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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. They are going to be by far the most common. And of those cherry keys, 4 are common. Others like the clears and greens aren't as common. Blue - Tactile, clicky/loud. Best for typing, but not if you type during the night a lot or in an office where you annoy others. Browns - Tactile, non-clicky. Out of these 4, best mix of gaming and typing. Feels great, not too loud. Reds - Linear/non-tactile, non-clicky, really sensitive. Best for gaming, but ahh, I wouldn't personally ever go near them unless I was a professional gamer or something. Blacks - Same as reds, but require a lot more force. Meh, these have their fans, but not an awful lot. I have browns, love them. Of course they are almost as loud as blues if you bottom out your keys, but otherwise, pretty quiet and o-rings can solve noise problems.
  2. Those are just coloured keycaps, those could be put on any keyboard. I would never get them, I was referring to their more minimalist designs. If I could have afforded a Filco, I'd have gotten this. Of course there a model with regular key printing. Ducky, perhaps, it's not that bad, Cooler Master seem to be worse for it. My Shine Zero however, just a single small logo on the front of my space bar next to the Zero lettering. Nothing on the windows key besides 'Win'. Das Keyboard if you Google image search them you will find they are even cleaner. Never liked the shape of the top-right though.
  3. Nothing wrong with Corsair, they make solid products. But keyboards, mediocre. Do not live up to standards of Ducky, Filco, das Keyboard etc.
  4. Well I already had my 1tb harddrive partitioned for Windows and a mess around Linux setup. Because I have SLI, and 3 monitors, Linux isn't very ideal to get working so I was just switching to stock Ubuntu because that's the only one that seemed to work properly, not my favourite of choices but oh well. Just scraped the Linux partition and added it to my Windows partition, all fine. But it decided to show up as 2 seperate partitions, which in actual fact were the same partition, so deleting that again, which I had thought was empty space really happened to be my full hard drive. I can recover, but I just cba at this stage. It limits my games because Linux' game libraries are limited. Meaning I don't want to devote to games just on Windows besides ESO and Battlefield. -- Why is the K95 the only like, there are loads of them, surely there is some one that you like other than that. And considering a lot come with more than just those stupid red switches... Never ever really liked Corsair's keyboards really, and I don't even use my keyboards backlighting, which I HAD to have when I bought it, but the novelty seemed to have worn off in a matter of a week.
  5. CPU: AMD FX-8350 (8 cores bro) Motherboard: Asus M5A99X Evo R2.0 Memory (RAM): 8GB (2x4) LP Corsair Vengeance GPU: 2-way SLI - nVidia GTX 660s (Asus and MSI branding, because you know, variance is awesome lol) PSU: XFX 750W Bronze Certified Storage: 128GB SanDisk SSD Boot Drive and a 1tb mass storage drive @ 7200RPM. Case: Cooler Master Storm Scout 2 (Meh, don't know why I got this, it's pretty decent) Keyboard: Ducky Zero Shine (Mechanical is too good.) Mouse: Cyborg RAT 3 Gaming Mouse w/ Steelseries QcK mouse pad. Monitors: 3x BenQ GL2250 (1080p, 21.5", pretty terrible, I just need 3 for efficiency and they were cheap) I play a lot of varying titles tbh, usually graphically intensive, but older games are awesome too. If anything, I'm moving almost completely off Windows because the OS thought it would be funny to play games and make me delete my hard drive by accident, so that limits my games a little. Gonna leave a partition to play ESO and some other games along with Photoshop and stuff. SLI is just terrible, and even though I added the card ages after, still feel like I could have left it where it was. I am in need of some upgrades anyway, peripherals - Want to get a Korean 1440p monitor some time and a pair of audiophile grade headphones (Audio Technica AD900X's had my eye a while ago) to replace this utterly useless gaming headset. Apologies for the slightly lengthy post.
  6. White websites -> Big boards, commercial, shiz liek dat. Black websites -> Awesomesauce gaming forums and/or clans.
  7. Less strain, but I feel less tired is just a direct consequence of that, at least if I am trying to read something late at night, because it just hurts otherwise. But yeah, when switching it on and off, the difference is ridiculous.
  8. Less tired -> Win. Mine is more of a yellow-orange colour, though.
  9. Took your time, eh? While I agree it was better than the first, I really don't think it was better than the LotR tbh. Aragorn was too much of a beast really. But. Biblo was definitely so much fucking better than Frodo. Especially towards the end of the LotR trilogy, I just didn't like the character that much.
  10. Ah, but, isn't the franchise and story enough?
  11. Annoying is an understatement. But she was never a Council member, somehow an EC before, jumping to take position as leader and from the way it seems, founder of that newer version of TRR which collapsed in a matter of hours after I couldn't put up with any more of her shit, lol.
  12. I'll have these big pointless exams starting June 4th. Junior Cert. Which is little the (again, pointless) little brother of the Leaving Cert which is the same as A Levels or whatever the US equivalent for university is. So mid/late June. Then no lifing ESO time.
  13. Just heard some Legacy Mode is coming to RS mid-summer with pre-EOC combat system and no RS3 layout shit, which will coinside with EOC. Some updates to wildy for PKing too I think. Interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Francis


