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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Definitely! Go to the embassy, that's the best way, then when you are right outside facing the front gates, go directly to your left, and climb carefully down the rock face. when you hit the ground below you will see two undiscovered caves on your marker-board at the top of the screen. Reeking cave will be the one on the right. You may meet a frost troll inside, depending on your level. but the stone is easy to find. You will also find a coin purse and a sachet to look through. It's fun looking for the unusual stones, I always find all 24 of them early in the game so that i can get more gems in chest for the rest of my play time. Quite often i will get all of them before i even become part of the Guild, unfortunately you have to wait until vex gives you the quest before you can go get the crown. Also, make sure you do the Quest Innocence Lost and kill the "Kind" old lady at the orphanage, and then make sure you tell the boy that you did the job as well, as you will need to get into the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in order to get one of the stones.
  2. Yeah, its cool. The easiest way is to get yourself to Falkreath, and then take the road out of town to the West. But as soon as you get just a very little way out of town you will find that you can go either East or West, and at that point you need to go EAST by taking a hard left turn. If you do this the road will then take you EAST straight past Falkreath again. Keep following that main road until you pass a bunch of bandits that inhabit an overpass. The bandits will try and drop rocks on you and shoot arrows at you. Keep going East after you encounter those bandits and you will very soon find Pinewatch Sanctuary. Keep a good lookout to the left-hand side of the road and you will see a small house. (Pinewatch sanctuary is that small house. If you have ever built the Lakeview House in Hearthfire, it is right next door to that.) Go to the little house, pick the lock on the front door and go inside. Once you are inside you will need to go downstairs and find a small button or lever on the wall next to the table and the bookshelf. When you activate the button the bookshelf will swing open like a door.... You can then enter the sanctuary. Good Luck Bear Goldblade
  3. As you can see by the "reply directly to this quote" box above where i am writing, and the picture i have on the new post that you may want to delete, IT WORKS! I WAS DOING IT RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!! I'M SO HAPPY IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!! iNTERNET EXPLORER IS TO BLAME!!! INTERNET EXPLORER SUCKS SHIT! GOOGLE CHROME ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP DAVE! YOU THE MAN! WHO IS?? YOU IS!!!! YOU ISSSS THE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Baby....
  4. Won't touch firefox, want to kill the person who started firefox, but will do the chrome and take it from there. As for the little x in the box, yes, I know I'm doing everything right, exactly like that post you sent me. Absolutely, that is why I am baffled! You don't need to question my ability to follow those instructions. I've done it right from the beginning. There must be another issue preventing me. I thought earlier today that maybe the image was too large, too much data, but when I tried with a smaller picture it still didn't work, so I will try google chrome. ( you know the red arrow in that post that points to the window where you paste the link? that is where the x appears when I paste the link. I know... I'm doing it right. Will let you know how I go with Chrome.
  5. What is he like as a follower? I expected more from him, but he's ok. As for the rest, husband/father, I've never married him so.... Update: my new character "The Bitch" just hooked up with Vorstag. Not marriage though. She didn't like the default clothes he wore, so she has redressed him in a rough spun tunic. He looks much better now. More Sultry.... ;-)
  6. 1) ok, yes, When doing the Attach File option I'm hitting the "Attach to post" button, of course. But I though it would come up before I post it.... Will try a demo post with my turtle picture to see if that works. (Unfortunately I am unable to post a pic with this method using the URL link option because the screen remains grey behind the URL page. And the CANCEL, beside the OK in the lower right-hand corner, doesn't work. So the only way to exit the URL page is to hit the backward Arrow, which takes me back to before I began the post.) 2) The x I'm talking about is the little x that appeared in the window with the URL link when its pasted. You know that window, the one we've been talking about: When you paste a link to the URL, a little x will come up at the right end of that little window next to the link. By clicking on that x you will delete the link, right? but when you hit ok, the little x goes away, at which point your pic is meant to be attached to the post. Anyway, I don't think the x is important.... maybe 3) What's my browser you ask? Internet Explorer... I've got Google, do you think downloading Google Chrome would help? I can't see how.... Internet explorer shouldn't be an issue....?
  7. David, I just called my friend on the other side of the country, he is a master at computers, programming etc. And after I explained my image posting issue he told me that I'm actually doing nothing wrong and, because I'm doing everything right, there really isn't any advice he can offer either, because seeing that it is a very simple three step procedure there aren't really any other options on getting the procedure to work. So we are at a loss..... This could only happen to me. He did clutch at a few straws and suggest the very slim possibility that it is a glitch with Windows 8.1, or maybe a flaw with my browser, but he doubts it. Buttons is very sad, very very very sad..... Buttons really wants to show people his houses as they are done. By the way, the alternate Attach File option you suggested didn't work either. I can attach a file, of course, but I can not move it from the file attachment to the post itself..... Does that tell you anything? Also, when I press OK on the URL image page, the little X beside the link disappears, but the screen remains transparent grey indefinitely, and the Cancel button doesn't do a damn thing. Maybe my Ok and Cancel connections don't work the way they are meant to?
