Have you ever thought.... hmmmm there are less than 200 worlds, and there is always more then 150,000 people playing so sometimes you gotta crash or you can't do it, who are you to say it's my area/kills/resources. On the other hand I don't believe they should be a douche about it, I just want you to think about it in their shoes; I just hopped threw 5 worlds this one has the least amount of people outta all the ones I went to, so I'll bother less people and benefit the most. Now don't take this the wrong way there are some douches who are gonna say "fuck you 2 vs 1 go hop" but in general those crashers are just like you and me who wanna go do whatever with all the resources to yourselves. Example: when I go chinning I go to the spot where I always go, if he asks me to hop, and I think it's reasonable (more then 2 people in the same spot) I'll hop but I'll do this 4 times until I say fuck it I'm going to the one with the least amount of people.Hope you understand my reasoning, plays out well in my head.