they want it - But then the next time they enter the house the same item is on the floor. And so they have to pick up the item, balance it in place all over again, exit and re-enter the cell - and then of course repeat this exercise numerous times before the item finally stays in place. WHAT A HORRIBLE WASTE OF TIME! The EASY way to prevent all this work is to simply use the player.placeatme command (as mentioned above) to set the item at their feet in the first place (collision off). Do this and the item will stay put without any further ado. I Shit You Not. Of course, the only problem with this strategy is that you will be spawning a duplicate of the same item, meaning that you will end up with one on display and another in your inventory. But who cares? Just stash the inventory item away in a chest somewhere or something. It doesn't hurt to have two, and it's not like you didn't earn the item in the first place anyway, right? HOW TO PLACE AN ITEM ON A TABLE OR SHELF For placing on a Table with no overhead obstacles to stop you, simply jump up on the table, position yourself as you would while placing any item, save the point as always then, once you have opened console, be certain that you take the Collision Off with the tcl command before entering your player.placeatme command. For placing on a Shelf, things are a little more difficult and time consuming. In this case you will need to take your collision off before doing anything else. Then you will need to look down at your feet and use your "backwards" control to rise off the floor to a height level you will need to guess at. Then you will need to use your "left and right" controls to position yourself over the shelf. Once you "guess" you have found the appropriate position, commence your player.placeatme command routine as usual. Don't be upset if the item ends up being way to high or low on your first attempt. VERY RARELY will I manage to place an item perfectly on a shelf with my first attempt, and it can become a very lengthily and tiresome exercise. So just be sure you save before each spawn so that you always have an easier point to work from. I always say, "if you're placing items on shelves, then be sure you have nothing better to do with your time..." STOP ITEMS FROM JUMPING OUT OF DISPLAY CASES Many players are annoyed due to items jumping out of display cases whenever a follower like Vigilance walks by, or if the item is a too big for comfort. In order to prevent this from happening just close the display case, go into console, click on the display case, then enter the following code: * lock <lock strength> * press enter * exit console the <lock strength> can be any number from 1 to 100, 1 being a novice lock, 100 being a master. if you lock the case with a number over 100 it will require a key to open. Of course, to get back into the case, and if you don't want to stand there trying to pick the lock, just re-enter your console, click on the display case, and type in "Unlock" then, of course, hit the Enter key. NOTE: The Lock and Unlock codes can be used on any door or container in your house or even outside of your house, including urns and coffins. See pic below: RE-SIZING ITEMS To make an item, any item bigger or smaller, simply enter console, click on the item or NPC in question, and type in the command: setscale <scale>. Then hit the enter key and exit console. The <scale> can be any number from .01 to 10 (10 being the largest, .01 being the smallest, and 1 being default size). You can, if you are fussy like me, put in half points of scale size like "setscale .25" or "setscale 1.75". It works. See the pick below for a look at the tiny Giant ornament I made for one of my trophy houses, or take a look at the miniature soldier I cursed to patrol outside of Solitude: Don't worry, setscale commands won't break your game, it's fine, and kinda funny too - Especially when the tiny guard looks up at you and says, "Need something?" Problems that may occur when re-sizing your furniture or other items: Generally, when setting the scale of default furniture, the size will automatically change, "visually". When re-sizing your own spawned furniture you may need to "save and reload" to see the change. But this depends mostly on whether it's actually "furniture" or a "miscellaneous" item. Misc items rarely change without the save and reload. However, in any of these cases, when you first change the size of an object it will only change the visual