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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Your hate for Desmond is both shocking and hilarious. Well too bad, MUAHAHAHHAHAA!!Joking. It isn't. I guess that in itself is a bit of a spoiler, but all well. Revelations is just Desmond in his unconscious state using the Animus and an old friend to wake up from his shock. I didn't spoil anything that wasn't either at the end of Bloodlines or withing the first 3 minutes of Revelations. [*]Where does it say "She's not who you think she is"? I watched this thing 3 times and didn't hear Juno say that. [*]I doubt the eagle eye thing matters. I think that is just what the user knows of the other person, like as far as he knows, Lucy is good. This doesn't make sense in some parts of the game where you use it to scan crowds for enemies, but all well, probably irrelevant. I guess in the end it all depends on whether or not Those Who Came Before can be ultimately trusted. She talks about balancing the scales, though that could also mean getting rid of a Templar spy. Honestly, I'm not as knowledgeable on all of this as I was during my AC days, so I'll probably play through and read up on it before AC3
  2. That happens in Bloodlines, silly.Although I did list the Revelations spoiler there too. Sorry bro D:
  3. I EDITED IT FOR THE CHILDREN - TraagI hate you - Blexun
  4. Blake

    Inspirational Link

    I prefer the right handed Link.
  5. They actually both have cameo appearances in other movies: Black Widow in Iron Man 2 and Hawkeye in the newer Incredible Hulk.Funny you should say that though as a Black Widow movie has already been planned. Sounds like a terrible idea, but we'll save that for a more appropriate time.
  6. Blake

