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I God-Apollo

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Everything posted by I God-Apollo

  1. Hey there and welcome to the coolest clan in rs, I'm Apollo and I'm the most badass combat 80 in this game
  2. are you back, from pooing?! God I'm so immature.
  3. Hey I need a super dungeneering squad, and to do well with that you need the 4 roles I have above me most importantly fisher/cooker. Hurry I need 100k dung xp so I can rape some f2p nooobbbs. This will be P2p, and this is whatever dung level is the lowest outta the team Any dung levels allowed Ex of layout of post combat level: 80 Melee stats/Ranged stats: Ranged:90 (If you use melee say attack and strength) Defence: 42 Hit points: 81 Prayer: 52 Specialty stats: Fletching: 99 (make bows)
  4. Pics you want pics?! I don't think you can handle my pics. 500 green party hats ftw!
  5. I will beat you to 99range! I spelled out apollo using ninja faces but it didn't come out well :/ oh well
  6. I feel like the only person using the reputation buttons, I don't know about you guys but I think it should be used more because there is a reason it's there, I + rep every post that makes me laugh, feel informed, or strongly agree with. Another thing is I - rep every post I think is cruel(and not a joke), misinformation, and stupidity. now go use the + rep button if you think it deserves it and be cool.... like me
  7. I'm now the richest man in runescape 500 green party hats make me rich right?
  8. Timber I'm gonna crash your 500mil drop party!!!!
  9. im so sorry but my facebook seems to have disappeared oops i mean
  10. nothing wrong with that...... Trololololololololololol! Trol0lol0lol0lol0lol0lol0lol0lol0lol0lol0lol0! Trolololololololololololololololololololooloool! I'm so mean.....
  11. Trolololololololololol! Trololololololololol! Trolololololololololololololol! Trolololololololololol! I just scrolled down and didn't read it, because I don't have 3 hours to read an essay on the different types of trolls in this world, I'll read it later tho. Trololololololololololololol!
  12. Another tip for another 500-1mil a week at less then 30minutes work a day: If you have any lend able iteam you don't use very often, lend it out for a decent amount like 100k 24hrs or something. I do this everyday with my dragon claws when I go chinning/fletching/dueling/anything that I don't use claws for, and I've made 2mil in about 2 weeks, by just taking 30minutes or less outta my day trying to lend out claws 200k/150k-24hrs at duel arena or G.E. If it doesn't work out in 30minutes it's fine, try again tomorrow or keep trying. If you do mine and his method that's 1.5mil-2.5mil a week, of less than 1 hour a day. How do you think rich people become rich? Now go become rich in pixels
  13. Have you ever thought.... hmmmm there are less than 200 worlds, and there is always more then 150,000 people playing so sometimes you gotta crash or you can't do it, who are you to say it's my area/kills/resources. On the other hand I don't believe they should be a douche about it, I just want you to think about it in their shoes; I just hopped threw 5 worlds this one has the least amount of people outta all the ones I went to, so I'll bother less people and benefit the most. Now don't take this the wrong way there are some douches who are gonna say "fuck you 2 vs 1 go hop" but in general those crashers are just like you and me who wanna go do whatever with all the resources to yourselves. Example: when I go chinning I go to the spot where I always go, if he asks me to hop, and I think it's reasonable (more then 2 people in the same spot) I'll hop but I'll do this 4 times until I say fuck it I'm going to the one with the least amount of people.Hope you understand my reasoning, plays out well in my head.
  14. Hi! I know a couple of you pretty well now, my name is luke, and I'm the best cb 80 in runescape
  15. Hmmm. I swore I had 17mil in my bank yesterday......
  16. Nope, no one knows except family, if anybody says I do i'd deny it in a heartbeat, then you wouldn't be around to tell anyone else because of an accident that happened
  17. Still useful information right, and did u even read it?
  18. Ahrims vs Infinity set Ahrim's set [*]Degrades after 15 hours of combat [*]330k to repair entire set (with staff) [*]230k to repair without staff [*]4.2mil for complete set [*]Staff give 10% max damage boost [*]Total of 135 hours of combat till the repair prices put it up to infinity set (without gloves+boots) [*]Total of 210 hours of combat to put it up to infinity set (with boots/gloves) Infinity set [*]Doesn't degrade [*]7.4 mil (without gloves and boots since they can be used in ahrim's set) [*]9.1mil full set Stats comparisons: Note: Ahrim's staff bonus works even without set so it will not be counted in stats Note: Same applies for infinity gloves and boots so they will not be counted in stats stats:.......................................Ahrim's......................Infinity Magic attack:............................+58...........................+45 Magic Defence:.......................+58...........................+45 Slash Defence:.......................+80...........................+0 Stab Defence:.........................+100.........................+0 Crush Defence:......................+115.........................+0 Ranged Defence:...................+0..............................+0 Summoning Defence:...........+105.........................+44 Stat comparisons: Note: Ahrim's staff bonus works even without set so it will not be counted in stats Note:Ahrim's is so much better ill let infinity get its gloves and boots in this comparison Note: With these statistics Ahrims can last 210 hours of combat till repairs bring it up to infinity set+gloves+boots. Stats:......................................Ahrim's......................Infinity Magic attack:.........................+58.............................+55 Magic Defence:....................+58.............................+55 Slash Defence:....................+80.............................+0 Stab Defence:.....................+100............................+0 Crush Defence:..................+115............................+0 Ranged Defence:.................+0..............................+0 Summoning Defence:.........+105.........................+49 End Comparison: Ahrim's set vs Infinity set, Ahrim's wins because of better stats in every single way, and if you add infinity gloves and boots to the ahrim's set it wins by even more. So unless your doing more then 135 hours of combat with Ahrim's set and infinity gloves and boots, or 210 hours of combat with ahrim's set without gloves and boots, ahrims is the best bang for your buck. If you want me to do more of these just ask, Crazycow this is for you <3
  19. My curse is buying more ammo then I need ex: right now I have 10k mithril bolts, 10k rune arrows, about 12k mithril arrows and 10k bronze knives, then I end up selling them and loosing money from GE price changes. And now a days I'm chinning to train so all that ammo is for killing stuff for fun, pvp or dueling so I barely use em. Fletching made me 8mil, not a waste of money, as cow said it just took me 2 months for 1-99 fletching.
  20. Magic.... I hate it so much yet it's a skill that I need to 94, it's just so repetitive for a decent xp/hour and I dont need anymore hp gain so combat training is outta the question. Just thinking about it makes me angry
  21. I agree with cow, some have the greed gene, I agree with dusang if your gonna steal my shit later on, do it now. Delly that really says something, agree with voidzknight whole statement.Your answers are all right in my eyes since I know u guys give a shit what I think.
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