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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Seems pretty light actually. The beta looked really nice, so that's pretty nice optimisation. Would be more interested in what recommended specs they'd require for 5760x1080.
  2. Well. Guess alliances are now basically redundant. Allowing Imperial's to join any alliance wasn't THAT bad, this is just plain stupid. Otherwise, that trailer was pretty beast.
  3. When I read the title, I thought you meant play as an Imperial defending Cyridil or something. I really have little interest in playing as an Imperial though really; unless they do have a unique ability that sets them apart from the others - Which I doubt, if you are playing with any alliance, which I can only assume to be limited to the 3. I do agree, that paying for exclusives is utter bullshit. So many games do it, money-hungry. The overall cost of ESO is already really high, irrelevant to whether its worth it or not.
  4. Wouldn't theorycrafting be just analysing the game mechanics etc, rather than proposing certain theorys before game release? I really feel it's fitting as it is. And the need to split it as irons suggested wouldn't really be necessary in my opinion unless activity jumps a lot.
  5. White is okay, but yeah, I do feel gaming-oriented sites should have a dark theme. What's wrong with options?
  6. It's think it's very subjective to what factions or race people favour, rather than a particular class - But that depends on the ratio of hardcore builds to role-playing/fun builds there is. From there, the most popular class comes from the most popular races - i.e: all the khajiit's will probably be Night-Blades, all the altmer will probably be sorcerers or whatever. Personally, I'm liking the two above mentioned classes, just because I like the idea of sneaky around just as much as powerful magic abilities. Although I do feel there will be a strong melee base in general.
  7. I have like thousands of lines worth of IRC logs on my old hard drive, but they were automatically logged, so it's everything - Would take too long to read through considering I spent way too long sitting in IRC... Guess I still have those logs pastebin'd of destiny going mad over David removing her right to use TRR content on that last attempt to re-start TRR, claiming she was founder or something. Lol. Wasn't there a topic called "The LOL Squad" or something too? Vaguely remember that having a list of memorable logs, not sure.
  8. I really hope they add this, I loved it's questline in Skyrim. It would actually be interesting to see if there is a possibility of pickpocking other players. Prisons just make general sense, so I see no reason why they wouldn't be there. Any link to if they actually revealed this?
  9. Yeah, it's definitely worth it, but it's still a nice chunk of money after paying full price for the game in the first place. Maybe you don't last a month on a $15 game (which I can only assume is coming from a console perspective, because $15 games on Steam would certainly last more than a month), but would you last a few months on a $60 tripe A title? It's hugely subjective on what you like. Again, worth it, but I still feel they would do just fine with a lower fee - Not like they are lacking a fan-base or anything...
  10. This would actually be pretty awesome. I don't imagine it would be extremely complicated to build either, just a bit confusing length/variable wise.
  11. Shouldn't guests have to register to post outside of the Skyrim Questions area? Or would that just reduce activity/posts in general.

    1. David


      They can in a few other forums, such as the ESO ones. It's a relic from the Skyrim Questions era, so it will be removed eventually. There isn't any spam from it currently, though, so I'm not in a hurry.

    2. Fergal


      I see. Nah, wasn't concerned about spam, just been seeing some pop up lately (with actual nice posts tbf). As such, thought it would be handy to get some more registrations in, and further encourage people to stick around.

  12. This. Think about it David, owning TF and all? With regard to the zones, I was under the impression there was 2 mega-servers, one for Europe and another for US, or whatever. That was what I heard, but otherwise, if it's just one large server, that's good. The problem with a single faction is that it could throw people off who want to play in a race in a different factions, particularily because of say, khajiit being strong nightblades, altmer being probably the best sorcerers and such. There is actually a nice lot of activity on the website, just not a whole pile of posting, so I'd imagine we could spark a lot of interest - Perhaps just not as much required forum activity as in TRR for RS before?
  13. Oh yeah, that was another factor I failed to mention... the faction. Hmm, while I do plan on having alts (we are allowed 4 chars yes? Saw that in the beta anyway), I had my mind set on the dominion, you know, khajiit nightblade and all... Of course, if this was serious, I'd be willing to use whatever faction, I can adapt. Or as David said, if there is enough interest, cross-faction? But I don't feel there is enough for that quite yet, unless we mass recruit. Would like to see a serious aspect to it... I miss 2010 TRR... Pirates of the Caribean music on the war page/portal, lmao. But you has such awesomesauce leadership skillz brah. </3
  14. I felt it was better than expected. Yes, there was quite a few bugged quests and some admittedly annoying robot voices, but it was very smooth for a beta. I didn't notice any latency in combat - or anywhere for that matter, I usually have lag issues. Was is that noticable for you? I think they have time to fix these smaller issues with the feedback of the beta, they still have time. Can't be as bad as Battlefield 4's release...
  15. Self-explanatory. More pointed at David tbh. I recall David saying that he wasn't interested a while back, after the time put into TRR or something. And that Elder Souls is aimed to be a help website rather than anything to do with a guild. Whatever, just throwing it out there, whether it would be casual or have a level of seriousness, I'd be interested. Just curious because I'd be looking into other guilds otherwise. Guess there is the factor of Europe/America and different platforms.
  16. Nice changes actually. I'm interested to see what people come up for as far as the Theorycrafting forum is concerned. I still have absolutely no knowledge of ESO, I'm just questing in the beta and putting everything into hp, lol. I feel the ESO questions forum is rather a must. Unless you rename the other one to be universal of all Elder Scrolls. Kinda consumed most of the activity, you know? xD
  17. Same. My state exams and such will be over late June, so, I'm just going to wait after that. No point getting the game if I can't play it. And at least, if my exams are done, it will also be summer = perfect opportunity to no life that free one month. Price should be done a bit by then? Hopefully.
  18. When I was taking the boat to the next island, it was hanging there quite a while, so I just closed and re-loaded it. Get an error on loading that I can ignore, then mine also hangs on "Requesting character load" - But it does load, at least for me, takes a while though, meh. Could make a new character as ghost said. But srsly, it is actually beautiful lmao, I like how there is no lag even when around a lot of people. (Admittedly, not nearly as much as in some major online battle or whatever, but still, I would have expected the beta to be constant lag/frame drops). Think this might really be worth the price - will probably still only buy one month at a time though.
  19. Surprisingly, mine played flazlessly smooth, with a steady frame rate. Good one Zenimax. Although it freezes when I close it, but who cares about that. Only played for a few hours, was kinda tired, but I'm impressed. It really does look like Skyrim but with upgraded graphics, feels like it too. So yeah, not much done, I'm just curious on what the map is showing, doesn't look like Tamreal or Elsweyr - not sure when I get off it, never bothered to try to walk off, meh. More interested in the MMO side of it, the story line (which I know includes other players, but meh) can wait until I get the game, lol.
  20. HDD > SSD when you can't fit anything onto it.
  21. This gonna be a big damn download, better do it while I can... Dan, why do you use an SSD without a HDD? D:
  22. Got mine too, in case ye missed me wild status update. Not sure about everyone after getting one though. Maybe. I was looking around Reddit, seems that all previous people invited were re-inviting on top of new people. Whatever the case, doubt all the emails have been sent yet, give it time at least if ye haven't got it yet I guess.
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