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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. ESO stress test invite. RAWR @"£":@£%£@:%£"!^&%£

  2. Yeah, I understand that they can skimp, it's just to what extend. I feel if I tried to build a 270 build with that budget, it just wouldn't be possible. Hell, imagine what a pain it would be to build on a SUPER-budget case, because those smaller cases come at a higher price generally. But yes, I would never touch a non-80 plus certified PSU - but can they put in a cheap ass PSU that is likely to set fire to your living room and get away with it? Not sure they'd risk that, if they can't support that, they would have quoted a higher price I'd imagine. Anyway, in relation to Steam OS. I personally have 0 use for it, because it is just a user-friendly Linux distro with Steam supported, not that I can't get that on other Linux distros (even if Ubuntu is the only officially supported one, ehh don't like Ubuntu so much). In general, if Valve pull enough support to get developers to use open-source coding (OpenGL vs DirectX) or get some workaround to get most games on Linux - I have absolutely 0 use for Windows, because maybe Photoshop. Which is great for future system builders, Linux is free, spare almost 100 for the rest of the build (or more for over 8gb, it's kinda ridiculous). Edit: 13 Steam Machines announced at CES (including this iBuyPower): http://kotaku.com/from-alienware-to-zotac-all-the-steam-machines-with-sp-1495960379 Meh, most look overpriced, although a lot are lacking information - I just see most being really high-end, at which point building a PC will probably end up being better value for money. CyberpowerPC seems to be the same as the iBuyPower one. One looks like a router. lel.
  3. You claiming they won't be able to support a $499 price point. I said that this will leave no reason to buy the other consoles other than playing with friends - IF, if they keep that price. Their losses are irrelevant to the consumer if they can grab one while they can. A PS4 or Xbox One is yes, just a PC in a small box. They use PC architecture, unlike say, the previous PS3 which used a cell processor and as a result, no 3rd party developers could make use of the hardware, that's different. A Steam box is merely a PC with SteamOS. I could dual boot into Steam OS and my computer would be considered a Steam Box. These pre-prepared Steam machines are just an opportunity for lower prices because they can bulk buy anyway. Hell, Sony aren't even at a loss on PS4's (unlike PS3s), cost $381 last I heard. Even if this Steam box is, it could be minimal enough to live with, I dunno. I have no interest in buying this Steam box, or any other model if there will be one, I just like the idea. The advantages being introducing console players (or more of a console experience) to PC, you know, if Steam big picture opens automatically, while still giving more options IF people want to use them. And it's small. Yes, you can build really small systems nowadays easily if you want to, some great case options out there, but generally not as small as this. In general it's just cheaper. You will not be able to build a PC for 500 with that GPU yourself. If you do, you've got some serious skimps and will probably encounter bottlenecks. But yeah, I would never buy one and upgrade, I'm talking about in the future as games become more demanding and you have some cash to spare, why not? (And yes, I know a 270 isn't very high-end, so it already will struggle with demanding games, but after a while, moreso).
  4. Article link. Announced at CES. I think this is rather ridiculous, IF the specs and prices are correct. So basically, you are spending the same as an Xbox One w/ kinnect. You get Steam OS - so all those benefits of cheaper games, sales and such in a console experience with Steam Big Picture - alongside the ability to go to a Linux desktop (Debian based, which is good) and still get that PC experience. Yes, I'm aware consoles have browsers and such, but its just not the same as a PC desktop environment, especially with Linux, extremely flexible and awesomesauce. It's also possible to get those console exclusives working on PC, but that might take some know-how, and not sure about the difference in methods between Windows and Linux. As for specs - doesn't mention exact CPU or how much ram (which I can only assume would be 8gb), besides that very similar to next gen consoles. On par, maybe a bit ahead of PS4, I think. Xbox One GPU is definitely behind. So basically, yes, €100 more than PS4, but is just worth it. Can't build those PC specs for that price on your own without some serious skimping. And that ability to upgrade parts if that's your thing. Probably will be even more models. As for the Steam controller, I don't really know much about it, not really interested. If it actually works well, it could be quite amazing to get that console feel of a controller with a mouses accuracy. (Or so they have said)