status, while the actual tangible size of the item remains. For example, if you spawn a chest, then reduce it to half the size, it may look smaller but you will still be able to walk into it as if it were the original size. The ONLY way to fix this is to Exit the cell, allowing the game to reset itself, as I mentioned earlier in the Guide, and then upon re-entering the cell the item in question will be both visually AND tangibly changed. Cool. (Of course, you could always save the game, exit, then start the game back up again. That would also work...). In any case just remember, saving and reloading only ensures the visual size of an item to change. LIGHTING AND LIGHT ADDING LIGHT: Now this is an area that causes some people some strife, because once you have added light to a room you can't delete it with markfordelete commands. The only way to get rid of it is to return to the save you made before entering the command/code. So be absolutely certain you save before each try. And once you have the glow and brightness you desire, you had better be 100% certain it is what you want. What you don't want is to return to your home a few in-game days down the track to find that your lighting is all wrong. Oh! the shock-horror of it all.... Here is a good example of when lighting turns out well (the dark corner of the Lakeview Manor Basement): perfection lighting Tips: * Light sources: Adding light sources such as Chandeliers, Candles, Lanterns and Sconces is done in the same way as placing any other furniture or wall mounts, and usually they will not add actual light to the room. The lighting/glow is done separately. * Actual Light Glow: each light glow code has its own amount of brightness and color hue. some are dull and orange, other blueish like a Falmer's cave, and some are very bright and white etc.... The trick is to go through them all one by one and carefully select the light that suits the individual light source or desired atmosphere. Obviously a single candle, for example, will not cast the same light as something like a ceiling chandelier. So just be careful, and I stress, be certain to save before each attempt. After all, More often than not there will be enough light filling a room without adding more. And keep in mind also that having no extra lighting looks better than having the wrong lighting A BETTER WAY TO SAVE Quite often, if you are really uncertain about a save point and think you may want to return to that save point in order to adjust some issues, save that point by entering console and typing the following commands: * save <name of the save point> * hit the enter key * exit console * Be sure that the name of the save point is one words, even if it consists of two or more words - here is a simple example: save LIGHTINGISSUES This will make your save point easier to find if you want to load it later. HOW TO FIND CODES FOR ITEMS YOU WANT TO SPAWN I've heard around the mulberry bush that going into console and clicking on an item will bring up the items code, and it will, but not the code you need to spawn it! Generally, at least with furniture items, you will need a different item code to spawn it. So here is how you can get most of the available item codes: * Enter Console * Type in: help <name of item> 0 * Hit enter The <name> of the item is self explanatory, just put in the key word of the item you are seeking, but be sure that if the key word actually consists of two words or more like "ebony boots", that you put the phrase marks in before and after the name. Here are some examples: help chest 0 help "ebony boots" 0 help Vigilance 0 Codes are not case sensitive. * When the list comes up, read through and use your page up/page down keys to scroll the lists that are too long to fit on the screen. (keep in mind that you have two sets of scroll up and scroll down keys on your keyboard, and only one of those sets work. Thanks Dave) * In order to discern the correct code from the wrong code, Furniture codes will actually have the word "Furn" in front of it, Miscellaneous codes will have the word "Misc" in front of it, and "NPC" will be in front of NPC's etc etc.... * In some cases many NPC, Furniture or Miscellaneous codes will come up for the same "help" request, and it will just be up to the player to go through and spawn them all to find out which table is which, or which chest is which, etc. It's all part of the fun. Here is a list of some of my favorite "hard and not so hard to