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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Oh, there actually is. Time to play. But, probably won't be up for long. 1/4 GB to download, sigh. Edit: Well. Another gig to download. Fck that. I need to go to bed lmao.
  2. First. Complete storyline. Thereafter, PvE and PvP when I have the time. I will probably play religiously over the summer. Lol. If the PvP/PvE works, and can continue to be enjoyable, I pretty long time, I guess. Otherwise, I don't have a clue.
  3. Damn it David, of all the gifs you could have included, did you have to include Hershel?
  4. Argonian - Nothing against them, just could never see myself playing them. And Redguard, never found reason enough to play them tbh.
  5. After having the horse in the last beta, I feel like now it will drive me mad not having him. Oh well, it will probably take me ages to save up for a common horse considering the game is seriously lacking loot and vendors buy items for sweet fuck all. xD
  6. Fergal


    TRR is years old, it was originally with an s, long before my time. If I remember correctly, it was changed to the z once David brought it back.
  7. Fergal


    Hmm. Now I want to know who else says TESO as opposed to ESO... Well Mr. Delly, its been a while. Nice signature, of course.
  8. But... Even if the "invite a friend" code isn't there, I'm assuming they can still play if they played last beta by just logging in? @David - Too bad I pretty much instantly gave mine away, should have posted quicker bro. xD
  9. It's a really interesting card - Power consumption is supposed to be so low with nice performance. Cheap too. Anyway, on top of already waiting for my beta invite (having played previous betas) and probably getting a code for a friend (which will probably be the same code I gave to my friend, so still stuck to him), Green Man Gaming gave me 2 more codes for my pre-order of ESO. Lmao.
  10. Well, I rather like ESO PvP. Think I might go altmer main instead of khajiit though... hmm.

  11. ITS ALL LIES. I got €0.20. But yeah, I can vouch for GMG too. Solid.
  12. I've only participated in one beta (out of the 2 invited, no time for the other) - I really found it to be quite okay, with few bugs. The game seems fine, they have time to riddle out the smaller bugs to provide a smoother game, and yes, the launch will most probably feature some. The game is definitely worth it, would obviously be nice at a lower price. Guess I got that discount on the box price anyway, so I'm happy.
  13. Clearly we're predominately adults here... Not even sure about everything I'm doing. But I'm pretty set on a khajiit nightblade. After that, I'm clueless until I start researching a bit.
  14. Oh sweet mother of God. "Hurricane speed" storms in Ireland, had no internet for almost a week. Almost died of boredom...

    1. Francis


      Ah, yes, if sheer existence by itself is dreadful, then the implications regarding the nature of life itself is that it is abhorrent and empty. You should have just killed yourself then and there. Or, you know, you could have found another opiate for your pain, such as face-to-face conversations with real people, having wacky adventures outside the home, or indulging in the inexplicably less-obscene scribblings of the human mind found in books.

      Hmm...Crap, I'm bored too.

    2. Blake


      This guy gets it.

    3. Jake


      That's why you build up a backlog of single player games.

  15. Pfft, Eric thinks he's a veteran. But yes, surprised you didn't notice, it was dreadfully slow at certain times and indeed, got some 500 errors and site wouldn't load. Nice to see it's being handled, despite the new bugs (that mobile one you mentioned, for example). I should probably donate some time, after all. Just been spending all my money as it comes in on new damn hardware, and the list isn't still finished. @_@ Anyway, if I do, it shall be more than the $1.99 for Premium, don't really care for it, all about teh supportz liek.
  16. Our servers struggling, David?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David


      It's nothing specific, just too much traffic.

    3. Fergal


      Might be time for an upgrade then ;)

    4. David


      Can't afford it. :(

  17. I wonder how good the surface of the mouse pads are. Whatever the case, they are pretty good, but I'll stick to my SteelSeries QcK. Not that mouse mats are really necessary, I like the aesthetics.
  18. To play ESO beta before a week of exams or not to play... Hmm. Decisions.
  19. In general, people who support this are missing the point that they claimed this wouldn't happen, yet it did, and thus, there is no knowing of whether or not more of these will be implemented in the future, no doubt with the potential to be more powerful that this. The statue and book do actually look pretty cool, and I would be tempted to buy the Imperial addition purely just for those - Horse is a nice addition, the difference here being, I won't even be playing until well after launch, so these in-game bonuses are less of an advantage if any. Still wouldn't even bother use the rings. I just think the horse looks cool. I plan on playing my first build very slowly, enjoying the game anyway. If anything, the extra cash supports them, I do however not like the way they are money-grabbing as such. As for the races in any alliance - It can be viewed from both perspectives - Of defeating the purpose of exclusive alliances, and of allowing more people to play with their friends, improving the experience. Not really sure where I stand on it, middle group I guess.
  20. I don't support it, and although my posts seem to oppose it strongly, I am still buying the game and really excited for it. So I don't mind, but really would rather it not be a thing. As such, I'm not going to buy the Imperial addition of course, not like it's worth it anyway, aha.
  21. I probably shouldn't have said there shouldn't be one. I'm not exactly the most experienced MMO player. What I mean however, is that, I understand how small of an advantage is offered (but damn, rings of mara have the potential for some serious pay-to-win shit), it's just that when this happens, they will just get stuck in a habit and we will probably see more of this which may offer stupid bonuses that should only be present in the likes of a F2P game, where generating money is more important. I'm just ranting tbh, if this doesn't frequently occur in the future, it'll blow over and I could care less, I just don't like the idea is all. If it matters, I foresee Imperials as having little or no spectacular effect in general, but you'd never know.
  22. They just shouldn't BE a collectors edition. Having a box price, a pretty hefty subscription fee and then even more pricing offering an advantage over the next person just shouldn't be combined. It's already bad enough that we have to pay both the box price and sub-fee, but whatever. I'm saying that irrespective of whether or not the game is worth the money, it's just the principal of it. (Also irrespective of how much of an advantage of those extra items are) What the hell is wrong with introducing these items as quest rewards or in the case of the imperial race, just adding it in at no extra charge? I really doubt they are in dire need of cash as if the subfee wasn't enough already. Desperation if anything.
  23. Hmm. From the lore perspective of things, yeah. That seems fine. It's just - What if we see an Ebonheart Pact guild made prodiminately of orcs and khajiit's - (Although that doesn't seem very realistic, it could happen if originally all the staff were Nords or something). In general, I'm kind of on the bar with this one, and I'm not entirely sure where I stand after thought. It is interesting, but again, I just wish they would just stop trying to grab every cent out of our pockets. It's just damaging their reputation.
  24. Considering this will come into play, you could argue that it should obviously be available at some point after. Still could have bloody just introduced it for free, as it should. The idea in general, can be viewed as both positive or negative though. Yes, it allows friends of different races to play together, that's a nice feature. But I still feel that it just ruins the idea of race-exclusive alliances, and as such, have little meaning unless the vast-majority of the alliance is still based on their original 3 races. Are we limited to the alliance's territory or is that not an issue in general?
  25. Never actually took note that the whole "any race any alliance" thing was a pre-order bonus on Francis' thread. I just assumed they changed it when I saw the trailer. Okay, so not much of an impact (still massive, mind you, I'm sure there is a large pre-order crowd) as I previously said; however, still don't favour it. I'm not pre-ordering anyway, because I won't be able to play much around launch time and want to no-life that initial free month. (Assuming that hasn't turned into a pre-order bonus...) Does anyone know if we are limited to one character per account/subscription or is it 4 as in the beta? Come to think of it, that could have just been there for the sake of glitches preventing from further playing on a character. If it's multiple/4, I'm more than happy to have different races for different alliances.
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