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I God-Apollo

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Everything posted by I God-Apollo

  1. reserved..... I'll find a way to uploadsomeday.......
  2. Time Limit:First week of October Location:meet at Lumbridge world 64 (any F2ps tell me) Exact Time of meeting: October 1st we are noobs!
  3. F2p because only real noobs play f2pand say the exact words: Yes I will play the noob game if your playing@crazycow, I'll put up date, and time when there is enough people playing, and they tell me what time is good for them
  4. The Noob Game Rules: You have to make as much money within the time period as you can without using any items you already posses in the game. Post if you are willing to participate in this game. Any questions about the rules please post here, I will put in a time and date when enough people have agreed to participating in this event.
  5. Can someone make this an event for me? And as crazy said It'd be a thing you do like once a month for 2 weeks or so.
  6. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA! How would i make this an event?
  7. Come play the noob game!

  8. The Noob Game Rules: Pretty much the game is were you have to try to make as much money as you can while starting from scratch, which means you literally get 0gp to start, and you cannot use any items you previously owned to try and make some money. Then every week we see who made the most money while being a noob, anyone wanna play? Please!!! I can't play all by myself! Ask any questions here about how to play the game, cause I probably didn't explain it very well.
  9. Range Based Magic equals range 70 Defence Do all quests that give Defence experience Know whether to get 99 Defence 160k dungeneering tokens 74prayer 74+ dungeneering Handcannon 75 Defence Zanik's Crossbow
  10. I've never actually typed the W word, I refuse to.
  11. Almost everything is grinding doing the something over and over, learning a trick, getting better at a sport, and etc. Runescape is grinding and talking to new people.In my opinion I have fun, may be different for some, but that's why I play runescape, I have fun.
  12. Luke And does an xbox mic work for irc? i got no mic and never tried irc.
  13. And is there a place like house to put me stuff?! I'm full from alchemy ingredients that I don't wanna use yet.
  14. Why play any video game?Why try to succeed in life?CAUSE IT'S FUN
  15. I did but then, thought;"if my character sucks, then I'd disgrace the name, I can't take that risk"
  16. I plan on being an archer (just like my rs char ) and use mage a little like paralysis and such that more helps my archery, should i do mage guild?
  17. DON'T BOT NEXT TIME! At least don't get caught
  18. My total progress in my amazing journey into oblivionLukeHigh ElfAtronach Birthsignout of the sewerlevel 2, +5agil +5endurance+5 speedfinished unfreindly competionMajors:Armourer 26Athletics 27Alchemy 35Restoration 30Acrobatics 35Security 26Speechcraft 25stats that i actually use: (minors)Block: 28Lightarmour: 28Marksman: 12Sneak: 22
  19. Thanks for the links, and I suck at leveling, cause for most rpgs, I like to get money and a couple levels before I go threw the main storyline, and this one i just cannot get a enough skills up before I level, now I know why (efficient leveling). thanks.And any tips for just the game in general? Thanks
  20. 99 Fletching 1000total 50+ quest points and yaand on a less serious note:I use forums now award :Dcool kid award B)The coolest username award B)The best cb 80 in the clan
  21. Whats wrong with blexun you ask?Well this is a question scientist have been unable to answer for centuries, and are still questioning today.
  22. First poll, so tell me how I do.So my question is, how many resources do you do a week and why? For those of you who don't gather resources for our citadel why not?Personally I do as many resources as I can, and generally get max resources a week, and I do it so we can get cool new stuff for our citadel, and make sure that the citadel doesn't downgrade.
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