      Yeah, those pigs that bought out Jagex are probably gonna milk it.

    3. David


      I thought they already had this. It couldn't be anymore obvious the game is dead when they're doing 2-3 gimmicks like this just so a few thousand people might come back.

    4. Fergal


      The game was dead years ago. But, whatever the case, who's going to say no to nearly pre-EOC and a better wildy. Although I can't see PKing being revived either way, its too late to fix that.

  14. Can't believe it took me this long to start watching Game of Thrones. Well, over 30 hours watching in a few days shows how epic it is.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fergal


      I would put Breaking Bad in front of it for utter perfection, but I've found I enjoy GoT more. But yes, seems like one of the harder shows to convince people to watch.

    3. David


      I can't see Breaking Bad having nearly the production values. Granted, I've only seen a matter of minutes of it.

    4. Fergal


      Nah, man. If you get time, just watch it. It's so good. GoT is top class, but Breaking Bad is still unmatched in it's shear quality, acting, character development etc. Just a note though, at least towards the start, it's a pretty slow show and the first few episodes can be off putting, but it will eventually just get you hooked.

  15. California it seems. Honolulu, San Jose and Fremont. Really I don't know, most of the questions asked have no bearing in what would be said in Ireland, and many terms I've never heard of. Probably should have used the other option a bit more really.
  16. Now where did this topic go to... Anyway, TS server sounds interesting, if controlled.
  17. Actually she did have a child with a RuneScaper, but he had nothing to do with TRR and that was quite a bit after her time in TRR, some army guy if I remember correctly. Either she deleted her Facebook or just unfriended me, idk.
  18. Well, it's my assumption that these are posted through an RSS-system and automated. So presumably some trickery in the Admin CP to get the posting of the original article to correspond with these threads. Or just some syncing issue or something. Interested to hear about people's personal experiences regarding how bug-ridden/broken the game is, if at all.
  19. What can you expect from a clan that was effectively running for several years? Clan history is a good read actually, but ridiculously long. Well David, how's that ESO clan coming along?
  20. EDIT: Never mind is right. I initially didn't bother because the one I have is tied to my primary email, so ehh, effort. So just used Google+ as Blake did. Really noticing how inaccurate my typing is now, before I could go with 0 words wrong, now every time it's like 5+...
  21. I got 105 after a few tries, and everything else 99/100. Won't let me log in for some reason... Once David get's back into routine, he'll shoot up I guess. Weird, I still don't type fully correctly, especially when if I hit the space bar with my right hand, it'll be with my index.
  22. Was so close to David, then he just jumped 10 WPM out of the blue last time.
  23. So tempted to just use my key and play... but exams, so it'll be quite a while until I get to play.
  24. Yeah, not great. But to be honest, outside of maybe summer, I amen't sure I will be buying more than a month at a time.
  25. Hopefully this is a sign that the game won't be bug ridden on release.
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