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Everything posted by Blake

  1. The "he" and "his" still bugs me.
  2. I said the exact same thing, but then I watched it.And you embed didn't work. You should of checked it when you posted it, but I guess you don't.....forget it.
  3. That sentence is a lot funnier to me because your avatar is Pee Wee Herman.
  4. Saw a really cool video of Todd Howard, Executive Produce of Bethesda, giving a speech at DICE a good amount of months ago. In it, he explains why people create game and why do they play them, referencing his own work and generally being a funny and interesting guy all around. If you are going to TL;DW it, at least jump to 21:30, where he shows Bethesda Game Jam, where he allowed everybody to do whatever they wanted to for a week and see Skyrim features that may, didn't, and have made it in the final installment/DLC.
  5. Bored, so I decided to rate your signatures. I'll be using the Blex Rating System, where I carefully evaluate the good and the bad things about your signature, ignore all of that, and just say bad things about you as a person. Or not. I haven't worked out the kinks yet. <3 David <3 [*]You never gave me the buttons and I hate you for it [*]I like the buttons [*]I no longer want the buttons [*]I like the buttons 5 angry Administrators out of 5. Squishyman the Bad Mamajama [*]I like to pretend I'm the horse, galloping along the sand with the warm sand between my hooves while a young strapping lad is mounting me, sweating as he beats me and as we share many the adventure that brings us ever closer. [*]I also like to think I'm the dragon cause dragons fucking rock [*]I like horses 3 sweaty horseman out of 5 Fucking Brad [*]Just a hint of creepiness [*]Mixed with a bit of vanity [*]Toss in a bit of horrible use of colors [*]And a pinch of a rip-off [*]Also you hate Muslims 2 Racist Brits out of 5 Tynisia who's name makes no sense to me [*]You don't have a signature [*]That isn't fine [*]This has turned into a poem [*]Porcupine 4 Bearded Fat Mans out of 5 Deathirst which is also the name of my heavy metal band [*]You are an artist, but your choice of colors needs more work [*]LOL DRAGON HELM NEWB [*]You are an inspiration to us all, but not when it comes to signatures [*]I approve of the shameless link plugs in your signature 3 Anime Babes out of 5 Dynasty 666 The Devil Worshipper Who Worships The Devil [*]Just kidding. I'm sure the 666 doesn't mean you worship the devil. [*]Right? [*]Oh dear God. Or Devil God, if you prefer. [*]Your signature is huge [*]That irks me 2 Satanic Cult Ritual Orgies out of 5 Huygen the Pedo [*]I like that you are from some mysterious part of the world [*]And by "mysterious", I mean I forgot where you are from [*]You never posted new stats or a new goal [*]My Rs Character owns your old one [*]Shit bro, do you even lift? 1 Alpha Male out of 5 CheekyChimp [*]Good god your signature is huge [*]It makes me miss the forum chat [*]I like the forum chat [*]Fuck, David [*]And the cat makes me giggle [*]Too big 4 Drunken Scottish Late Night Talk Show Hosts out of 5 Ericbloodaxe the Bard/Barbarian [*]I totally forgot I edited your signature [*]LOL U MAD BRO [*]NA BRO U MAD [*]You are from Norway and I think that is cool 5 Singing Vikings out of 5 Tcee that chick who never used the signature I created for her [*]I decided to do your whole list in pink [*]Lol na I jk [*]Nobody seriously reads your quote, but I bet it's deep [*]Your turtle makes me smile 4 Gravy Ladles out of 5 Carnival of Souls WEEEE FERRIS WHEEL [*]So what exactly is the Art of Ruin? What is "this"? [*]TELL ME? [*]No. You know what? I don't want to know. [*]Your sick games won't work on me [*]So how about that Hurricane Sandy [*]DAMNIT TELL ME WHAT IS THE ART OF RUIN! 7 Obscure Sayings With Creative Uses Of Exclamation Points out of 5
  6. Someone stole my iPod, but this is nice to hear.But really, 2 dollars. o.O
  7. Guys, calm the fuck down.We can just make some more.
  8. How my nights go when I'm looking for sex.
  9. I don't know. Images like this don't really help at all. < image removed >
  10. Open with Renagade Move on to You Give Love A Bad Name And end with Ballad of the Green Berets
  11. Not to mention you are fighting for the South.
  12. Not really what I was going for, but that reminds me. I want a really good detective game.
  13. Yeah really is a shame. Used to watch both shows extensively when I was younger. Stopped watching because of the crap they filled the time slots with and the fact X Play and Attack of the Show was coming on less and less.Still, was a good run for them.
  14. The first one is probably the most interesting. Hack and Slash type games can get repetitive though, so if that part is bad, it makes half of the game boring or monotonous to play. As for two and three, meh. Civil war warfare doesn't sound exciting and can't really say much on the medieval fps one. So here are a few of mine that have been trolling around in my head for awhile. 1. This is more of an abstract idea at the moment, but here it goes. So usually in games, deaths and other misdeeds happen without any real consequence. So I was thinking what if in addition to the usual punishment for these misdeeds, there are also moral punishments, maybe guilt, your victims being on your mind throughout the game, and other ways where your past actions make an appearance in the game. 2. So you are some regular looking Joe in some fantasy world. Without telling you (the player) a lot of the story, the player figures out they must kill some bad looking dudes, raid dungeons, acquire something, etc. But then at the end of the game, YOU WERE THE BAD GUY ALL ALONG!!! 3. Elderscrolls meets the Sims. You live a life in some real-world location, and I'm talking a fucking huge location, without any goal besides "do what you want to do". Maybe you can pursue a career, become an art thief, be homeless, whatever.
  15. I'm ashamed Squishy. I figured you of all people would read the entire story. D: On a side note, they can do anything they want to the virgins, BUT NO KISSING!But yeah, the girl is a prostitute in my book. But she's using the money to build houses, so who am I to judge.
  16. Mhhph mh mh mhhp mh mhp mhpph mhhpp!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake


