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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. I lived in cuba for part of my life :3 yet i reside in America because i floated on a door
  2. Hailey williams is super sexy, and also the above post is pretty nice as well She told me not to answer this
  3. I've never botted but I attempted to but it got complicated for me and decided not to do it. So basically i never have, but i have attempted
  4. Good luck on your goals. If you want someone to join you and keep company, hmu. I'm always looking for something to do on runescape.
  5. Hope it gets better man. I'm majoring in Computer Repairs for college, yet idk too much of whats going on with your computer. I hope it gets better for you though. Hope to see you in the forums and RS soon. <3
  6. This is amazing and should show great results with clan communication for events/general talk/Wars. Thank you so much for this Blue <3
  7. Thank you everyone With hard work comes GREAT success Remember that and you're name will surely be on here next month! Let's keep this clan and Forums as active and user friendly as EVER!!!!! TRR for life, and long live TRRTraag: Nah, this is my first time haha. I'm so happy right now :3Also GREAT work Voids and Dues!
  8. Basketball all the way, was gonna do track in high school, but basketball/runescape took up most of my schedule
  10. This topic will be closed Monday morning at 11:59 PM.MAKE YOUR VOTES BEFORE THEN!
  11. Damn, im a fucking genious for thinking of that stratagy
  12. who knows? If it gets completed then maybe we could become the new RuneHQ hahahahahahaha
  13. T ranger101


    Im christian. Religion and ideal beliefs tends to cause alot of argueing. I dont go into specifics because of it.
  14. Event: Weekly Monday Skill and Chills Meeting Place: Varrok on world TBD Date: EVERY MONDAY 6 PM EASTERN TIME Notes: You guys choose the skill we chill to and we will chilllllll TIME CHART ----------------------------- 10:00 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 6:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 4:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 1:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 12:00 Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  15. Im more of a beef person
  16. Checking out a college today, bye motha' fuckas

  17. I remember that dude running in circles just to avoid us xD
  18. Mono, long lines are how you can tell its a AMAZING burger xD
  19. Went to clan war and made 1000 Mithril swords xD
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