acquire" item codes to get you started Beds fedc2 (single) fedbf fedc4 fedc1 6b36b 6bed3 (double) d8e99 f50fa 36ed3 (bed roll) 6d2d3 (cot) Chairs 3b46f (Standard chair) 2ec1c (common) 6d911 (old) 1edf7 (dwemer) 6b691 (noble with arms) c2a01 (noble flat back) c674d (noble curved back) Benches c2a00 (large noble with arms) c2a03 (small noble with arms) c2a02 (noble) c2a01 (noble) 6b57b c84a4 2fcbb (padded stone) 2e6cf a4ad6 (farm) 77078 (standard with arms) Thrones b244b (Whiterun) 107352 (Falkreath) b244b (Markarth, Mournful Throne) 7fbc2 (Solitude) 107354 (Morthal) 3039e40 (Dawnstar) 107351 (Hjaalmarch, bloodlet) 107353 (Winterhold) 10f636 (Windhelm) 107355 (Riften) 302b086 (Solstien) 267d3 (Draugr Shadow Throne) 5e511 Shore's Throne) 985c2 (Ship Katariah) Tables noble c07f2 c07f3 c84d6 c84d9 c29de (round Noble table) c29df (rectangular noble table) Shelves c29db (noble large) c29dc (noble medium) c29f5 (noble small) c29da (corner shelf) 1edda (dwemer shelf, yellow) 1edd9 '' '' 1edd8 '' '' 1edd7 '' '' 1edd6 '' '' 1edd5 '' '' c29dd (small shelf witb irregular compartments) Chests 400080e (old timber) 4008370 or e3ea1 (standard noble) 6b30e (long noble) 302aac1 (noble, fancy trim) f8476 (large arched) 99d87 (large arched, weathered) 200739b (wayshrine chest) 1e001ea0 (snow covered) 6a0db (dwemer convector with blue top) 2069a (dwarven arched) 20659 (chaurus box) 2065b (chaurus box blue) 20652 or b1176 (stone chest) ce739 (offering box) Urns 1cd65 (regular brown) ad06d (regular brown wit knob) 8617f (chubby blue with handles) e4258 (chubby silver) f93dd (large yellow with legs) 1c4ac (large yellow) 4fdae Other Containers 800e0 (Safe) b7879 (Knapsack) af6ac (satchet) ea722 (strong box) 8771d (barrel regular) 60752 (Sovengarde Barrel) Ornaments and valuable display peices (the following 905 codes are FLOOR codes, meaning that they will be fixed in place like furniture) 905d1 (ornate drinking horn) 905d3 (jeweled flagon) 905df (pitcher) 905dd (jeweled goblet) 905d5 (golden urn) 905e3 (jeweled candlestick holder) 905e0 (jeweled ship) (the following are standard MISC codes) da74d (crown of barenziah) 2d513 (elder scroll dragon) 400f39b (mead barrel with interactive tap) 44e67 (jeweled flagon) 19958 (golden bee) 19954 (bust of greyfox) 1994f (left eye of falmer) 19952 (honey decanter) 44e6c (jeweled goblet) 44e6a (jeweled candle holder) 44e63 (golden urn) 44e6e (golden pitcher) 44e8b (golden ship) 6f266 (timber ship model) 5598c (dwemer cube) 60cc2 (shipping map) 5a281 (chain) 200d7f1 (statue of Boethia) 8f997 (dibella statue) 83040 (pillar of sacrifice) aa8ce and f13ae (puzzle pillar) 103445 (carriage) 400f3ad (standard mead keg) General MISC and mix n match c334f (giants club) 2996f (hag ravens head) 200a258 (way shrine basin) 9e01f (potema's skull) 319e4 (troll skull) 40020dcf (red carved skull) 20191cb (arvak's skull) 204d96 (bloodbowl) 200d7f1 (statue) 6aeed (stone goblet blood) e3146 (werewolf totem) 3171c (word wall) 100754 (broken wordwall) df202 (dragon stone) be25e (headmans axe) 21ea3 (statue of dibella with grey robe) 7f8df (crown or barenziah with display head) a9a85 (mannequin) c29d8 (small divider) Trophy Bases 400a31a (small) 400a31e (large) Trophies 400a33f (Dragon skull) 400a35a (snow bear) 400a31f (bear) 400a325 (Sabre) 400a324 (hagraven) 400a327 (skeleton) 400a32b (troll) 400a32a (snow troll) 400a345 (skeever) 400a342 (wolf) 400a343 (snow wolf) 400a344 (crab) 400a33a (deer) 400a326 (horker) 400a346 (slaughterfish) 10c61d (frost dragon) 10c61c (swamp dragon) 10bfb6 (night mothers coffin) 10a161 (dragon priest) 108d67 (giant) 10951d (steam centurion) Gems 6851e (flawless amethyst) 6851f (flawless diamond) 68520 (flawless emerald) 68521 (flawless garnet) 68522 (flawless ruby) 68523 (flawless sapphire) Planters (pots for plants) 74edd (Temple planter) 70d88 (round planter) c8cfc (planter) pending... (large planter) Plants (fern) (blue Mt flower, pot size) (red Mt flower, pot size) (purple My flower, pot size) (blue Mt flower) (red mt flower) (purple mt flower) (lavender) (deathbell) (dragontongue) (Cotton) (jazbay) (hanging moss) (leek) (juniper) (wheat) (gourd) (snowberry) (potato) (crimson ninroot) (cabbage) (nightshade) (blisterwort) (canis root) (carrot) (thistle) (spiky grass) (imp stool) (bleding crown) (aman) (giant litchen) (whitecap) (scaly pholiota) (jarrin root) (namiras rot) (nordic barnicle) (poison bloom) (scathecraw) (creep cluster) (trama root) (reach fern) (sword fern) Trees