  8. Yeah, Thanks for that Eric, and yes I've been doing exactly that, many times over! but it doesn't work for me.... No, no voilá for me I'm afraid....
  9. Well, according to what you have told me, I'm doing everything right. So I don't know what to do now.... I will try the other way too I guess. Thank you for looking into the issues on the skyrim specified threads, look forward to hearing about it. Nice to see you smile too
  10. David I've tried everything. I even made the image public on imgur to see if that would change things. No. I then found another way to bring up the links to the picture, but that didn't work either. I've gone through each link one by one both ways, and then again to make sure. I have no other options left. WTF? Is it possible that I have restricted my access to what I can and cannot post on this site? I just cant see what I've been doing wrong.... I don't think I am doing anything wrong.... Is it easier for premium members? Can a premium member take things straight from their computer on this site, like on imgur? If so, how do I become a premium member? And I still cant scroll up and down in console..... That doesn't make sense either... Did you have a look at the keyboard list settings I sent you regarding my lack of scrolling? I'm very annoyed at my inability to do these two things. O, and making a fire for my fireplace as well.... No fire. Make that three things. Cant even find a mod for that one.
  11. That's actually a really broad question, with a little attitude as well.... Okay? So, It depends on whether you want male or female, if you are willing to download a mod (playing on pc), or if you want one you could possibly, eventually marry, or not. Personally, for regular gaming options, Serana from Dawnguard is my favourite! except I can't marry her.... That shits me. I could however download a mod to marry her, which I'm a little sceptical about. As for mod followers, I like Sofia (the funny fully voiced follower), she is somewhat funny and has a surprising amount of dialogue, more than any other follower! She even has a horse, which makes sense for a follower. She's also ok for some eye-candy if your interested in that.... Another regular gaming option is Lydia, of course, I had Lydia follow me around the first couple of times. But she looks like someone who might have bad breath,and she's one of the worse for standing in doorways, so I let her go ;-) There is also that guy from Morthal, that dude that hangs out in the street and challenges you to a Brawl? cant recall his name, but he is usually standing with his arms crossed at the bridge. He is ok, for a little while, I just couldn't get close to him because his eyes seem to be set uncomfortably low in his head. I had that cat follower too, cant recall his name either, but he hangs around with the travelling caravans. I liked him for a little while but he tends to be very lazy, like most cats I suppose. more often than not he would just sit back and watch the battles, so I had to let him go too. I had a chicken follow as well, that was cute for a couple of levels..... You should have seen that chicken move.... Again, if you are willing to download a mod, there is a child follower, who actually becomes your daughter. It's called the Cute Follower mod. I cant actually fault her. no noticeable glitches at all, and she fights like a miniature foresworn! I don't usually like the foresworn, but she is very cool with her own special pickaxe. Sometimes she will overtake me in battle in lower levels, which is really unusual for a follower! Umm... I'll give a little more thought and possibly get back to you Hey, try a lizard, see what you think
  12. Yeah but I tried each link, one by one, and none of them happened for me. Which of the following link headings should it be under: Image Link Direct Link Markdown Link Hotmail BBCode Linked BBCode They almost all end with jpg... I know it should be working, it just doesn't. Have you ever considered setting up a simpler system that allows people to upload images from their computer like Imgur does?
  13. I didn't understand your request exactly, but here are the six links they gave me. Note that I just typed them out without any caps, except the last one: WOW! I just wrote down all the codes, took me a few minutes, but your site wouldn't let me post it, and a little caption came up and said; YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS IMAGE EXTENTION ON THIS COMMUNITY. So now what?
  14. Dave, I followed your instructions in the message you sent me above: I joined up with Imgur. I uploaded a pic to their site, then I clicked on that image, at which point the right-side options came up as you said they would (6 different options came up including Image Link and Direct link.). I then clicked on a link and it became highlighted in green, at which point I right clicked on that green highlight, then clicked on copy. I then pasted the copy onto the specified URL and of course clicked on ok at the bottom. As far as I can tell I did everything just like you said.... But nothing happened. And yes, they were links for the photo not for the imgur site itself because they ended in jpeg or image or something like that. I tried this same procedure with each of the six link options on the right of the image in Imgur, and they all related directly to the picture, as far as I can tell. Still no go.... What am I doing wrong?
