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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Oh, so people did turn up. I got the idea no one was there too. O.OLooked like A LOT of fun. Should have came, after all, Dusang offered me P2P (well, at least asked if I wanted it!), I turned it down because I know I would waste it and didn't want to be wasting his money on nothing. xDNice reflection Crazy! =)
  2. Sure, yeah, real life > RS always, even no-life-Nelly had real life stuff that takes him away from us. *cough*But yeah, this is the third time mentioned in this thread, but still: This happens in just about every clan. Ye know my old clan that I ran, Legacy of Legends? A branch-off of TRR. This has happened, maybe a little more than it should have but still. Don't worry. <3 Don't blame yourself, lol. Don't see how you could either.
  3. I could see this coming, after what happened with the event.He's right. Fine, I probably can't say much, I'm in charge of recruitment and the recruits aren't coming in. I don't know why, I AM trying my best, its just there is hardly no one left there our on RS that want to join a Community Clan. Look at us yourself, half of the clan is old members after coming back when the clan pretty much died a few months back or so.I am still confident that we can pull this together, events seriously need to be worked on though. As do wars, but the war pulls may seem low to our average pull, but they are still around 15? Which proves we are still not dead and we can get back on the right track. :DCC has been known to be a bunch of botters/muted/idlers/people-that-don't-care though. Maybe we need to get activity up there too (yes, yes, I'll get on RS more, damn retirement, lol).
  4. Yeah, I love CoD too, for some reason. BF seems awesome, but still, CoD seems like the way I like to play. xD
  5. GL. Dung is going to take forever, like even from 53. lol. I know it speeds up the higher lvl you are, but still. =PAgility will be a pain, as will thieving. Why pick the hard skills? xD
  6. "Everyone else was making one, so why not." I was thinking exactly the same thing lol, saw so many in the Active Topics page. Best of luck bro, 90 magic will be awesome. Have fun.
  7. Yeah, SwiftKit is totally trusted, I only use it for IRC for my mIRC won't open though. :PHandy ol' RS kit it is though.
  8. Good luck, some skills will be a pain to get to just 60, but keep trying!
  9. I should be there, just remind me in IRC if someone can. xD
  10. Damn, how could I forget HP! That has to be it.
  11. Vasay; According to this: http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/topic/892-required-war-times-poll/ I believe that our "strongest" vote on that poll was around the time when the war was on... So yeah.
  12. Ah meh gawd. They are all my favourite things to do in P2P. D:Must. Get. P2P.
  13. 10 seconds? Bro, I was there for AT LEAST 15 minutes. More even; problem was, you hopped to a different world while I stayed on this one. Sorry if I didn't make THAT much of an effort, it's just, you don't realise how tired I was; I still am. But yeah; we need more of an event attendance. :S Edit: Oh, and I didn't stay for more than 15 minutes because I was nearly face-down on the floor from being so tired and you logged later. And no one was joining the Friends Chat. :/
  14. 3m prize, very nice. Since this is "naked" fighting, I guess it doesn't take much skill, more skill levels. xDDamn F2P. :/
  15. Magic - OMGMAGICOWNSNOOBS.Strength - You know why I'd like this.
  16. May be there. ;D Someone -1'd you again bro. Lolol.
  17. Lol. PayPal is really safe Destiny, don't see why you don't trust I. I understand your caution, but PayPal is still trustworthy.
  18. That were my exact thoughts... Reminds me of when he repeatably photoshop'd in a divine to his screenshot. (Think it was that anyway.)Anyway; won't be there, F2P ftw! Not...
  19. Oh, this happened Destiny's private channel too. Fixed.Since this TS3 Server has been used by some other clans (including the old one I lead), there has been a lot of people in it. So a lot of clients must have entered. B)Made sure this problem doesn't occur again with any other channels. Thanks for letting me know. Don't be afraid to ask anymore questions. ^^
  20. We need to get more people to vote; so we can be certain.David pointed it out in IRC, how did we pull 13 (when we could have pulled much more) at the time most people went for. Guess others need to vote.
  21. Enjoyed the event. I love the new emote.And Blexun; I don't think I got an hour glass? Irrelevant since it's useless, but still. xD
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