pending Dead trees pending Work Stations bf9e1 (Forge) d932f (armor workbench) 6e9c2 (grindstone) 727a1 (leather rack) 7022e (woodchop block) 9c6ce (smelter) bad0d (enchanters table) d5501 (enchanters topper) bad0c (alchemy table) d54ff (alchemy topper) 3017736 (staff enchanter) 9c6df (grain mill) 4012a54 (apiary) 40008ca (fish hatchery) 400283f (oven) 400bc0 (butter churn) Rugs b7e3e (long green) 95498 (round green) Wall Decorations 34d23 (snowberry wreath) b2456 (dragons head mount) d928f (sabre cat) d928d d9281 (bear) d9282 dd9e0 (male elk) cf264 (snow elk) 4005a4a (antlers) d927d (horker) 3858f (slaughter fish) 4005a50 (wolf) 4005a52 (mudcrab) Light Fixtures 2d847 (lantern) 1f248 (wall sconce) 1f24a (standard sconce) b9fad (tall white candle) 1f249 (large floor sconce set) b9be0 (2 candles on a plate) c4bc4 and cb4c2 (wall candle) 7ea42 (2 wall candles) 5d6ea (3 wall candles) 2d847 (chandelier with long hang chain) 5ad5b (standard sconce chandelier) c4bc2 (large candle chandelier) Light 8ad60 75c32 57a6b 6ff42 59a93 (large spread of light) 92500 ba41f ba420 cb92c 10e15b e259c 3611f NPC's a91a0 (chicken) 4359c (goat) 23a90 (cow) 9a744 (fox) ff000943 (draugr, harmless) ff00113a (hovering chaurus) a19fe (Lis, the Dark Brotherhood spider) 3027482 (house pet spider) 5cf36 (metal house pet spider) 302749a (spider follower) 3027495 (spider follower) 30274a0 (spider follower) If anyone has any really cool codes to add to this list, such as fire for a fireplace, please feel free to let us all know! Please, feel free to brows a number of other pictures below, documenting just what can be done when furnishing with console codes: This is the East side wall to the room North to the main hall in Lakeview Manor for one of my Dragonornes name, "The Bitch" As you can see, she is also an Alcoholic. (This is one of the most time consuming displays I have ever undertaken.) This is another angle of the previous room k This is one corner of a cabin designed to store all the valuables for "The Bitch" Dragonborn, Her idea of a cabin in the wood overlooking Solitude This is an Eastern corner of the Basement to Lakeview Manor designed for my most recent Draginborn. Besides the indoor furnishings, this Dragonborn has used no console cheats in-game. A tasty platter of food fit for yet another Dragonborn in the chilly hills North of Whiterun Another Dragonborn named "The Beast", the most powerful of all my Dragonborns, also a Werewolf, with a unique enchantment prowess I have been unable to surpass with any of my other characters. This is one angle of his front yard, across the water from Solitude.... Another angle of The Beast's front yard.... The entrance to The Beast's front yard.... This is, as you may have noticed, the front entrance to the Hearthfire house North of Solitude, belonging to one of my old time favorite characters, Buttons. Here is The Bitch Showing off a small portion of her riches... Another area in The Bitches Treasury room A nice table setting One angle of a cabin in the woods; My cabins are just the front entrance way to the Lakeview home Another cabin Below is the opposing angle of the cabin above An image of the East yard to the Lakeview Manor for my most recent Dragonborn
  20. Level 50. (medium range) I love the Enchantment. I was actually wanting to go to bed at the time but decided to try to find a pair before crashing, so I persisted vigorously and went to bed late. I'm glad i did, it was worth a lost hour of shuteye. Oh, and thank you for the statistics, next time I will search for them sooner.
  21. The stone featured in the image below is nothing new to the eyes of a regular Skyrim Gamer. But what may be new to many players is obtaining all twenty four of them very early in the game.... ...It may seem like a long and drawn out process, potentially deadly at early stages of the game, but I'm absolutely certain the effort is more than worth the time and risk! Because, as you may or may not know, obtaining all 24 Stones, as well as the Crown, grants you the Perk, Prowlers Profit. Prowlers Profit is potentially the most valuable Perk in the entire game. By obtaining it, the amount of precious gems found in urns, chests and on the bodies of Draugre is multiplied by 100%. Let's face it, who doesnt like finding a good Diamond or Emerald? And, because these preciuos stones weigh next to nothing (.01) you can fill your inventory up with hundreds of the little jewels without exceeding your carry