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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. What do you think this is, Christmas or something? Are you ignoring me, pissed at me for some unknown reason, or do you just not have any answers for poor buttons? Buttons is sad. Nobody else talks to Buttons. Does anybody like Buttons? Is Buttons annoying? Button's remembers more people on this site when Buttons first became a member. Are they all avoiding Buttons? Does Buttons need to see a shrink ...maybe? Maybe Buttons should find a friend and get a life. Poor Buttons.....
  2. Well... he does sound cool. Can you post a pic of him? If you do i will post a pic of my newest character, "The Bitch", that's her name, I think she's very hot. Like Ysmar The Bitch meddles solely in Frost, though she only carries Dragonbone Mace's and Bow. Of course, like you noticed, the Ebony weapons do suit frost magicka more because of the blueish hue. Don't forget to get your Ice Form shout, its the best shout ever, in my opinion. As for your dilemma, I'm not sure is a frosty character really suits the Vampire theme or not. Vampires usually dress in red, which suits fire magicka more, maybe? But each to their own. I've played several characters and all of them prefer ice over fire, but none of them have become a Vampire Lord, but then again i think that's only because all the shitty Vampire movies over the last decade have turned me off of the whole Vampire thing. But that's just me. In the end you alone will need to decide what vocation suits your draugre style Ice Lord the most. Whatever makes you the happiest while playing However, if you are playing on pc and ever decide to do up a house for your new character, I can post you a whole bunch of creepy dead tree codes which would give the yard a cool graveyard/deathly look. And, if you really want to take on the frost look, obtain Frost, the horse, and download the Mod: A Frostier Frost. You can find it on Steam Workshop. I personally think its cool and doesn't cause any noticeable glitches. Have fun ol' Gold Blade
  3. For anyone else who has a problem with this, here is the simplest way of saying it: For horizontal, Sidestep towards the exit while simultaneously striking. For vertical, start while looking up then look down while simultaneously striking.
  4. David? Hellooooo.....??? Poor Buttons is feeling neglected....
  5. Hey guys, are there any wall codes i could use? I was hoping to divide the west wing bedroom of my Lakeview Manor into two rooms. Is this possible? At the moment I'm using a divider, code: "c84be", but it's just not the same and kinda looks crappy. A parent needs privacy.
  6. HI, I'm Buttons, and I've been very frustrated! I have codes for trophy bases, but the interactive part doesn't work so i am unable to actually put trophies on those bases. I've searched the web and found no trophy codes either. I've gone into console and typed in (for example): "help hagraven 0", but the lists are very long and BECAUSE I CAN'T SCROLL IN CONSOLE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, i am unable to view anything but npc codes. Therefore i was wondering if anyone, anyone at all really, had the codes for the following trophy items: 1. Bear, Cave Bear and Snow Bear 2. Hagraven 3. Skeleton 4. Troll (both) 5. oh hell, I'll take any friggen trophy codes you might have - any at all at this point.... Thank you Oh, by the way, I am also seeking the codes for the two thrones which are also just out of sight on my console page: Falkreath Throne and Dawnstar Throne. Thanks again. Alternatively, does anyone have any idea why my page up and page down doesn't work in console???? I've tried the mouse wheel too, I've tried every button on the keyboard actually, I've searched the web and found one guy with the same problem but no solution, Genius! I've even asked my computer wiz friend about the issue, but even he has no idea why it might not be working for me. Can someone please help me with this very annoying shit!!!!! I'm very upset
  7. Hey David, how did you do with your exams? Don't mean to rush you or anything, just in case you still have a hangover from all them celebrations you may or may not have been enduring the last couple of days, but i was wondering if you had given any more thought to my lack of console scrolling? The other thing is, still seeking these codes for fire "for a firepit and fireplace" and the other items listed on these two previous posts: Noble Table and Chair Codes? and, Row Boat? ..and five other items
  8. As it turns out I was unable to kill Meeko with the console code "kill", so i just killed him with my mace instead, then resurrected him and sent him home. Unfortunately I had to let my daughter be angry at me for 24 hours. Does anyone know why he wouldn't die with the kill code? More curious than anything. It did work on my horse though...
  9. I've been doing a shitload of work on my Lakeview home lately - and i mean a SHITLOAD people - so if it ever disappears on me... well, so help me god, HEADS ARE GONNA ROLL! Therefore I choose to not believe any of you. You're all delusional. You're all not saving your game or uninstalling/installing or something, whatever. You're doing something wrong in any case! A house just doesn't grow legs and walk away!!!! In any case, even if it were true, which i still strongly doubt, can't you just go back to a save point before the GIANT house disappeared and see if it disappears again? Healthcare... yeah, funny
  10. Don't kid, Brad, O my Brad! Would you be my Hadvar too? Or is that privilege reserved for Dallas or Sophy??? You said you loved me!!! So what happened, some young minx comes along and you forget about what we had together? Ha? Well?? Is that all I am to you, a quick fling thing??? ...it just isn't right, what you do to me. Do you really want to hurt this?
  11. Recently I've been renovating and redecorating my Lakeside house, which is difficult with Meeko hanging around. I want to send him back to the shack where i found him. I realize i could just kill him then resurrect him, but i don't want my kid to be angry at me and i am unsure of the long term effects of resurrection codes. Is it safe to do it that way, keeping in mind that i may want to recruit him again later in the game? Or are there some safer codes to use on that cute little flea-bitten pest? In sending him away i also want to keep other dog follower options open. Would "disable/enable" codes be safe for all these factors?
