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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. So far fishing is winning. If it does, we will meet at the clan citadel and fish at karajama
  2. Gotta love those moments.... Its like almost a Movie moment xD
  3. Yeah the bots are hit hard.... for now. Other than the design and ruining the bots (though only for probably a week or two) i dont really see the point of the change in the G.E.
  4. lmao, wasn't this back in the day crazy?
  5. congrats on your two goals You could go for thieving
  6. Can you do the skilling one only? Not too great at fighting
  7. Congrats on the 65 strength Lmao, it tends to do that to everyone xD
  8. Fishing bot one works like a charm. Lol
  9. Looks amazing man, good job! Possible new idea for Advertising?
  10. Good ridence Jk hahhaaHave fun mono, hope to see you back sooner than 2 weeks xP
  11. The good old days man. Hell, i agree with you there
  12. T ranger101


    Oh btw, i signed up for Welfair checks because im a cool kid 8)
  13. Lmao im excited about it as well! :3Also yeah, traag. I've been stalking you :3
  14. Quiet frankly, the chicken blood dish sounds really tasty
  15. T ranger101


    I invested in both xD
  16. T ranger101


    ohhhhhhhhhhhh i got ya xD
  17. What are the new audio updates? I havent heard the new audio
  18. Welcome into the clan and enjoy all of our events! Be sure to stay active within the Forums and within the Game Im sure you will find many good friends within the clan and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! *In order to join our clan chat, please speak to traaginen or mstr. Monopoly to be able to talk to the whole clan within Runescape
  19. You're totally right about attendance.
  20. Ehhh, at least you got exp and had fun right?
  21. T ranger101


    I really dont understand this.
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