capacity, allowing you to fast travel all around Skyrim and sell them off at any general goods store. In effect, you will be able to purchase any house or property in Skyrim in no time at all! Just so long as you raid a few tombs first. (And Don't forget, after obtaining the 24 Stones you will have successfully set up a nice spread of locations on your map for any future fast travelling.) At what point is the Dragonborn allowed to obtain all the stones of Barenziah? At any point after his/her escape from Helgen, without even receiving the "No Stone Unturned" Quest from Vex in the Thieves Guild. However I do advise that you wait until you kill your first dragon, as you will need the Dragon Soul, plus two more Dragon Souls, in order to activate a very important shout, which i will advise you about a few paragraphs down from here. There are actually 3 to 4 stones that are only accessible via a Quest: The one in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, the one in the Arch Mages Quarters in the Winterhold College, the one in the Dwemer Museum in Understone Keep in Markarth, and possibly the one in Proudspire Manor in Solitude (depending on what you play with PS and Xbox or PC). The one in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary can be obtained by either joining the Dark brotherhood or choosing to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood. The one in the College of Winterhold can be obtained by following the first couple of stages to the College of Winterhold Questline. The one in the Dwemer Museum can be obtained after killing a giant spider for an old guy in the Keep. The one in the Proudsmire Manor can be obtained by pick pocketing the Fletcher key from Fihada the Fletcher in Solitude or, if you are on PC, you can unlock the Manor door using console codes. (However, if these fail, you will need to clear out Wolfskull cave for Firebeard at the Blue Palace in order to receive permission to purchase the Manor. Unfortunately, if you need to resort to buying the house because you play an updated version on Play Station or Xbox, then all I have to say is that it is worth the trouble just to get your hands on the Stone inside - In which case I suggest you do a number of jobs for the Dark Brotherhood for some quick money. And hey, like the old expression goes, you've got to spend money to make money....) Once you have all your stones, you will also need to become part of the Thieve's Guild and talk to Vex about your impressive find in order to complete the No Stone Unturned quest, which is when, and only when, you will need to obtain the Crown of Barenziah. And again, I should repeat, the Crown is the only Barenziah item that is not accessible until Vex requests it of you. (I've tried to get it earlier, many times, can't be done.) Yes, like undergoing any task in Skyrim, finding all the stones so early in the game (being that you haven't had a chance to built up your health yet) may be hazardous, and so I offer a suggestion to keep you alive in the more dangerous caves and ruins. It's a shout, and my own personal favorite... Ice Form! Learn the three words of Ice Form. This is why I mentioned the three Dragon Souls earlier. The first word of Ice form is 'fortunately' found in saarthal, which is just one step away from being able to take the Stone of Barenziah from the Arch Mages Quarters in the college of Winterhold. So it works out well, which is why I now suggest that the stone in the Arch Mages Quarters is one of the first you obtain. The other two words of Ice Form are found on Mount Anthor and inside Frostmere Crypt, both shown in the maps below.... SW of Dawnstar, SW of Winterhold: Now, if you are wondering why Ice form is so important to your safety early in the game, it's because it has the ability to incapacitate several enemies at once, especially the enemies you know you have little to no chance of defeating. These enemies may take up to a minute or so to thaw out, depending on how powerful they are, allowing you plenty of time to do one of four thing: 1. fight the enemies that weren't frozen. 2. lick your wounds and heal yourself with magic or potions. 