  15. Well I've gone through all thirty-odd of my mods and only one has been found to cause the insistent battling of guards, and that is the Pocket Campsite. I'm not certain the author would be too happy about my saying so, but it really screwed things up for me. I guess I can see how it makes sense in the way, the mod gives the dragonborn the ability to go out in the woods and set up camp, which is exactly what anyone would want to do with all the fighting going on in town. But still, it seems like such a big side effect for such a small mod. So there you have it. Thanks for your suggestions David.
  16. I've disables them all, retreated to the time before Belethor died, and all seems ok again. I did however lose many hours of game play. I'm now going through each mod one by one until I find the bitch-ass culprit! will let you all know which one it is.....
  17. I recently downloaded a bunch of Follower and clothes Mods, absolutely nothing to do with warfare gameplay, but about the same time I downloaded them my Skyrim world has gone berserk! Coincidence? Every time I entre a major city like Whiterun I have soldiers bodies lining the streets. Bodies everywhere! And every which way I turn a new battle is breaking out between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks. This never use to happen at all. For starters, I've already assisted the Stormcloaks in taking over Skyrim a long time ago. Secondly, I even started a new game and its happening there too! I just checked my difficulty settings, just in case, and it is the same as its always been. I just entered Whiterun and Found Belethor dead by the meat sellers stall at the market, and I believe he died from one of the guards battles. So I resurrected him with console using the resurrect 1 code, so he is alive again and back in his shop but he just isn't the same sleazy belethor as he was before. His dialogue is now limited and no longer allows me to buy anything off him. This new craziness is ruining the game. Please help!
  18. Wow, and I thought I had problems. I recently downloaded a clothes mod where when I put the clothes on my character part of their legs disappear. Did you downloaded any mods that could explain it?
  19. NO! It didn't work. It said it needed skyui, so I reopened that as well, and then it didn't stop fuckn bugn me with shit, telling me there is a problem. I couldn't even play the fuckn game without it bringing up some fucking box about some bullshit. So disengaged all three of them again. I'm fuckn pissed off they cant just make a fucking mod that someone can just press a button to install. What the fucks their problem. Some sort of fuckn power play? They can get fucked! Ever since I downloaded the mods, and its still happening, I've got soldier dead bodies laying around everywhere. The guards from the two sides of the war are constantly fighting each other. Everywhere I turn some Imperial guards fighting a Stormclaok or the other way around. The whole fuckn worlds gone crazy. I only downloaded follower and clothing and armor mods. There's no reason why this shit should be happening!
  20. Alright... I'm gonna hold my breath and push the buttons.... Let you know how I go
  21. I've checked the control settings, cant find the PG up PG down anywhere.... This is a list of what I have on keyboard, (although I always use Xbox controller on pc): 1. Forward: X 2. Back: Z 3. Stafe left: (the key above cap lock with the opposing arrows) 4. Stave right: (the downward pointing arrow near the right-hand ctrl. Not to be confused with the pg up/pg down, which are located further to the right with the other set of numbers) 5. Left hand: M1 6. Right hand: M2 7. Activate: Space 8. Sheath: NP+ 9. Ch Menu: Entre 10. Pov: Backspace 11. Jump: C 12. Sprint: S 13. Shout: D 14: Sneak: Alt 15. Run: Shift 16. Toggle run: caps 17. Auto: E 18. Fae: Q 19. Quicksave: F1 20. Quickload: F9 21. wait: T 22. Journal: J 23. system Tab: esc As you can see I couldn't find pg up pg down anywhere, unless it is connected to one of these other keys?
  22. I always stay loyal to Dawnguard. Prefer to remain a werewolf as well.... Up to you which path you take....
  23. Dave, I need you to stay with me for a second. I just downloaded the Silverlock thingy from the link I sent you above. so I now have a skse window by which to start my game. The game does start that way, just takes a little longer now.... I have previously however unsubscribed form the mod on Steam because of the issues I was having... so do I have to resubscribe on steam again as well, or is the download I have for the new start up on my windows the same thing? What's my next step in connecting the two Jaxons Mods? I have already unsubscribed them as well, but they are still on my list of mods (not ticked), so do I simply just subscribe them again on Steam? Or do I have to do more with my SKSE window, as in: Is there some way to reassure that I have integrated the Steam and SKSE? or is that done sufficiently according to what I've told you?
  24. It is for a mod, Jaxonz Renamer, but the only info they provided was this: find the target you want to rename, click your hotkey (default:/) on it, then name it. And that's it. Even they said, "and that's it". I'm assuming the default means something more than I'm giving it credit for...?
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