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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Haha yeah, there was a time in LoL where we were PKing like every day, 10+ people and there was like no one there, we were just walking for ages. But yeah, luring works well, just don't get lured by the person you are luring. Lmao.
  2. 1) I'm F2P.2) 2AM.Damn, I've always loved Bandos GWD trips, hope ye get some awesome loot. And don't lag + die like I did last time, NZ worlds aren't good. :[
  3. Like the colours you have for the Time Chart and everything, looks awesome. xDAnyway, on-topic: I won't be there, every Friday-night I go to this disco... Too bad I can't make it. Btw, multi is 99% empty besides the odd bot who drops little to no loot, or even sometimes, another PKing group, which in some cases isn't good. Lolz.Have fun.
  4. Done, Destiny. Anyone else want one? (TS3 Channel)
  5. ^ "just like I like seeing." Lolz.Nice event, would have been cool if there were more people but looked like it went really well, nice pics.
  6. mIRC of course. This guide was written a VERY long time ago, so I still need to update this with mIRC stuff.mIRC is WAY better than SwiftKit.
  7. No need to thank me/Whos Mad Now! Lol, just kidding. Anyway, don't believe I know you too well, all I know is that you are a pretty old member, at least. Welcome back.
  8. Thanks guys. Well, I'm back. My grandmother finally dead and buried, I guess she's better off, was only suffering for ages.
  9. If the directory was still gone, they would still be looking screwed. The IPB Team of "hamsters" (as Tragic said) fixed it, I think.
  10. It's not that I'll be away, but my grandmother died last night, so I won't be as active as I usually would be for the next few days.
  11. Amg, we're back! Awesome. I'll get back to trying to recruit more.
  12. Maybe an upgrade wouldn't be so bad, I mean, sure, we lose the custom stuff, but there's surely a nice skin out there and we can work from there.Otherwise, if you can restore the directory, it will obviously be fine, but spending too much time like this might cause activity to decrease, maybe.
  13. Maybe my screen is small, but there are a lot of buttons/links in the wrong place for me. xD It seems to be just with the Venom skin, since the IP. Board one stretches out further. Any chances on improving on this?
  14. You now know that 10PM GMT is the latest for me on nights with school in the morning (Sunday -> Thursday). Disappointed that the event didn't happen, was always a classic. But to the large majority that defiantly refused to show up, ye are missing out. Lol.
  15. I think the old way looks a lot better. However, the new way is better. Maybe the new way would look somewhat better without the black border, or at least make it look a bit better.
  16. T-T. FIX THE FORUMS DAVID. Edit: Okay, fixed it, thank god I saved this in Notepad beforehand for some reason. xD Since I didn't edit it, someone must have, and probably added some more stuff, so ye can point that out to me instead of ruining the post. And David, it wouldn't hurt to pin the TS3 Guide. Might add some more info later.
  17. Thanks CC. And I believe Nelson is TRIAL Warlord atm.
  18. I was going to do that, but then I'd need to update it every time people are promoted/demoted. Just click on the rank name, I have them linked to the lists. By click Founder, you go to: http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&section=view&module=list&filter=4
  19. BGS has been making loads of events ever since he got promoted. Dunno about the others. I've made an event, and I plan to make more, since Tragic thought it would be a nice idea to make me make events too, so I can do all the stuff Event Coordinators can do, l0l.High Council isn't really needed I guess, but nonetheless, I like the rank, since members get voted from the Council to High Council by the regular members. And there are a few more things they can do, which I explained in my Rank System post.We need a new Council, methinks, or at least more Council members.Oh and, Diplomats welcoming and showing new members everything wouldn't be easy, since recruiting is already hard enough. Maybe a "Mentor" rank. You get assigned one once you join, and you ask them anything you want ect? Idk, just an idea.
  20. Mine totally owns CrazyCow's!
  21. Founder - This is the Founder of TRR (v2?), Traaginen. Simple as that. Clan Leader - Self-explanatory; this is the member(s) that run and leader the clan, making sure everyone is doing their job and the clan is running smoothly. High Council - Exactly the same as a Council member, but a High Council member can accept people to the clan, and can kick Council members, think of it as a Co-Leader nearly. High Council Members are voted into the position from Council by the members of TRR, making this such an honorable position. Council - The Council is a group of people who help the Clan Leaders run the clan and have their say in decisions made by the Staff, such as Promotions. Warlord - The Warlord of the clan is the person responsible for finding TRR wars and leader wars & practices. A Warlord must be experienced at warring, and know what they are doing. Moderator - A Moderator a member who moderates the Forum with the privileges of being able to control topics (Ability to close, pin ect). Moderators also have a Half-op in the IRC and a kicking rank in the Clan Chat to deal with spamming, fighting, trolling ect by kicking or banning the member. Diplomat - Diplomats are like recruiters. In order to keep their job, they must activity recruit members (from fansites, in-game or friends) and bump our recruitment topics. Event Coordinator - Event Coordinators are the people who make the events ye attend. Of course, members can also create events, but the Events Team is here to make sure that there is a solid number of events each week, to keep up activity and members' interest. Each EC must create at least 1 event per week to keep their job. Media Architect - These guys make Clan Graphics, and stuff like that. Each Media Architect should have a good understanding of Photoshop/GIMP. Exemplary Rebel - Exemplary Rebels are members who have donated to TRR. They get a lot of extras, listed HERE. Established Rebel - These Rebels are your oldies of the clan, kinda. Demoted Staff also receive this rank. Rebel - A regular member of TRR. Community Member - Members of our extended community, not members of TRR. This rank acts as a Clan Friend rank too. Awaiting Email Validation - Newly registered users that haven't yet validated their account via email. Once done, members are placed into the Community Member group.
  22. Hmm, we had a Ranking System post back on the old Forums. But, lets be honest, normal members don't go to the bother of going on to fan-sites and bumping topics, posting on topics ect. Thats what I do, and David and Delly (LIES).I shall write up the ranking system and link you later, unless there is one that is there that I am unaware of.
  23. Good luck, nice goals, should take awhile to get. :)As for summoning. With PKing, once you enter wildy, you will be F2PCmb+extra (Like I am: 94+4. 94 in F2P, 98 in P2P), so no problem thar. Could be a problem with Dueling, maybe not.Summoning is good though, Terror Bird is awesome. Then you have the likes of Pak Yak ect at the higher levels, really handy, y'now?
  24. Ah. Meh. Gawd. I. Want. That. Computer. xD That sounds fucking awesome, picturing it right now. O.OBut anyway, welcome to TRR. Good to see someone with so much experience in RuneScape. :-)
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