3. Kick them while they're down! 4. Run your ass out of there as fast as you can! Below you can see that the Ice Form shout can freeze a bear or even a Giant if need be... Some people even enjoy freezing their housecarl: And so, in conclusion, once you have found the Crown of Barenziah, return to Vex and receive your Prowlers Profit, and whole the world of Skyrim as your oyster.... Oh, by the way, below is a list of locations for the Stones of Barenziah: 1. Dragonsreach, Whiterun 2. Hall of the Dead, Whiterun 3. Jorrvaskr's Quartes, Whiterun 4. Blue Palace, Solitude 5. Proudspire Manor, Solitude 6. Mistveil Keep, Riften 7. Palace of the Kings, Windhelm 8. House Of Clan Shattershield, Windhelm 9. Treasury House, Markarth 10. Understone Keep at the Dwemer Museum, Markarth 11. College of Winterhold, Arch Mages Quarters 12. Dead Crone rock 13. Black Briar Lodge 14. Ansilvund 15. Stony Creek Cave 16. Rannveig's Fast 17. Fellglow keep 18. The Dainty Sload (a ship docked near Solitude) 19. Sunderstone Gorge 20. Yngvild 21. Hobs Fall Cave 22. Reeking Cave ( you do not have to do the Diplomatic Immunity quest to find the cave, although it will not show up on your map) 23. Pinewatch Sanctuary 24. Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary And, last but not least, the Crown you will be able to find at Tolvald's Cave. This has been another installment brought to you by the Wonderful Bottons The Great! Yet to come in the series of installments by Buttons The Great: # How to furnish your home with Console Codes # Playing Skyrim, General Tips and Suggestions # A "This Is" Catalog of Skyrim Items and NPC'S # How to be a real asshole Dragonborn that even your kids will hate # How not to have a life outside of Skyrim
  22. Even though my Sneak level is at a high 100, I thought it would be nice to creep up on people even by walking normally. Therefore I recently decided that one of the enchantments on all my boots from now on must be the Wearer Is Muffle And Moves Quietly. My only problem was finding boots Of Muffling that i could actually destroy to learn the enchantment (muffled boots from organisations like The Dark Brotherhood cannot be disenchanted.) So, after hearing a rumor, I put the "Kill The Shopkeeper and Reload" theory to the test, and for the most part it worked! This self-appointed Quest began in the Solitude at Radiant Raiment (because they have the highest quantity of enchanted wears). There, I spoke to the very rude lady that runs the place, saved the game, then asked her what she had for sale. Not finding the item I wanted in her selection, I killed her. I then reloaded and repeated the process, each time getting a new list of items to choose from (with the exception of a few items that seemed to remain constant). In any case, after a good thirty minuted of repeatedly killing the rude bitch and then reloading the game, she still wouldn't offer Boots of Muffling, so I left Radiant Raiment and ventured a few meters up the street to Bits and Pieces... ...At Bits and Pieces I proceeded to undergo the same strategy with the lovely shopkeeper there whom, I might add, had a strange fixation with a recent beheading that took place in the town. Unfortunately, after putting her out of her misery twenty odd times, I figured she too was a lost cause.... ...and so I left her there and traveled South to Whiterun. In Whiterun I commenced my repetitive killing of a sleazy man in the General Goods store, although I couldn't allow my time with him to last any longer than five minutes... ....which was when I strolled on down to the Blacksmiths Forge at Warmaidens near the entrance of town and once again proceeded to kill Adrianne, the lady-smith, multiple times, before giving up and actually taking her advice: "Don't forget to check inside if you need anything...." And so, with my patient wearing thin, I went inside Warmiadens and spoke to the large fellow there named "Ulf-Berth War-Bear" who, to my very special delight, had a brand new pair of "Dwarven Boots Of Muffling" just waiting for me!!! I was very excited and he was only charging an incredibly low 400-500 gold coin!!!! .......And, wouldn't you know it, I didn't even have to kill him.... Thank you, Kind sir.... During my 50-60 minute experiment, I did manage to find one other piece of attire that had been eluding me thus far in the game; A Necklace Of Disease Resistance, that i actually managed to squeeze out of the Bitch at Radiant Raiment just before walking out her door. Please Note, in case I haven't made it clear already, this procedure is long and tiresome, and hasn't actually got a 100% chance of success. But thank you for your time. This Installment has been brought to you by Buttons The Great....
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