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I God-Apollo

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Everything posted by I God-Apollo

  1. Honestly is runescape a good game? Would you play it even if youre freinds didn't? Skyrim's a great game that you can play countless hours of even without a companion. Is Runescape the same? Or just a game that if there was no on else in your world you would never play? Give a Shout out to the coolest guy in the world, everyone watching will understand
  2. Great way to get people to look at the thread if you ask me Ya im trolling, what do you expect a guy who doesn't play runescape anymore and is on the forums like once a month, huh? Now admit it in this forum if it's the title that got you, or you just check all new threads. TROLOLOLOLOL Have a great life my old clan mates
  3. Hey guys just saying i won't be as active, might even quit. Real life reasons, not bad ones. Well guys farewell, I might log on one day. I also won't be on the forums. So bye.
  4. I need fresh pking meat and people to scam.....And to feel like I have freinds
  5. weekly standard, you are a smart man.
  6. I God-Apollo


    In california you go to the snow, it doesn't come to you
  7. destiny why do you hate me? 3pm pacific for all of them except the ones I'm not really interested in. Maybe you do not know but I love to pk and all pvping type activities.
  8. what blex said, and if you could make all NEW events not made yet 4pm pacific id be happy
  9. BF= win/loss is most important to the average playerCod=kill/death is most important to the average playerThat "motivation" makes a huge difference in game play, the map sizes of BF make camping not as rewarding because less people run through your area. Camping is nearly impossible because when people know the corner your hiding in you got C4 all over the back of the wall. BF generally has more teamwork in all game modes, and is generally more strategic(this is from the BF motivation of win/loss because you cant win on your own). This is all because of bigger maps, certain roles for each class, and a variety of ways to approach the objective; like having a friendly sniper cover you from across the map by spotting and killing, stealth-fully jumping out of a helicopter, going straight for it in a tank, have your squad push up, and many more.Cod gameplay is more like a FFA, just some people cannot hit you (your team mates) this is usually because you only need you to improve YOUR Kill/Death. Smaller maps create efficient camping, killstreaks rewards campers, and since the objective is one of the most heavily guarded areas on the map generally people who want a kill streak don't go for it. Btw did i mention how COD made it easy to camp, motion sensors, enclosed one or two entrance buildings and becuase guns kill so fast they can kill you before you see it coming. And cods fast gameplay create a connection whore fest.
  10. I cant play, timezones 4-6 and 8-10 pm pacific is my only times
  11. hes not in a real clan, just social clanand if you let him don't tell hhim!! tell me, and ill tell him after he finishes my treasure hunt
  12. can u let deus multi clan? plzhe will come back and it'll be his b day ppresent
  13. tragic, i need your help for heated deus's present
  14. rigour, and longbow sightEDIT:75DEFENCE!
  15. 61Firemaking, now I'm going for handcannon.
  16. F2P being made of 60% bots is what got them third place. I'm pretty sure they only take F2P in account when it comes to it because it's a "best free to play game" contest. And I think that the bot nuke is from them getting third place, that's as far as I'm gonna get into this.
  17. Going for 61 fm and then HANDCANNON!
  18. I voted for pking, but I know that since we have such a variety of combat levels that it wont work out
  19. You hate that jonas brother rapper too?!
  20. It doesn't say how its gonna work right? because i did a small read threw and I didn't see it. Anyway those bots better bot their asses off before Tuesday the 3x stuff im only excited for slayer, and maybe some soul wars.
  21. Magic, cause of armadyl storm, ranged if that spell doesn't increase in damage like how much it ridiculously does. imagine it storm of armadyl does 220min damage at 198magic and 380 max damage, and it's an accurate as hell spell. That's ridiculous
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