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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Internet was down for a 5 days. I come back to this topic. A lot of crap I wished I could of said, but way toooooo much to bring up and comment on now. I guess it's time for...... BLEXUN'S 5 COMMENTS!!!! [*]Glad to see the creation of this topic. Although I can see how this can be seen as a "stupid" way to end the clan, even though it was never an official end to the clan, similar topics have bolstered activity for awhile. [*]OMFG IT'S HENRY!#!#!#@!@!#@!#!#@! [*]Well I'm the only moderator, so I guess I'm the one guilty of moderating abuse. If you are referring to me closing your topic for posting in the wrong forum, then I'm guilty. If you are referring to me wishing you luck in finding a mature clan with members such as yourself, then no, that isn't moderation abuse. Neither is the other thing, but I digress. [*]GUISE FORBIDDEN RETRIBUTION IS 0UR RIVALS [*]I guess everybody is to blame, more or less. I know I've been lazy on the TRR side of things, though I've been focusing on ElderSouls. So naturally, I'm aiming for TRR leader. Comments? So let's put all the negative things that were said behind us and focus on a brighter tomorrow. Don't pretend you weren't moved.
  2. So he'll definitely be our future warlord?
  3. They need to remaster every single game ever. Namely, an Ocarina of Time with co-op.
  4. I only read the "dwarf party" part of The Hobbit in the 8th grade. By that part, people complained the book sucked and we switched to some book about a witch. And by "people" I mean that group of teenage girls that always sit together and spam your Facebook with what they are doing as a group cause "OMG OUR LYFE". I always heard it was two movies, not three. I could be wrong though.
  5. Blake

    Clan Citadel

    Citadel is so scary looking, I'm too afraid to go by myself.So naturally this means we need everybody to come keep me company.
  6. Weird but cool find I guess, lol. I usually set up camp at Whiterun or Riften though. =/
  7. Well, topic closed. Though I must admit though, I'm a bit sad that spam bots use actual names. Makes them seem....human.
  8. I always look at it like Pixar. Even when they released Cars 2, people will still flock to see Brave. Great review Squishy. Had to re read your other one to understand bits of it, but I'll just say you have a knack for this.
  9. Pretty much the last thing I want to do is play Runescape with shittier graphics and less to do.Honestly, if Runescape managed to get rid of bots, stop/get rid of paying for real world items (although this may or may not cause a bump in membership prices), and start coming out with fun and original updates rather than pointless or lame stuff (Jagex used to release quest series over the summer, now they released easy xp and spins for repeated membership) it'd make the majority of players happy.Although I believe 90% of the players will be happy, the rest of the players don't like change, regardless if it's for better or for worse. They grasp to the past and claim it's the best just because that is when they had fun, when they were new players. But that is just an idea of mine. Kind of over-dramatic with the video, but I guess power to them for attempting to do something rather than complain in game.
  10. I should delete or lock this topic, but I'm going to see how many people post without reading it carefully.
  11. And here I thought I found another member who shares my love for fashion TV shows.
  12. I'll do a list of 10, but not in any particular order. [*]Seinfeld [*]How I Met Your Mother [*]House [*]Arrested Development [*]Weeds [*]The Walking Dead [*]Futurama [*]America's Next Top Model [*]Cheers [*]Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
  13. The Search for Blexun's Treasure: Part Deux Date: Search and clues begin on August 2nd. Location: Anywhere and Everywhere Notes: Really enjoyed the last one I did. Also, the prize is a lot more valuable About To celebrate my name change from "The Pantless" to "Blexun", we're doing another one of these. With the completion of Carnillean Rising, I've come across a chest that I can store any item in and let other people find. So naturally, I've hidden it somewhere in the wide world of Runescape. Your job is simple, solve the clues to figured out the 5 digit pin number, then solve the last clue to find out where the treasure is buried. You need the pin number to unlock it, so rushing to the end will do you no good, unless you wanna guess numbers from 00001-99999. Rules [*]The chest is on world 64. Digging on other worlds won't help [*]You can only search for the chest when I'm logged in. This is Jagex's rule, not mine, so I'll try to be idling as soon as I release the clues [*]BRING A SPADE! [*]You can help others if you really want to, just know there is only one prize [*]I'll do my very best only have clues and the chest in non-quest related areas or quest related areas I assume we have all done already. Also, the chest will only be hidden in areas on the world map. In other words, no dungeons or buildings. [*]YOU MUST ASK ME FOR A KEY! You need both the pin number and a key to unlock the chest once you find it. Once I bury the chests you can request keys from me in game [*]The pin numbers aren't in the order that you solve them in. Once you have the pin numbers, pm me them in game and I'll tell you the order they are in. [*]If you pm me the supposed pin numbers and they are wrong, I won't let you guess again for another 10 minutes. Prize Now it wouldn't be fun if I told you what you were playing for. Like last time, it comes from my personal collection. Unlike last time however, it is a more expensive item from my collection. The name change from "The Pantless" to "Blexun" is a momentous occasion and not something to be trifled with. I wish you'd keep the reward, but if you wanna bank some cash, I recommend you come to this event. Introduction In progress Clue #1 Clue #2 Clue #3 Clue #4 Clue #5 Location Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th] 9:00 P.M. [/td] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 4:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] 1:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your time zone is not included in the chart, a time zone converter may be of help.
  14. Very minor xp gains, but pretty decent none the less.
  15. Short, easy event that I'll be doing a lot of anyway. Very nice.
  16. Haven't tried dunging, but slaying is not really affected. At least, I didn't notice a difference with it. And since the combat triangle is more in your favor, you'll be able to take longer trips, which is always nice. Better yet, you can DUAL WIELD scimmies and just Leroy all the noobs.
  17. And sharing more information on when/where/how you suppose you lost her is a lot of help too.
  18. 4 KILLS MOTHERFUCKA13213412#!@#@!#@!$12412412321I mean, they could help me get through the fighter kiln, if I'm allowed to use them anyway.
  19. Yeah....people will complain.But you know, 4 instant kill darts is cool I guess.
  20. Just posted the shortest guide ever, and I bet it'll be one of the more popular ones.

  21. How to get Divorced in Skyrim By: Blexun My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in eighteen years. – Lee Travino Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Users You can't. PC UsersKill your spouseEnter console command resetquest RelationshipMarriageRemove the Amulet of Mara from your inventory.Enter console command SetStage RelationshipMarriage 10Use console commands resurrect and setrelationshiprank player 4 on your spouse to resurrect them.
  22. Thanks for the video Anarchy. More things to add then. [*]Rope dart is kind of unrealistic. I mean he just pulled him over a tree with it. [*]The moveable hiding spots are pretty cool. If anything, make hiding more useful. [*]The sneak thing where you hid behind buildings is a long awaited update for me, especially considering I pseudo did this in other AC games. [*]Camera and animations looks more "dynamic", if that makes sense. Also, running through buildings is pretty cool. [*]The city doesn't look at boring as I thought it'd be. Wider open, but still looks fun to navigate. [*]Parts of the combat system looked like the same counter attack, rinse, repeat. The parts where he just ripped 5 guards in 3 seconds looks different though. [*]Yeah, Connor looks reaaalllly out of place. Not as bad as I thought he'd be, but still. [*]And finally, he's half European, half Native American, so you can see how this bridges into Desmond.
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