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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Clan Wars Guide

    Yeah should go about combining the two. Especially update the pictures in Aliath's, which I can do right now if you really need it done.
  2. Needs more pictures.Why am I never on for the events I want to do?
  3. I refuse to buy any until they pay me back my 300+ spins that I should of gotten as quest rewards
  4. Blake

    Clan Wars Guide

    Yeah you can really see it's age from some of the inventory and descriptions, lol. I imagine you'll give it a proper update in due time though. :PStill a very informative guide though.
  5. 2nd would be easier to implement and keep updated. While having a couple of "CC Mods" is pretty helpful, I see a potential problem with it being a pseudo-rank. The few that are deemed mature enough to get it are ranked above the Events Team and the Recruitment Team and said "CC Mods" work a lot less. Although I, and I'm willing to bet the majority of members, don't care that much about ranks, I can see how this may discourage people from working at events and recruitment. If you want to keep the pseudo-rank though, I guess there are three things you could do. [*]Rank EC's and D's above the mods. Kind of impracitcal because with that many mods, the "CC Mods" would be overkill. [*]Rank those selected as "CC Mod" above EC's and D's and hope the latter don't care about the unfairness of ranks. [*]Hand select specific mature members out of the EC's and D's and make them a mods as well as keeping their regular events or recruitment duties. For example, if Muscle Pirate, Lord Caspen, and I were Event Coordinators, Caspen and I may get ranked to Admin while Muscle Pirate stays the default rank for EC's and D's. Although in the grand scheme of things, this isn't monumental enough to worry that much about it.
  6. Just realized it was you in the video. That is fucking awesome, lol. I'm not sure what life skill that concentration/reflexes can aid in.
  7. Blake

    Real life Khajiit

    After a day of thinking, I'm guessing male. Or a very hairy woman.
  8. Blake

    Clan Cup

    If we really need somebody, I'll give it a go.
  9. Pink sounds like Peenk. You are no pun. HAR HAR HAR. Also this probably goes against my pronunciation, but I laughed to hard at it.
  10. Blake

    2011 GotY

    Skyrim. Easy answer to be honest, just trumps everything else that came out this year.However, I would like to add that both Portal 2 and Arkham City are fantastic games that are also amazing. Just not Skyrim amazing. Honestly, I think Skyrim is going to do what Ocarina of Time did to me as a child.
  11. So after claiming to not release anymore discontinued items, Jagex released a soon to be discontinued item: the Fish Mask! Only winnable on the Squeal of Fortune. As long as people are willing to buy spins, why not release a rare sellable item? It began its apperance as an uncommon spin on the wheel, but by the time you read this it'll be a rare spin. Most importantly though, it'll be discontinued by the end of the summer. Naturally, this leads to hype among the millions of Runescape players, who many claim this will join the tier of rares occupied by Party Hats, Santas, and Christmas Crackers (I call these people idiots, but we'll get to that). If you go to the usual major trading areas, you are bound to see people buying fish masks for 1m+ over their current GE price. So the question is, should they be making such a big deal about these masks? I'll withold my arguement as I enjoy picking apart other people's case than presenting my own, but here is the general idea. Warning: The following is mad, incoherent, ramblings of a 3 year TRR member who has long been corrupted by David. The following speculations shouldn't be acted upon unless you trust this hollow shell of a Blex. If you lose money, not his fault. If he is wrong, he'll claim insanity and deny this whole topic.
  12. It is definitely pronounced "keen". I know this as I had the game faqs community and the Greybeards tell me. Also, I spelled "Dovahkiin" wrong. I just failed three times on this topic.
  13. Blake

    Real life Khajiit

    Honestly I don't see how this is a Khajiit. I just wanted to inspire people to add more gallery images to get this one off of the main page.
  14. Wood you belive how mean this is? I have to admit that was pretty (Dova)kiin of me to make that pun. I'm dragon these jokes on too much.
  15. Blake

    Dora the...Dragonborn?

    I tried too long to think of a Mexican joke
  16. New favorite website (nfsw)

    1. Blake


      Well i forgot to add the site. http://factsandchicks.com/

    2. cheekychips


      My god... Best. Site. Ever

  17. We lost. I hope you're happy.I had a lot of laughs. Made a new friend/random. Was good man.
  18. To bad it isn't woodcutting. Ah ah ah!Yeah can't make it as I'm going on a beach camping trip with some friends.Edit: Oh wait. This is on a Friday. I'm good then.
  19. How awkward would a confrontation between Sheogorath and Mehrunes Dagon be?

    1. cheekychips


      There would be blood

  20. Of course, but not in the sense that there is a bank.If you buy a house, it comes with a chest that you can store things like dragon bones, armor, weapons, and whatever else in. You can further upgrade it for more furnitute and chests, but this is unecessary as one chest can hold an infinite amount of items. In addition to house chests, there is also a number of other store units that are safe to put your items in, such as the room you are assigned at the College of Winterhold.Be careful though as not all barrels and chests are safe to put your loot in. Some reset, so any items you put in there disappear. If you want, you can ask about specific barrels and chests and I can tell you if they are safe.
  21. My army of Khajiits shall drench the the land in blood.
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