  5. Oh, no. That was off the top of my head. What I was referring to was those 3 months, thought it was 1. Was just assuming (and still am) that it applies to your purchase time and not the initial 3 months of the game itself. (i.e, I buy it in June; still get 3 months or whatever it is)
  6. Yeah, I've always liked Amazon's pre-order guarentee. Still won't buy this until it drops a goddamn lot. Assuming I still get that free 1 month membership if I buy after the first month?
  7. New Years plans, aha, yeah... Guess I'll watch the countdown?
  8. Happy Christmas! I got a hat. Yay. I'm totally spoiled.
  9. For me at least, it's still €5. Pretty weird. I also picked up Trine 2. I don't even know why, I've seen it used in benchmarks and it looks fun and I just bought it - I mean, €1.69 lel. God, I have no time to play all these new games, I need to stop buying shit, lol.
  10. Economy recession in Ireland bro! Nah but seriously, it adds up, I just can't justify spending that much IF I don't make use of it, I don't want to end up buying a month, and getting bored (or too busy otherwise, for that matter) with it straight away and wasting money. But you're right, it isn't much, just so long as it played enough really. Muscle; I expect it to be buggy, it's just a matter of how long it will take to iron them out. Which could really be a problem for more competitive players. I'm personally not that bothered as long as this won't reflect Battlefield 4's (still) buggy release.
  11. Has anyone here played them? I haven't ever played either, but like you, have heard good things as well. And dat price. No harm in picking it up on the 3rd I guess, unless something else catches my eye. Edit: It's €5 as a Daily Deal, will that price rise after again? Because it was always on sale outside of that and I can't remember the price lol.
  12. It was $7.49 for Far Cry 3, and the Deluxe Edition was $9.99 on Steam, which I got, obviously worth the extra $1.50, lol. Haven't really looked into Amazons sales, although I really should.
  13. Seriously considering a few games, even if I am starting to buy PC games so often now that I can't play them fast enough - But them salez bro. Looking into Chivalry, Far Cry 3 and possibly The Witcher 2, just from what I've heard. Need to do a bit more research to see if I'll like them, but they are really a steal. Edit: Got Chivalry and Far Cry 3. Don't know if I'll bother with anymore, whatever the case, will just wait until Jan. 3 and have a look then. Not sure if the Daily Deals make it to that last day like the regular deals, so just went for it.
  14. Agree with Blexun here, the hype is massive - And it really is going to be hard to pull off, because it really needs to feel like an online version of Elder Scrolls, not just a new MMO. I'm just going to give the "single player/campaign" aspect a try first with that free 30 days upon purchase. Try and get the most out of it. Then if I like what they have done with it from an MMO point of view, I'll probably give it a shot, despite its pretty high subscription cost. Can't see myself being too competitive about it though.
  15. As far as voice communication goes, it would only matter to me if I were playing competitively, so I would be playing with friends or a clan, on teamspeak or something, so there's that. But yeah, I get where you are coming from, though it hasn't been that great in the my experience because a lot of people lack communication skills or for the most part, don't want to. If anything, a lot of PC game's have in-game comms, but Vent/TS will always be superior quality tbh. DRM: Yeah, but a lot of people are still living on the idea of disks (Yes, opening a new game's box feels awesome ). It would be great if the consoles shift completely over to digital downloads, but of course, it's what PC has always been doing. I'm in no way up to date with ESO, I would have assumed as an MMO it would be geared solely for PC with the ability to play on console - but maybe that's not the case. Either way, the experience can't really be bad on PC now can it. Btw, I don't believe in the glorious PC gaming master race as such, I was just using that term loosely to refer to it. Mechanical keyboards are just so worth it, the price is kind of daunting, but just worth it in the end. Always wanted to get a seperate microphone and get some audiophile-grade headphones for gaming, so much better, but can't really afford that, just got myself a headset recently enough, fecking regret it already, lol.
