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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. I want to flat price of €50/€60. I don't want to pay a subscription on top of that, lol, or even if it was on its own. And tbh, €15 a month is a bit much unless you played non-stop all day - don't want this to turn into RS with a shitty F2P system, which even then is only like €7/month for P2P.
  2. Not going to bother watching the full video, a bit long. Watched the first few minutes (if there is a noteable moment in the video I should see, do share ), looking good!
  3. Anyone else's FaceBook being spammed with Ask.FM? Or is it just the spastics in my school that use it, lol.

    1. David


      I get tons of "whisper" advertisements. They're pretty terrible since I still don't even know what it is. FB is terrible now, hardly use it.

  4. I think my signature still points to this forum category with all the TRR forums, lol.
  5. This is just ridiculous, if you were to pay full price for both separately, it would amount to over $100, lol. I'm tempted, but my internet went offline a few weeks ago and when it came back, I had a NAT type of 3/strict, which isn't too bad, but for some reason this time, I can't connect to ANY BF3 server on PS3. So scared of that happening on PC too, lol.
  6. Yeah, I didn't like it. I did it twice, don't even know why I did it the second time, I mean, it just was not worth it. Boring overall, easy. The Thieves Guild always wins for me. Dark Brotherhood was good too. College of Winterhold, alright. Civil War, boring. Bard's College, retarded. Can't think if there are anymore.
  7. HUYGENS. COME BACK TO US PLEASE. (multiclan ofc), but EOC, yes.
  8. It really isn't, if you follow a decent guide (check out NewEggs one on YouTube) it makes it painfully easy. I mean, even someone who is a complete noob with computers could do it. About compatibility of parts, this is something that will probably confuse you at first because there are so many numbers and letters lol, but base your build around your CPU/processor. So you'll need to get a compatible motherboard for that. Other than that, you shouldn't have much issues with parts not fitting in, graphics card should be no problem, as with hard drives and power supply (make sure it's at least 80+ certified, you'll know what I mean). For RAM, just go with 1600Mhz, if you go for faster RAM (makes no real difference unless you are running an APU), make sure it is compatible with your motherboard. Oh and unless you use the stock heatsink/CPU cooler, make sure that is compatible with your motherboard/CPU socket. Case will be fine if you go with a standard ATX size motherboard. Tbh, just find a budget and start researching other builds for the same price on places like Toms-Hardware, base it on that, and research everything to find the best you can for your budget.
  9. Think David said of ESO is good and ElderSouls is active. Spring 2014. MEEEE. Need would be an understatement. Your new word?
  10. Idk, about €10. Didn't buy off Amazon, was going to, but some products didn't have the free shipping and was overall more expensive than a German site which EVERYONE in Ireland uses, cheapest around. Particularly because there is this site that if I search for the item from the original website, I get free 5-10% off.
  11. EVGA for warrenty. Asus for awesomeness and top quality build, quietest too. Gigabyte for reliability. MSI for awesome cooling. ASUS is generally the highest in price, so that's the biggest deciding factor, and looks. As for Windows 8 - I was going to get it, but it has really been stressed that the metro screen is only suitable for touch-screen monitors and tablets. My main reason for going with 7 is that some games are unstable on it, which just worried me. And Windows 7 was cheaper.
  12. With regards to those signing up - (So far dy3nasty, Eric and Deathirst) - do you guys want Clan Friend or to become a Clan Member. Just post an app if you want to apply though. Edit: GAH. War canceled, load of bs in the first place really.
  13. Wow, I hate you. I want NewEgg, prices here are ridiculous. $70 for a gold-certified modular PSU? I know you got it cheap from a deal, but still... No real reason to drop the heat sink, its cheap and probably the best in that price bracket, no harm in having it. As for the graphics card, any reason for EVGA? Their lifetime warranty (do they still do that?) is amazing, but that blower-style fan... I'd spend the extra $10 for the ASUS one, or even $5 for the EVGA with their own fan. Can't comment on the CPU, GPU or motherboard - next gen, so I don't know a whole pile about now. Kinda wish they would have been released before I got my PC build now... Also, why Windows 8?
  14. Different forums bro! therebelz.boards.net/ You should just register and apply even if you don't play much, could use the extra firepower in war, full out. In-game recruits dun know how to war! lmao
  15. Would have thought the founder of the clan wouldn't mind eh, David! Added it anyway, I was actually going to originally but forgot, lol. On a serious note, things are actually going well, CC is active (no IRC up yet, will get onto that) - Would seriously appreciate if some old TRR members would join, not even stressing activity an awful lot, we have a war coming up (fun) in a few weeks and could really use some experienced people, so even if ye would turn up though, it would be awesome!
  16. If you are up to it, it could really work. Just make sure not to power-level too many non-combat skills too fast if you are going to level multiple combat skills as things will get out of hand because monsters/NPCs level with you. Unless of course you want to really challenge yourself!
  17. One handed are always great, although I prefer to use magic for healing in one hand rather than a shield. Works well for me. Did a 2h build last time though, pure ownage. To use berserker rage, go to your magic menu, and it should be listed under powers, so just highlight/select it. Then you press the power button to use it in combat, I think it is RB on Xbox, but just check your settings. Its the same button that is used for dragon shouts, which is why you need to select it in the first place.
  18. You aren't going to get much done in a few hours besides some of the quests from the main storyline. Only thing we can help with is race - but how do you want to play - full blown warrior, mage, archer, stealthy etc?
  19. Some great ideas there bro, I actually read them all and I'm half asleep! About the fast travel though, I see your point, and wouldn't mind it not appearing in ESO, but that's only if they provide sources of fast transport, because it'll probably be massive. In general, I want more control and options - interact with the world more. As you pointed out, you want player-run cities, which could be extremely hard to implement, but awesome if they could. If anything, I want guilds to actually mean something, not just join and have a chat, but like you said, at least a guild hall. Also, I really do hope this feels a bit like Skyrim - running along in first person in Skyrim, adventuring, felt very much like I was there. I just have a bad feeling ESO will have that MMO movement feel to it, where you run really fast and then just stop ridiculously fast, if that makes sense.
  20. I would class it as a comedy tbh, and it wasn't the best of movies. I liked it a bit I guess, but nothing I'd want to watch again. Left my dad confused too, the start lends the movie to being an authentic portrayal of WW2, but then just completely converts to a half-comedy.
  21. Oh, of course, fair enough. In all seriousness, I think this will be a great addition. Got some great writers here, could really bring in activity to the site.
  22. NO. If you do that, we become the noobs. Even if there is reputation, it isn't nearly as impressive, particularly mine, don't think I have much rep. (*Remembers old TRR rep of like -9,000,000 - Thanks to Paul xD*)
  23. So we shall become a wikia? xD But seriously, its a great idea and looking well. Is it available to guests?
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