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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. The first person does look good, I do think the attacks look a bit weird though. So is this like official gameplay? I'm a bit behind the times with regards to ESO. I really do hope that there are a lot of quests and more importantly, factions. I always felt Skyrim should have much more. I know that this is an MMO, so I can just do shit with other people, but factions that had a good storyline were always amazing.
  2. I'll try to bring my activity up. I'm just after a week of my summer exams - could only lurk for 10 seconds here and there.
  3. Dug this up. Had to search for every .txt file on my old computer. Lol. Back in 2010. Wow I talked so much shit. * Answering questions from regular clan members* Moderating the CC/IRC/Forums* Being called in as an emergency ET/RT* Changing the direction of the clan* Leading the weekly clan wars* Promoting activity in each of the 3 major forms of communication* Being an active member* Encouraging other clan members to apply for promotions* Doing whatever the leaders tell you <3 6) What new ideas and innovations do you have for the clan?Everything I mentioned in question 3 and 4 could be implanted used. But at the moment, I haven't really got any good ideas at the moment, but this is an idea anyway. We already have Moderators for our Clan Chat, I was thinking why not have Moderators in our IRC Channel, some things they could do would involve, voice'ing people and kicking people if necessary. There doesn't need to be a huge amount of IRC Mods but a few who are there often enough to be able to moderate and voice people for the most of each day when they can. I hope that I can be given this position in TRR, if I do get this postition I will do my job right, Thanks for reading.Good Luck to all And I only got moderator because I was only 12. :'( (Pfft, got High Council before I left anyway!) Remember Jackwooton taking Council and going ape-shit in the IRC because he was so shocked, lmao.
  4. 'Xbox One' revealed, CoD: Ghosts gameplay revealed. Impressed!

    1. David


      Almost all of the opinions I've read have been extremely negative.

    2. Fergal


      Really? Idk, it's not like they revealed an awful lot, it was only like an hour anyway. They have integrated Windows with the Xbox One OS, and some other one. (Pfft, cheating from the eyes of Sony!) Overall, they only released minimal specs, and a whole load of information about entertainment.

    3. Nathan


      Yeah, I didn't think they revealed enough to be dissapointed in and they said they were going to be showing a lot more in the way of games at E3

  5. Perhaps post more, lol. That doesn't mean spamming either.
  6. I want to punch Superman. Batman is awesome, and the movies are certainly even better. And at least, because Batman uses gadgets rather than superhuman abilities, he seems far more realistic.
  7. Not referring to graphics here, but that cinematic trailer looked a lot better. Again not graphic detail, but rather, their appearance, doesn't seem right.
  8. I don't read regular books; the only books I've read in over 2 years has been computer programming books, lmao. But in primary school (middle school?), when I had to read, I read a nice lot, none I remember though besides the Darren Shan vampire books and some Alex Rider books.
  9. You know farming is bad in Ireland this year when your local church is holding a 24 hour prayer service for the weather to improve...

    1. David


      Does Ireland still primarily grow potatoes?

    2. Fergal


      Meh, I don't really know. I farm cattle, don't grow anything. Weather is too shit to put them out in fields, thus, left with no fewd for the cattle. We don't eat as many potatoes as it would seem btw.

  10. LOL - I'm just trying wondering what if that was a male or female that searched that. O_o
  11. Probably going to try to get a summer job, I need cash now that I'm broke. Driving in 2 years, want a damn good boy-racer car. *cough*civic*cough* Although, I will be spending a shitload of time training for TKD/Boxing as I'm going to TKD World Championships in August, kinda important. xD (In England Brad!) Might get back on track with my programming. God my life sucks.
  12. And on comes the recession! Really did lol at that 4chan thread though, assuming it wasn't you, but it of course wasn't. On a serious note, this brings me onto a point, do we even advertise our site? I mean, you can't expect us to grow if we don't advertise.
  13. I think Xbox 720 is just easier. Matches PS3 -> PS4. How sure are we that it'll be called Xbox Infinity? I mean, there was the name of Nextbox hanging around a while ago.
  14. Well that's just because you're a beast. But seriously, the main reason I'm getting a new mouse is because of what I said above, I can't keep sharing my current mouse because the old ones are pieces of shit. Just figure I'll go get a good gaming mouse if buying any. Besides, €50 isn't too much and there is surely a noticeable difference while playing high-speed shooters.
  15. There really is to be honest, and gaming mouses look cool. Kinda need to get one anyway because I'm partially sharing my current one because the older mice keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.
  16. Welcome bro! Hope you enjoy your times here!
  17. Oh, never saw that thread. Actually didn't realise there was a G700, stopped caring when I saw what its predecessors, hate the look of that G500. Might serioulsy consider it; however, it is steeping into the price range of the Razer Deathadder (and past the 'black edition'), so I'm not sure yet.
  18. Don't really know how many people here are PC gamers, rather than console - but, has anyone recommendations for a good gaming mouse? Mainly for FPS, an MMO mouse with like 30 buttons isn't really necessary, but whatever. A relatively high DPI would be nice, nothing over the top though. More importantly, ~£50 budget, cheap but enough. (Buying from Amazon.co.uk most probably) Thinking about the Razer Deathadder, quite pricey though. Logitech's are supposed to be good but I'm not all for the design. Cyborg RATs are pretty cool too.
  19. Any insight as to how good the graphics were? Video was removed by user apparently.
  20. Chat room is pretty handy though - you'll probably find no one in the IRC if you go in but there's a very clear box (with a number) beside the chat room link if someone is in it.
  21. Meh, I'm not holding my breath. Call of Duty has just been the same ol' CoD4 over the years. (Yet I still have played SO much because I've nothing better to be doing) However, this year, there is said to be a proper new engine, which is well over-due. And a completely new story and setting - as in, nothing to do with Modern Warfare. (remembering that it's Infinity Ward's turn) I think I might get it for Christmas if it looks any good, but not buying it before I play a bit. Not making the same mistake I made with BO2. BF4 will wreck it. Here's a teaser, which is really has nothing to do with the game besides the title, lmao.
  22. Psst! I have nothing to make a thread about. Seriously, TRR is gone, so all I'm left with is gaming and ESO. 1) I'm not a proper gamer, I just play some shooters, not much news there. 2) I haven't an awful lot to say about ESO until it releases. But tbh, I've been a bit busy.
  23. You mean came back, already gone!
  24. You called farmers (i.e. me) retarded. Your argument is invalid.
  25. There should really be a seperate member group for active members/Elder Souls vets, because will almost 300 people online in the last 24 hours, it's getting a little out of hand.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jake


      The awards could perhaps be shown on your profile or under your profile picture.

    3. David


      In 2 days it will go back to <20 people on a day.

    4. Fergal


      I know, thought I'd chance my luck. ;) Hopefully some will stay.

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