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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Internet Relay Chat Guide (v2) Click Save, then Ok, then select your profile in the dropdown list and click Connect. You should be in our IRC Channel now XChat mIRC Browser Based IRC Clients __________________________________________________ II. Registering and logging into your Nickname NickServ - Commands for your personal nickname If that is the case, please choose a different nickname until you get a nickname that doesn't show that.To register your nickname do the following: Type /msg nickserv register password password email email - Replace password and email with your own password and email. E.G. /msg nickserv register ihackedyou56 ihackedyou56 [email protected] [email protected] Once you have that typed you should get something like this: You should now get an email from SwiftIRC (check spam as well if you don't find it in your inbox) with a code someone down near the end saying: /ns confirm *********Congratulations, you have just registered a new nickname! Logging in and out of your nickname To log into your nickname use this: /ns id password obviously change password to the password you set. To log out of your nickname simply type this: /ns logout __________________________________________________ III. IRC Bots Service Bots It really makes no difference which someone uses but Captain_Falcon is currently assigned to #Rebelz.> BotServ Commands < Help and Stat Bots Miscellaneous Bots ____________________ChanStat The name says it all, its a bot that keeps stats of a channel stored on a website. Think its just all boring stats that you don't want to here about? It is, but it can be very funny at times with the Random Qoute box, and much much more! You can view our stats of our channel by typing in !chanstats in our channel. > #Rebelz ChanStats < __________________________________________________ IV. SwiftIRC Commands NickServ ChanServ MemoServ BotServ Other Commands Thats the basics of it, if you have any problems or found something that is wrong in this guide, please PM me or post here. TeamSpeak 3 Guide +1 if I helped!
  2. You copied the template from the tags, so that's why the colours are like that. And LoL Huygens is your primary RS account, I assume.
  3. Fergal


    I only add online friends that I know VERY well, so yeah, but I do have one.
  4. Technically, its not free, but yeah. I just thought it would be good for wars and those spur of the moments when someone asks everyone to go into Vent/TS3. Lol.
  5. So I have full access to my TeamSpeak 3 Server, which I got for free, which was LoL's TS3 Server, and is still being paid for by I dunno who, got it from a friend. Lol. If anyone wants to check it out: I can set up Ranks, set up some proper rooms ect. So what do ye think? (I heard in IRC or something ye don't have that Ventrilo Server anymore, so if I'm wrong, tell me, lmao.)
  6. I kind of agree? I mean, crashing is annoying yes, but still, bots are worse and sometimes people have to crash as I God-Apollo said above.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkfVdrtLcRsHenry count as a troll species?
  8. Interesting, keep an eye out on the GE prices too, rune arrows could double in price. =P Nice tip.
  9. Fergal

    Hey :D

    So I'm Fergal, the drunk Irish leprechaun from Ireland that has returned to the land of TRR. Facts are fun?! [*]Name: Fergal [*]Age: 13 [*]Location: Ireland [*]Favourite Food: Pizza [*]Favourite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption [*]Favourite TV Show: Prison Break / Family Guy [*]Sports: Gaelic Football, TaeKwonDo [*]Other Interests: Computers, Gaming (PC/PS3) [*]PSN ID: ZohanDaGreat I'm of course ex. High Council as you can see from my awards bar. I quit TRR in something like October 2010 (possibly wrong) to create Legacy of Legends, which I closed down today. So yeah. Here I am again. That's all you really need to know I guess, ask any questions ye want.
  10. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Whos Mad Now Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 94+4 Total: 1394 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? The RuneScape Rebelz - High Council. (6 or so months) Legacy of Legends - Clan Leader & Founder. (A year or so) Nexus - Advanced Member. (Not sure, must have been something over 6 months) Where did you hear about TRR? Was in TRR before. First time; I heard about TRR on RuneScape 100. What were your first impressions of us? Now or back then? xD Why do you wish to join our clan? Missed ye guys.
  11. There are certain people that I've known for about a year (or over) from RS now, I've gotten to know them more than I could imagine. xD So I trust them, there are people I've known for that long or so, or even less, that I trust somewhat, but not fully.
  12. Fergal


    That suck's bro, drivers these days. :| So whats up Allan.
  13. I usually say Whao, for some reason, so Whoa.
  14. Sorry for being so secret about it, but my name's Fergal.
  15. Just saw the post above mine, so I guess I shall post my list if I am allowed awards. Combat: Second Lieutenant Total Level: 1200 Questing: Adventurer Member of the Month* Rank Achievement: Event Coordinator* Rank Achievement: Diplomat* Rank Achievement: Moderator* Rank Achievement: Council* *Not sure if it still applies, now that it's been almost a year since I quit (not quite, but not too far off). But it's not like I didn't already have these awards... =P
  16. I was like "Rofl" then description: Stole this from LoL. xD
  17. I was far too young to remember anything, something like 3 I guess. RIP 9/11 Victims.
  18. Grats bro, 94-99, very nice. I still have to log into RS to start my double xp weekend. Lmao.
  19. Multiquoting, liek a bawz. Irish bawz that is. Stop posting that. lol. LOL. I remember that. xDD For a second I thought it was photoshop'd out, lol.
  20. So 2 people are loving a link a posted? Win.
  21. Tbh, with LoL, there was a week or two where we PK'd almost every day, a lot of the time with at least 10 people. There is literally no one in multi, I mean, I've walked around pointlessly for hours on end seeing no one! You should get a someone to lure a noob with stuff on him, it works. -plans a secret PK Event with LoL to own TRR- -brings the 138s- >
  22. Lolol, this is lulzy. I love how he's so seriously when writing this. xd
  23. I love the layout of that G&A, gl bro. And yeah, saw that pic of your complete Chaotic set, well done.
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