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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. They are supposed to be quite good laptops though - and that isn't too bad of a price tag for those specs, considering how overpriced laptops are compared to desktops.
  2. At least they are doing something right, that's a bit better. Although, it is quite late now, most people have their eyes set on PS4, but perhaps, Xbox 360 fanboys will return. Only problem they have left is that charging €/$100 just won't work.
  3. The PS4 will be sold at a loss I'd imagine, only make money back through online and games. Microsoft seemed to have been over-confidant though!
  4. I know E3 still has a few hours left as of posting, but anyway. What games have you in mind to get this year, like at Christmas and such? [*]Battlefield 4 - Pretty awesome! [*]CoD: Ghosts - Yes I know, I know; but I'm only getting it after playing it if it's really worth it, new engine might actually mean something [*]Titanfall - It's supposedly coming to PC, so might get this one. [*]Watch Dogs - This just looks amazing. [*]Thief - Not sure, it looks like fun, so maybe if I have the money. [*]ESO - Bet you didn't expect that... [*]GTA V - #BeastMode [*]Drive Club - Maybe, IF I get PS4. Definitely not getting them all, just some I've had my mind on. Some aren't even out until Spring of 2014 anyway. And I haven't even looked at everything. Not getting PS4 either, unless my brother gets me one.
  5. Drive Club for PS4 looks pretty promising, but yeah, Forza has always been excellent.
  6. If it means less bugs and more time to perfect, it isn't all that bad, only a few extra months. Just can't get it for Christmas now is all. When they talk of it running on old PCs, I just hope that it's just an ultra low graphics setting.
  7. I know, that was the one thing that really annoyed me - It's still quite cheap though, but I'll have my gaming PC, so no console for me. PS4 just demolished Xbox One though.

  9. I'm wondering how this will play out on PS4/Xbox 720, as they aren't made for the MMOs and such. Lol. And Spring 2014, that's disappointing, wanted it before Christmas. D:
  10. Okay, just finished watching it a few minutes ago. Great movie, but not hard to follow. I mean, I imagine I'd be completely lost if I didn't pay attention some time during the film, but eh, expected it to be harder, lol.
  11. Never really cared for small dogs at all - Had a fully-grown terrier (which is still really damn small), was alright but I just rather big dogs. Have a sheepdog still (farmer, brah), but he's pretty much deaf and old now.
  12. Jack is a noob@@@

  13. Do they really think someone is going to buy this stuff? Lmao. Didn't even know there was a such thing as a longboard until now, thought it was just skateboards. Lol.
  14. Kudos for that - to write that on your phone is impressive - was a great read! Now much I can say about mine, I've pretty much played 3 characters all called Fergal, lmao. Overall, I've done all the factions and sided with the Imperials twice and the Stormcloaks the other time (and must say, was much better). Always played melee, be it two-handed or just the one with healing in the other hand; never really used the skill of archery. I've crafted the almighty daedric armour; although, couldn't bring my alchemy and enchanting past around 80 to make it stronger, because it was just too hard. Not much else to say really, I've became thane of most holds I believe and just modded my PC character, lolz.
  15. I really doubt it; does anyone know if the actual faction you are apart of means an awful lot?
  16. Don't see it failing, it's too popular, and the gameplay footage does look pretty promising. As David pointed it, I'm sure it won't reach the singe-player levels of Skyrim, but overall should be great.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised Eric, since you don't live in the US. I've also never heard of it. Game shows are alright with me, but only the real good professional ones - pretty much the British ones, can be really entertaining for someone who doesn't watch TV really that much at all. Bad game shows are really bad though.
  18. Anyone know if Jeremy (/bgs) is still alive lmao? Haven't heard from him in like a year and his Facebook is gone. Lol :o

    1. David


      Asking Paul is your best bet, only person I know that had him on FB.

    2. Fergal


      Paul asked me a few months ago. Lol. Besides, checked Paul's friends list, he must have deleted his Facebook.

    3. Jackw


      Curious to jeremys whereabouts

  19. Main quest, guild/faction quests, PvP, PvM, power-level? Think I'm going to start the main quest, and some guilds/factions and them start leveling and jump into some PvP or PvM. I'll be terrible of course, at least I was in RS, maybe the new computer might help - now just need a faster internet connection, eh!
  20. Oh god, it's so terrible it's not even funny. Like every decent or good movie is well rotten, it just makes no sense.
  21. Quite surprised if they will actually release a Mac version, I guess there is always the option of duel-booting Windows with boot-camp if someone were desperate. Is the mac hardware powerful enough to run it efficiently? I'm not really well informed with Macs, but I know it will obviously work with OpenGL, so it seems possible. (Lol'd at your beta request, shame they had to turn it down! )
  22. Is it worth watching? Always heard people talking about but never remembered to watch it. I always felt that the Godfather Part I & II were really confusing if you didn't pay attention. In contrast, if you did, it seemed fine, so I generally say to people who thought it was shit, that they simply didn't listen, probably because they are all like 3 hours long. Lol.
  23. Oh yeah, for sure, when I'm done with all the "main" quests, there is still much more to do than in Skyrim, as this is an MMO and PvP and such will be a lot of fun. Just with love the prospect of a lot of quests (or guilds/factions) because even 120hours can seem short if you play this for long enough.
  24. Well, on IGN, there's just the Dark Brotherhood, Fighters, Mages, and Thieves guild. Meh, I'm hoping there will be more, perhaps in DLC. But on that note, what are you guys looking forward to the most? Always loved the Thieves guild in Skyrim myself.
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