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I God-Apollo

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Everything posted by I God-Apollo

  1. do i need volume for it?? please enlighten meEDIT: I get it and I laughed I didn't notice at first but nows it all makes sense
  2. 0:53 I laughed so hard. "Banana Fight!" *gets shot* (In a Sandy Ravage voice) "HEADSHOT!" I think that would have made it funnier
  3. late response, but because I can wear my finest equipment I do pk as well, but have stopped and will not continue till 94magic
  4. sorry I don't get how that's funny please enlighten me
  5. this will start when an event coordinator makes it so
  6. Are you serious. Picking 30bananas per like 4 minutes is 40k an hour? you can see why i don't believe that
  7. not as funny as crack head henry, but still comical.
  8. 70defence combat 90 now. Guess what, I just dueled then pked a combat 91 with 99rng 42def (my old goal) won both times really makes me feel good about getting 70defence, just been rapping all day and night in pking and dueling
  9. funny as hell!!! Maybe it's suppose to be crack right??
  10. Just wanted to say that I'm becoming a rigour tank. Going for 70def 74pray and 77dung. Will be combat 92 when I first get the stats so i need some volunteers to duel me near that combat level. I already signed up crazycow to duel me. GL me!
  11. Are you really recommending this? Just incase someone in the clan gets hacked we should keep like X amount of money in a clan bank which everyone in the clan will pitch into. One person will have access to this bank, and no one else will. There's no point when we can do this...If someone in the clan gets hacked everyone pitch in the X amount of money, instead of having X amount of money in a bank to give away. The only thing i could see this bank apply to is wars, in which case we all pitch in money for X amount of food and pots, and someone hands em out during a war.
  12. Lending claws makes me 200k a day, with less than 30minutes of work, and you kinda HAVE to grind for money, cause if you don't spend more then 1 hour your not making more than 1gp-1mil. I believe runecrafting natures is 990k an hour and really everything else in the game that involves skilling is 300k or less an hour.
  13. Can I join too? You'll only have to wait for me to get 12mil xp!!
  14. I'll be there 8:00 my time I believe
  15. Calling all combat 75s-90!!post here if your within those combat levels.We need to unite, and do pking trips, duel tournaments, and stuff like that.
  16. Goodluck! And btw mr lumber jack, you guys only get money cause of us master fletchers .99 FLETCHING F**K YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Owning everyone in duel arena, right now I'm gonna test mage/range bridding instead of the usual ranged tank approach. Entangle+Water Surge+ 91 range ftw
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