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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Who here plays Counter Strike (CS Source/CS Condition 0/CS 0.6/ect)? I play it off and on, the maps players make online are pretty awesome (and games, not only maps!). Steam Account: webmonkeyire Feel free to add me or whatever..
  2. No, look. http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/topic/967-anniversary/page__p__7840#entry7840You've it already done (or someone else did it), that's it.
  3. Of course, I just forgot that it was in this forum. Just get that done then. ^^I should be at the Dung tonight.
  4. Click Edit on the first post of this thread, on the first page. Highlight and copy all of the OTHER posts after it that have events in it, and then ask for someone to delete those other posts once they are edited into the first post.Assuming that's what he meant.
  5. Good luck! Getting 20 in every skill, then 30 ect is a great way to keep motivated to train (since training one skill for ages, for say now, a 99, is really boring!).
  6. Whoa, that's some awesome goal. 99 Slayer for maxed combat, enough charms for 99 summon, enough profit for 99 Prayer. Win? ;)Good luck bro, it's a long road ahead. xD
  7. Fergal


    I heard like awhile back that in Ireland, we were meant to be getting snow for Halloween. Did happen, but only in some places. Not where I live. ;)Weather in Ireland has always been a bit weird.
  8. Ah, so that's who Rkt was! Welcome to TRR bro, I'm sure you will enjoy it here. ~Fergal
  9. Fergal


    Brads and his emotes... :)Good to see you here Holly. :DD Welcome, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!
  10. Yeah, there really needs to be only 1 thread. Since there was an error (probably due to post length being too high), couldn't you merge the posts yeah?Looking forward to see how this event(s) turns out.
  11. Lol Blexun. xD Hey Lion, welcome to TRR! Enjoy your time here. If I'm on RS, hit me with a PM and I'll add you to the CC (My RSN: Whos Mad Now); until then, you can join the Clan Chat as a guest (the second little box in the CC tab).
  12. Welcome! I'm sure your app will be accepted once a leader comes online. :PAlways great to see people choose us as their first clan, this has been my first clan (even if I did have like a 1-year break until like a month ago xD).Enjoy it here bro, and make the best use you can out of P2P, since F2P sucks! ~Fergal.
  13. That's probably because you clicked not to run it/blocked it or whatever the popups before it are. Maybe not, but when I click the wrong button on the popups by accident, that happens.But yeah, use SwiftKit's built-in IRC, or else mIRC.
  14. I think he means that the person on your account died while training agility. Unless you had stuff on/with you that you still have.
  15. I know, that's why you'd want to be very desperate.
  16. Good that you recovered, bank pins ftw! Unless you tried every possible sequence, but that's a bit desperate.
  17. Eh yeah, I was AFK and came back to see that (this was a short while ago, maybe he did it again since Blex only told you now). He keeps coming in and out, bypassing ban. That kind of person that you can't ban, even if you put them on a-kick list or -2 access, they can just change nick. Lol.Anyway. Deus is a cool guy, I'm good friends with him. But I'm still worried if he will just keep recruiting.
  18. Kyle, LoL went a lot worse, trust me, and school has already started, so it proves that school can't fuck us over! Its just events that need more attentance.
  19. It's Barbarian Assault. That's like on the other side of the map from Edgeville. O_oAnd you don't need food for Barb Assault. All you need is gear. A weapon isn't even needed unless you are on the attacking role, lol.
  20. Hmm, League of Legends must be good, almost everyone in the IRC is talking about it, a lot of the time. Like some sudden thing, no one really mentioned it much before. Lol.And Delly: Lies. +1 Judo. xD
  21. 160k tokens could really come in handy. ;)Good luck!
  22. Wow, this is actually pretty interesting. Will keep myself up-to-date with this thread from time to time. Have fun.
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