Arthur, you took what I said incorrectly(probuably my wording), melee is pretty much for spec weps as a tank, or to use/wear rng/mage weapons (not to train, you will see why at the end of this post). 70atk 70str you'll hit low as a combat 80 with claws/dds specs, at 88 strength you'll hit decently with claws/dds spec. If your not using melee at all 75attack 1 strength would be most preferred for Staff of light;I don't know if you've ever fought in combat 100+ wildy but there's alot of turmoil going around. So that means they're leeching the shit outta you so lower atk/str the lower boost you give them. Summoning issue is simple; higher combat more help, less combat less help. Same with 70atk 70str as Judo said "There is a whopping 3mil difference" Well you can do that extra 3mil xp and be able to spec with d claws if you wish, or you can get 70atk 70str and make training easier. BTW as a tank longrange chins is 150k xp per hour defence xp which is better anything you can do with 70atk 70str. And 74pray vs 52pray, 74pray= 25% defence boost (+25defence if 99) and 20% ranged (+20 range if 99) for 3 combat levels from 52... pretty worth it if not staking. STAKING AND PVP ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS TO BE GOOD SO CHOOSE ONE OR THE OTHER.