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I God-Apollo

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Everything posted by I God-Apollo

  1. pking trip is too combat oriented :/ if we were all combat 80 id be up for it
  2. I quest for pking reasons, I use a guide, but if it's gonna be a while and It's a subquest I usually read because if I need to do 5 quests with the same topic, it's usually a pretty damn good story.
  3. Hey Mr.Barrows expert, would I, a combat 81 with the stats; 42defence 91ranged soon to be 85magic, beable to barrows?
  4. Good idea +repand I'm guessing protect the comander is a pvp minigame we made up right?
  5. Delete this... it didn't work
  6. I sometimes dont listen to myself
  7. I'm gonna agree SAS kicks our ass but guess what, the worst thing you can tell a man is that he lives in the UK . . . . . . . That's my attempt at being funny
  8. PKing is 90% good stats for your combat, 6% good equipment for your play style/stats 4% switches, and f2p pking is kinda a joke and just for fun, cause you cannot k0 the guy in full rune before he teles away, and if you do it's so rare and worth a max of 200k, if anything make a pure killer and get all those rune scimmy/rune 2h rewards...
  9. everyone in runescape read my guide, sold their infinity and bought ahrims, and your welcome!
  10. Hey I just wanna know your guys opinions on luring, some what is it, do you think luring is wrong? Personally I think luring is fair game, as long as it's a complete stranger. I've actually counter lured about 3mil, from people trying to lure me.
  11. that's almost happened to me but I won in the end with 3mil loot
  12. neither, old school Magic short bow spec -> rune c bow switch and when I can i'll add veng to the combo so far highest hit recorded with that spec is 160-142 -> 277, which is almost 580 straight damage, the damage all hits before they can eat after the spec, so ya one hit :oreason I dont darkbow is your character literally takes a good 2 seconds from the start of the switch for the damage to be dealt which is enough time to eat some sharks and safe it up.
  13. lasts 210hours till the repair cost go up to the price of infinity set
  14. never open a link if you don't know it well i always say
  15. look out for Armour Comparisons the thread and I'll be doing peice by peice comparisons Instead of sets, because bandos is 3 diffrent parts while dragon is a full set
  16. I'm going to be a range based pker, 42def or as a tank, I like ranged better and I beat most melee zerks my level unless they get a lucky spec, so pretty much I am at the deciding point, 91 range, so I'm just wondering you guys think would be best as a ranged based pker. btw range> melee until your melee based, your melee based after 148atk + str. So RANGE FTW!
  17. Hello fellow clan mates, I need your help... Should I become a tank or stay a void pure? Here are the stats of each set, and pros/cons Set 1:62atk-77str-75def-85hp-92rng-92mage-74prayer *Combat 94* Pros: Can do more quests Can kill more monsters without a struggle Will do better in Mini Games or Wars Easier to do dungeneering Cons: Melee is kinda pathetic Tanks are common Need to make more money to buy more sets that utilize 75defence Set 2: 62atk-87str-42def-99hp-99rng-99mage-74prayer *Combat 92* Pros: Way more unique Has much more pvp k0ing potential I already have all the armour I need Less risk in pvp Did I mention way more unique? Melee is useful Cons: Harder to kill monsters Cannot really boss Generally will take more time to make I really wanna know what you guys think
  18. Everyone will tell you runecrafting, and it's true and about 900k hour runecrafting natures I believe. Fletching I made 10mil to 99fletching, Mining is very afkable after you can mine rune ore, that's all i can think of.
  19. So, anyone wanna start this officially? I'm not good as hosting only ideas.
  20. sorry that i didn't reply, I'll do it later
  21. Arthur, you took what I said incorrectly(probuably my wording), melee is pretty much for spec weps as a tank, or to use/wear rng/mage weapons (not to train, you will see why at the end of this post). 70atk 70str you'll hit low as a combat 80 with claws/dds specs, at 88 strength you'll hit decently with claws/dds spec. If your not using melee at all 75attack 1 strength would be most preferred for Staff of light;I don't know if you've ever fought in combat 100+ wildy but there's alot of turmoil going around. So that means they're leeching the shit outta you so lower atk/str the lower boost you give them. Summoning issue is simple; higher combat more help, less combat less help. Same with 70atk 70str as Judo said "There is a whopping 3mil difference" Well you can do that extra 3mil xp and be able to spec with d claws if you wish, or you can get 70atk 70str and make training easier. BTW as a tank longrange chins is 150k xp per hour defence xp which is better anything you can do with 70atk 70str. And 74pray vs 52pray, 74pray= 25% defence boost (+25defence if 99) and 20% ranged (+20 range if 99) for 3 combat levels from 52... pretty worth it if not staking. STAKING AND PVP ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS TO BE GOOD SO CHOOSE ONE OR THE OTHER.
  22. I'll be there, and I remember when they first put roaches
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