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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. Good luck man, FM should be interesting. Dont fall asleep at the keyboard!
  2. I lol'd. Where was he botting?
  3. Have fun at disneyworld Tell mickey i said hey
  4. Awesome Crazy Sounds awesome. Ill add you once i start playing!
  5. Haha nice everyone. Glad you all showed who the top rival is :3
  6. Like crazy said, dubstep is literally the shit. Its that awesome. I prefer litterally any type of music and will give any a chance. So far, i haven't met a genre that i am not satisfied with
  7. Before i close this topic, have we decided if we are gonna do this or not? If so, Lia please put this on the calender with the date you plan on doing this, and also make a new post in the Clan Events section in the Events Format making this a legit Event. If we decide we are not going to do this, then ill just close it.
  8. TIER 2 Here is the front of our entrance. As you can see, now wood planks are holding up the citadel walls instead of huge logs. As you can tell from the first picture, the front of the Keep looks basically the same. Not really any changes. The second picture as well hasn't exactly changed, what you cant see though is that there are two new very small walls next to the entrance door that was not there before. The third picture, you can see that we have another floor added onto our keep, you can clearly see two rooms that have chairs and tables. These rooms can be future Councel, event and Diplomat meeting rooms! Here is the calcium for our citadels bones. This is the tree that we chop the roots of so we can build further onto the citadel! Here is the local Town Square, it is where everybody comes together locally for inspiration before a big war where our WarLord gives a big speech or for our clan leaders or if who knows, maybe you wanna do a stand up comedy xD Here is where our next resource is gonna be The magical rock that has infinite ore <3 This is what the foundation of our citadel looks like! HOPE YOU ENJOYED TIER 2!
  9. Here is where we are gonna post pictures of the tiers of the citadel in order for our F2P members will be able to see our giant birds nest I hope you enjoy it. PLEASE, IF YOU ARE UPLOADING PHOTOS ON THIS TOPIC, PLEASE WRITE FIRST WHAT TIER YOUR PICTURES ARE OF.
  10. Could possibly connecting and synchronizing an Xbox360 controller to the computer with a mic on it, possibly allow you to be able to talk on these?
  11. Thank you for the MoTM :) Please remember the SHOOTING STAR event that is happening later today!

  12. which i will fix soon with that membership nooby <3
  13. I think ill give it a try. Does it use Java just like RS? Also is it 100% computer safety friendly?
  14. Lmao, thats too good xDand its true, we are sexy
  15. Drunken, you willing to host the event? I'll supervise you, if you want
  16. Hope it went well. Kaiden remember to post up a "Event Reflection" Plox
  17. I guess i get the MoTM award :3
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