      Oh yeah, and congrats on getting your Editor status back.

    3. Blake


      Fink fhu! Mmmrpgh crpyha drghya! Mrghfrr!

    4. Tynisa


      Trying to figure out if this is Blexun being himself, or some reference to a game i have not played.

  17. Napolean Dynamite and Edward Scissorhands has joined the game!
  18. It's only popular because of the video. Koreans. Women. A stupid dance. Horses. It has it all.I'm reluctant to call the song itself shit because I have no idea what he is saying half the time. But yeah, the song isn't good.
  19. Yeah, but it isn't a huge process tbh. In fact, a lot of people asked me on campus everyday, with a clipboard of the registration form, asking me if I registered. I usually just say yes and leave as to avoid them. They would of even mailed it for me.So yeah, I'm just stupid/lazy.
  20. Idiots vote all the time. In fact, polls are almost exclusively participated by idiots. And I'm right with you David, though I have the backup excuse of not being registered.Obviously I'm for the Free Pony coalition.
  21. Oh. And The Machinist. And with that movie, Cristen Bale secures 3 spots on my list.Of course I didn't even mention obvious favorites like Forrest Gump, the LotR series, and Fight Club.
  22. Bad movies [*]A Day Without A Mexican- All Hispanic people in California suddenly disappear when a pink fog surrounds the citty. [*]Thankskilling- The only Thanksgiving themed horror movie I know [*]Any Lifetime movie And as far as cult classics. [*]The Kill Bill series- I didn't think any of them were really that good. [*]300- Definitely a classic of our generation. Pretty much everybody said it was okay, but a lot of people watched it. [*]Pulp Fiction- Maybe could of been a "best movie ever". Still a classic you must watch.
  23. Congratulations. You got me to post. The Prestige- Great film where the film takes on characteristics of the magic trick the whole film is about. The Dark Knight- The best out of the series in my opinion. Definitely sparked a lot of the Batman fan base around the internet and modern cultural. Shawshank Redemption- One of the most classic, best story ever. And that old man killing himself is depressingly good. Reservoir Dogs- Probably more of a personal favorite rather than a best movie of all time. Still a really good movie, especially for Quentin Tara-whats-his-name. No Country for Old Men- Great book. Great movie. Unbreakable- Probably not as good, but it does a nice job making the movie seem like a comic book, which is more or less what the movie is about.
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