    Inspirational Link

    I can still hear the heart beep.
  7. As the Skyrim 1.6 update comes out, Bethesda is allowing Steam users ( ) to get a sneak peak and beta test the soon to be added mounted combat system. This will be the only addition to the game with this patch, along with a handful of bug fixes. As far as I've seen from screenshots and forum posts, it seems to work alright. Two complaints I thought of already, though these are based on my thinking about the update rather than actually playing it. [*]It says you can melee and range from horse back, but it doesn't mention spell casting. I would understand not being able to do the master level fire and ice spells, maybe even the master lighting one, but this kind of sucks. [*]How often will you use it? I actually ride horses all the time and the ability to attack while on the horse instead of having to dismount is actually appealing to me, but I recognize a lot of players don't bother with them. And I have one question for anybody who plays on Steam. When something attacks you, does it attack you directly, the horse until it dies and you are forced to dismount, or both depending on where they hit or decide to do? Screenshots of the action.
  8. You are a horrible person and I hope you die of something horrible.
  9. Yeah I found that out after Yahoo changed it's story when they got it wrong. I just never bothered to change the OT.Here is a direct quote from that guy.
  10. I should give them another shot tbh. Only killed like 23 before I gave up.Good job though. Maybe I'll join you sometime.
  11. Knock It Off, Netflix! I've had Netflix on my game console and computer for a bit over a year now, and for the most part, I've been happy with it. I spend a lot of my time at school and the ability to stream TV shows and movies when I have a bit of a break is very convenient. If I had to complain about one thing though, the collection of movies leaves something to be desired. I mean, they have Hot Tub Time Machine just a couple of weeks after its theater debut, but when I want to see the first Iron Man, and not the countless cartoon versions of it, too bad. Netflix biggest offense is its large amount of B-movie knock offs, or mockbusters, most of which is produced by The Asylum. Scary name for a scary company. Just to educate you, The Asylum is an American film studio and distributor who is known for producing direct-to-video knock offs of major motion pictures. They also take pride in the fact they haven't lost money on a movie ever, which isn't hard to do when your budget is below one million and you make it back in three months. I find them highly annoying for three reasons. They do it quickly. To get an idea, they shot and produced American Warships (American Battleships before they were sued and had to change) on May 15th, three days before Battleships. On average, they can shit out movies, from decision to create title to final product, in 4 months. Their knockoffs are so blatantly obvious, it is sickening. You'll see a lot of this in the list, but to give you an idea, one of the Dis-Honorable Mentions for this list was I am Omega, which is a rip off of both Omega Man and I am Legend and robs plot details from both movies. The quality is shit. I mean, I can't stress this enough. It is 2012, they are ripping off huge movies, and the video and audio quality looks like 70's porn. Furthermore, they have a tough time finding actors for their movies. In The Almighty Thor, a recent knockoff of Thor, most of the deaths happen off screen, where Loki points his stick at somebody off camera, who makes a "ARRRGGHH" sound, then presumably dies. And Netflix must have some deal with them as pretty much all of their movies is available for instant watch. So yeah, the title of this blog is a bit misleading, but the pun was too good to avoid. So without further adieu, I give you the Top 5 worse The Asylum knockoffs available on Netflix. No particular order, except maybe hilarity. 5. The Da Vinci Treasure Not To Be Confused With: The Da Vinci Code Plot: Some forensic anthropologist inadvertently discovers subtle clues in Leonardo Da Vinci's works that will lead the finder to "enlightenment". As he pieces this puzzle together, it becomes obvious that other treasure hunters are after the treasure as well. Opinion: If The Da Vinci Code and National Treasure were related and they fucked, this would be their 91 minute long, inbred, off-spring. Containing only 15~ speaking parts, including the one line guys, even die hard B movie fans won't be able to stand this one. 4. Sherlock Holmes (2010 movie) Not To Be Confused With: Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie) Plot: Sherlock Holmes and Watson are on the case again when reports of monsters, both mythological and historical, are attacking London. Their case leads them to a mad scientist, who created and can control said monsters for some, ultimate reason. Opinion: First of all, yes, that is indeed a dragon, a T-Rex, and a giant squid attacking London. I'll give that a second to soak in. While I have to give props for the creative thinking of having Sherlock Holmes fight these monsters, with a film budget of 600,000, I promise you you don't want to watch it. And as for the plot, it takes so many twists and turns that I gave up trying to watch it. Spoiler alert: the scientist is Sherlock's brother. 3. The Day the Earth Stopped Not To Be Confused With: The Day the Earth Stood Still Plot: 666 robots land and invade Earth. Two humanoid aliens are captured by the military, where they reveal that the only way the robots won't destroy the Earth is if the humans prove their is still faith in humanity. Keep them away from Facebook. Opinion: Bad visuals comes to play yet again. What is worse is the horrible horrible horrible acting. Similar to The Almighty Thor, they must of had a tough time finding extras. When the giant robots land in the streets, nobody is panicking or comes outside to see what is up, except the handful of main characters of course. And to add insult to this, they released this 3 days before the Keanu Reeve's The Day the Earth Stood Still. 2. Transmorphers Not To Be Confused With: Transformers Plot: Aliens piloting robots have invaded Earth and forced all of human kind underground by creating an endless night and rain. It isn't until 300 years later that the humans rebel and find out their invaders are actually robots. Opinion: Not much to say that hasn't already been said. Awful acting. A really really small amount of actors. Horrible effects and visuals. I actually misread this as Transformers and got a shameful amount of time into it before finding out I've been misled. 1. Snakes on a Train Not To Be Confused With: Snakes on a Plane Plot: A woman has been put under a Mayan curse that causes snakes to hatch inside her stomach and eat their way out. Brujo is trying to take her by train to a Mayan shaman in Los Angeles, keeping all the snakes that eat their way out in jars so the shaman can piece her back together. Bandits attack them, the snake get loose and attack all of the passengers. Later the woman turns into a giant snake and eats the entire train. 6 passengers escape and one of them uses magic to make the giant snake-woman disappear. That is actually the entire movie. Now you don't have to see Snakes on a Train. Opinion: Snakes on a Plane wasn't really a good movie, but a cult classic. You had to see it just because it was so unique, quirky, and off the wall. You definitely wouldn't see Snakes on a Train. Besides the obvious problems you can expect, the movie poster is misleading. You probably can't read it, but it says, and I quote, "100 Trapped Passengers-3,000 Venomous Vipers." In reality, there is only a dozen passengers and a couple of snakes actually shown on film. All in all, the most hilarious and awful knockoff on Netflix. Dis-Honorable Mentions I could of went on and on about these movies. So here are some that either aren't on Netflix or I just didn't talk about. Pirates of Treasure Island-Warning: Jack Sparrow is French. War of the Worlds II-the sequel to the Tom Cruise movie they didn't make Paranormal Entity Chop Kick Panda 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea Titanic II Sunday School Musical-nothing can douche up the Disney rip off like a Christian version of it The Amityville Haunting 18 Year Old Virgin
  12. If i get members by then, we'll be good location wise.
  13. Blake