  16. I like console gaming, I've put some serious hours into my PS3 but if you take out the factor of the expense of buying the rig in the first place, it just doesn't stack up to PC gaming. In response to your points; [*]Personally, voice-chat is only beneficial with people you know, unless you want to roar abuse at the other person, at which point, typing is worth it because they is no confusion in what was said. I think TeamSpeak and such do just fine bro. [*]That's fair enough, But when it comes down to it, the advantages are minimal after peripherals which factor into console gaming as well (headsets and such). I know there is 144hz and such, but its just smoother gameplay, doesn't change the result enough for it to matter as much. [*]Say that to my nice office chair. Even then, there is NOTHING stopping anyone from hooking up a TV and using a controller, but as you said, pretty substantial disadvantages. That shouldn't matter unless you are competitive about it, but if you are, I think you would prefer the chair and insanely more accurate mouse. [*]Fair enough again, me personally, I still have my PS3 for that occasion. [*]Handheld consoles are a completely different kettle of fish. I am referring to PS/Xbox/WiiU. Guess you could add in the Nvidia Shield from the PC side, but that's still a console. Meh. [*]That doesn't stack up to PC prices in no way, shape or form. PC has loads of great, free games too. Not to mention, not paying for any membership. Steam - gg. [*]The fact that it is still slightly more expensive and that you have to go to a used-game store in the first place can't beat just having cheaper games for download. Selling is barely worth it. [*]That's great, although I don't think the majority of consoles fans accepted DRM to be fair. I really feel like there won't even be any more console generations for it to go into full effect. [*]There are plenty of hacks on console too, mind you. In general, I couldn't care less for hackers, if they are ruining my game, I'll just leave, and in my experience, it hasn't been extremely often. Mods is NOT a fair trade off. [*]That isn't an advantage then is it, if it is becoming more like PC, that means right not it's sub-par. Who says I can't do all that on my PC just as fast? [*]*cough*nVidia Shadow Play*cough* Besides that, the effort of opening fraps is just so little. [*]Gimmicky. If they work for you, great, for a lot of people, it will be a painful experience I'd imagine. Again, not an advantage of having a console if we have it too with the Oculus Rift and such. But seriously, I'm happy with my mechanical keyboard and triple monitors. Also, PC exclusives are far greater than consoles. Half Life, the older Counter Strikes, just to mention a few. If that isn't good enough, all the console exclusives can be played on PC if you put the effort into setting it up, but come on, if you are into PC gaming, that shouldn't be a hassle for a better experience. Oh and once again, mods. I didn't even mention graphics, mainly because next-gen is looking pretty sweet, but still wouldn't have because it's an irrelevant advantage, but still really nice to have as it enhances the experience. Again, I have nothing against consoles, I think the next-gen consoles give amazing value, I just don't agree that it's better.
  17. That's a big motherfcking list, lol. I still don't understand why Amazon.co.uk don't support digital downloads outside of the UK though. Like when I had to wait over a week to get my BF4 with the free super saver delivery, couldn't just gimme the game code. Would be a lot easier. But seriously, this is why the PC Gaming Master race is just simply amazing, with this and Steam sales etc you make back so much money of how much extra you would have spent on the PC as opposed to a console. And those Humble Bundles are just ridiculous!
  18. Trailer looks decent, the gameplay however is meh. Maybe it's that I just don't like the way sword attacks and such take a fraction of the time they should. Is the game completely subscription-based? Or like RS? If I need to pay that much a month to access the game at all, I'll probably just play it casually off and on, unless of course the game is worth it and completely addictive. Not really sold yet.
  19. Gary's Mod in the Humble Bundle. Yay. :D

    1. Jake


      What's your Steam name? We can mess around in it.

    2. Fergal


      It should be webmonkey - My brother's account which I really just, took, since most the games are mine, lol. I should be in the Elder Souls Steam group anyway. Still haven't got much time to play Gary's Mod yet though. :P

  20. I was really only horrified with how god-awful the Khajiits looked... Tbh, I only said I've played Oblivion for the sake of it, really hardly nothing, few hours. Meh. Morrowind, a nice bit more, but nothing compared to Skyrim. Kinda annoyed me how dark it was half the time, but just looked annoying with brightness up.
  21. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. Only played Skyrim properly though, and about 4 times. If you can get over how less beautiful the older ones look compared to Skyrim, they are pretty fun, Morrowind especially is much more challenging though.
  22. Black Friday is pretty useless here, Amazon.co.uk has it, but not on anything I want, pretty limited. That mouse really isn't even worth that tbh, pity you were to early for that G602. On a similar note, I just bought some games on Steam (Autumn Sale). Metro 2033, CS:GO and Borderlands 2 for €15.97, not bad - some really nice deals all over.
  23. F.lux is like the best software ever. Lol.

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