  12. Wow. David the scientist. Cool stuff. I'm an artist myself. Mainly pencil sketches.
  13. 1. Anyone know a code for a row boat? What sort of Lakeview house wouldn't have a boat tucked in along the west-side wall? 2. I've also seen a few "spare cart wheels" around Skyrim, leaning up against trees and such, but i can't find a code to them either. Closest i could get was a steering wheel off a ship but, as you can imagine, that doesn't really help my cause. 3. I'm also looking for the code to a cart, but not a horse drawn cart (have that one). See pics below, with or without the cover will do me. a code for both of these below would be excellent! 4. I would also very much like this streetlamp code as well, although i might be pushing my luck. Someone out there knows it... unless all the game programmers have since been killed? 5. This Drinking trough would also be an excellent code to have. Yes please! My horse is somewhat thirsty!!! 6. And last but not least, this here giant barrel would be excellent. Although any giant mead barrel would do just fine. (No small mead/tap barrel codes thanks, got enough of them) And so thank you all in advance for your help! I very much appreciate any help on any of these items.
  14. Good luck with your exams. May i ask what you've been studying?
  15. Thanks for the code David. Looks like I will have to get inventive again. Think I will see if it balances on the pillar of sacrifice.... By the way, any findings on why i cant scroll on console? Figured you would have told me if you knew, just wondering. I've searched the internet, the closest i can get to an answer is some guy who had the same problem and never solved it.
  16. Hello. Anyone know the console code for a Hagraven's head? And does anyone know how i could possibly put a Hag's head on a stick - or if maybe there is a code for such a thing? I wish to have a Hagraven's head on a stick by the door outside of my house. I think it would look cool.
  17. That may be so, but you don't need to finish the Vampire quest line for Dawnguard to attack. I didn't go near the Vampire quest line and they attacked. You just need to kill the wrong person at the wrong time.
  18. Oh yeah! I've so had a craving to attack certain townspeople. That sounds great!
  19. As far as i can tell by what your saying, you turn up at the Dawnguard and they keep attacking you. I had this problem once, but it happened to me after i had become one of them and finished the majority of the main quests of Dawnguard. It has nothing to do with whether or not you are a vampire or becoming a werewolf. You simply killed the wrong person at some point after being invited to the Dawnguard. The reason it happened to me, I think, is because i killed some mercenary dude who was connected to one of those other Vampire and monster hunters, cant remember their groups name atm, the Vigilant Stendar or some bloody thing. I actually met the Mercenary on his way to some imperial legion camp (I didn't like the fact that i had to pay for information about his contract so i killed him). Took me forever to figure out that he was the culprit for my Dawnguard troubles. Anyway, yeah, sounds like you killed the wrong person since your invitation to Dawnguard (After fixing the issue i thought that maybe it had something to do with the Imperial camp and nothing to do with the Mercenary, or that maybe i killed the wrong person during a random Vampire attack that occurred around the same time i spoke with that mercenary... I'm no sure which of the three circumstances was the problem any more.). Either way, the problem was solved by going back and leaving that time period alone. So yeah, you may have to go back to a save point before you might think you may have killed the wrong person, and try again. I don't know any other way around it. If you have gone too far you may be able to console command your way out of this.... Do you play on pc or station?
  20. any code at all for any of these would be fine
  21. Hey guys, I need some codes for the following table and chair sets, or just the tables will do because i know the chair codes. My extensive search on the web has come to an end because i just cant find anything (except for a giant Windhelm dining table set which is far too big). And when I put Help <keyword> 0 into my console all i get for these tables are miscellaneous codes, which doesn't make any sense. Miscellaneous tables are useless to me, obviously, because you can walk right through them and can't put anything on them. So please make sure that any codes for these tables are under the furniture category. I would very much appreciate any help on this matter. Thank you!
  22. Alright David, as much as I would like to give you a holiday from my pestilence, there are unfortunately a couple of more issue we need to figure out. I think we should begin with this, the unable to scroll in console situation. Now i realize, once again, that I'm not doing anything wrong, so to speak, because i know what my pg up/pg down keys are, plus I've redesigned many houses using console, so I know a few things about it. So... we should start thinking about other odd reasons why it might not be working (like the server thing for posting pics, for example). Keep in mind that i can navigate through my own commands with my arrow up and down key (not the pg up and down), but i am unable to scroll through the results of those commands. Any ideas? Yes, of course, before you ask, I have definitely and purposely searched for things in console that would have a large result list, just to make sure that scrolling is actually applicable. Didn't help. It is so frustrating to know that the answer i want is hiding above the boarder of the console page, just out of reach so many times.... Recently i have started typing in help <keyword> 4 instead of help <keyword> 0, because typing in the 4 tends to result in fewer options.... but that doesn't always help either. Oh, by the way, I've tried the mouse wheel as well as every friggen key on the keyboard! Please refer to the list in the post above if you need to know how my keys are set up. Also, i use xbox controller while playing the game, in case that matters. And no, it didn't just start happening, it has always been that way, for as long as I've used console.
  23. I'm not telling you that part, that's your job. Have fun. Suffice is to say that it is one of the more difficult stones to get because of the many bandits you need to fight. But here is a hint for you, Don't overlook any locked doors....
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