    The Lusty Argonian Maid

    I saw an option to do it, but I could only do it when uploading the image, not when it is already uploaded.
  14. Forsworn-you sneak their leader out of the jail and he takes you to a jail filled with friendly Forsworn. As far as I know, these are the only friendly Forsworn. I was being a bit generous with this one.The Order of the Dragon-The highest order in Oblivion. You are promoted to their 2nd highest rank, Champion of Cyrodil, after the Main quest. The highest is Emperor.Mythic Dawn-If you agree to give up your items and walk with the door guard, you are to told cut some lizard. After this, you being a member is marked in your journal. You can leave their base and all of The Blades members will refuse to talk to you and act all pissy. You even yell the things they yell during battle, such as I DO NOT FEAR DEATH!The Knights of the White Stallion-Help Mazoga the Orc kill some bandit and the count of Leyawin appoints you two to this. You can then travel with her to kill bandits. Tbh, I only do this to kill her when she gets daedric armor.The Order of Virtuous Blood-4 guys in a house in the Imperial city tell you they hate all vampires and tell you to help them kill a supposed vampire. If you hunt down the supposed vampire and agree to spare him, you find out he is innocent and the leader of the order is the real vampire. You can then kill him, the fake vampire becomes the leader, and they let you join, paying you for every vampire dust you bring in.The Knights of the Thorn-Counts son and his gang storms an Oblivion gate without the city's guard and tries to shut it. You find out all but two died and if you keep them alive through the whole process, then you can join them. Can't do anything else besides that.
  15. Blake

    Leonardo The Sodomo

    Also, is sodomo a word?
  16. Skyrim College of Winterhold The Companions Thieves Guild Dark Brotherhood The Blades Stormcloaks/Impreial Legion Bards College Orc Strongholds Forsworn Oblivion The Order of the Dragon Arena Participant(by the way, want a Skyrim arena) Mages Guild Thieves Guild Fighters Guild Dark Brotherhood Mythic Dawn The Blades The Knights of White Stallion The Order of Virtuous Blood The Knights of the Thorn Court of Madness
  17. I understand, but all the Jarls is a bit of a stretch.Maven is allied with the Dark Brotherhood and she can become Jarl. That is Civil War related though.
  18. I only listed 7, but there might be smaller ones I didn't include. I guess 8 if you include befriending the orcs. Maybe 9 if you include helping the Forsworn escape from Chidna Mine.Yeah I agree factions are pretty cool. Oblivion had a good 12~. Then again, I prefer quality of the factions than quantity.
  19. That is actually a pretty cool idea. Then again, something like that happened, with you killing the Emperor for that guy who's ultimate goal is to take his place. Or at least gain influence.
  20. Yeah. Kind of wished they did what they did with the Dark Brotherhood armor and supply an unenchanted set in the guild. Although I kind of see why they wouldn't do that with Nightingale armor. All in all, I wish I had Skyrim on a good PC.I used to go shirtless in Oblivion all the time. Too bad there isn't a lot of shirtless armors in Skyrim.
  21. Going to this one. Does it matter what logs I bring?
  22. Anarchy is the one going for 99 cooking. David got 99 cooking years ago.
  23. I had the Star Wars Original Trilogy, so it was the fourth, fifth, and sixth movie, except everything is Legos. It is a pretty accurate representation of the movies and is really funny.Sometimes it is a bit ridiculous like Lego Rockband.
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