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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. Play Ps3 , I can help you level up and shit, I want some people to group up with that arent total strangers all the time so I can troll them without getting kicked out when they start to suck.Anyways, so what are you, hero or villian?
  2. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoahLe2Ww9U&feature=fvwrel Its a majorly team based game, however you can spend hours playing solo. It has pvp and pve worlds. You can also choose your morality, villian or hero. Your powers when you create your character will determine your role. Does anyone here play? If so Ps3 or Pc?
  3. no problems imo, just make it easier to navigate to the trr part,
  4. Fergal bitch step up, not down
  5. nah lol, cld of done that but as you can see, i dont have my rank nemore
  6. March 22 - common small lamp - common strength lampMarch 23 - common 50gp - common 50gp
  7. Image (provide link): http://diablo3.hu/av...y_1600_1200.jpg Colour: Blackish Blood Red Main Text: Fear Main Text Colour: Glowing White Boarder (yes/no): http://www.hydr8boar...rungeBorder.png Additional Comments: Make it so when people see it they will want to commit suicide. Thank you very much [COMPLETED]
  8. Lol, s'okay I'ma play both. :DAlso D2 was only boring if all you ever did was play single player, imo best way to play was join a clan, get high rank, take over, destroy clan from within.
  9. Thats the most important news EVER!
  10. Title says it all.Pm in game: Apollyon3x6
  11. yes, it is truly an epic game, in fact one my faves... however I wasted a large amout on time and lost many days of sleep and it got me to start smoking again and I gained close to 5lbs playing that game, so even though I enjoy the game, I still say it was my worst buy...
  12. Have to start over cuz i blocked out some side missions.... didnt save b4hand.... awesome game, got for free too ha
  13. ehh who cares, i dont pay attention to details much, nd i still got those pics lol
  14. Lol only made this cuz i was bored, note i havent done ne photoshopping since i trolled fergal, and tbh i didnt really try. If you still need one by tomorrow, give me something to work with and I might make one.
  15. If i have a choice i make an inhuman demonic psychopathic bloodthirsty character, always male, I always make my characters relate-able to me.


    PinoyM / xX Haides Xx back, wussup ppl
  17. Oh Lord, another year closer to death.
  18. Annoying the shit out of certain members, Fergal/Tynisa and so on and so on
  19. Life is fucked up and then you die.Get over it.I'm not gonna say sorry for your loss because I honestly will not mean it.I've been inactive for a long time now lol, and I will probably keep at it, so yo live your life, and don't dread on these things.
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