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Everything posted by David

  1. I honestly don't know of any common glitch that could cause that. If she did stop following you, though, she will go to Castle Volikhar. Make sure to check there if you haven't (I'm not sure if that's what you meant by 'home'). Without another save, you may be out of luck, unfortunately. As a last ditch effort you could try to get a new follower and hope that they will kick Serena out of the current spot and unlock her character wherever she is.
  2. You've probably talked to people who are comic book fans. The vast majority of people here, myself included, have really only grown up with the movies. Batman has produced the excellent Dark Knight trilogy, while Superman... Well, he was in the Justice League on Cartoon Network I guess.
  3. Sorry about the wait. Serena couldn't have died since she is always essential. What do you play the game on, the 360, PS3 or PC? If you have the PC version your best bet is probably going to be console commands.
  4. Batman. Superman is in desperate need of a major reboot for several reasons, the least of which is his incredibly homosexual outfit. Hopefully Man of Steel brings about said changes. I noticed there are no red outerpants, so it's a step in the right direction so far.
  5. David

    The Hunger Games

    The whole story of their romance is that it's forbidden and can never come to fruition. They're forced to be enemies in the games and may even have to kill one another. It's exactly like the situation of romeo and juliet and their families.Of course both couples go against outside pressures. Of course, when faced with the inevitability of their situation in the end, they choose suicide.
  6. David

    The Hunger Games

    No, but the whole Peeta / Katniss romance is hilariously like Romeo and Juliet right down to the suicide.
  7. Apparently I'm the only one who has played Dawnguard, I guess.
  8. 1,800. 12.5 a day isn't bad.
  9. Something about an Argonian with a modern fishing pole and bobber just doesn't seem right.
  10. Zenimax explains the crafting and gathering side of ESO.
  11. Are you using a PS3/360/PC? If I'm reading correctly, you screen just turns completely black, correct? Also, can you clarify this: Does this happen a few minutes after starting to play the game, or as you're transforming into a Werewolf? I suppose what I'm asking is what are you doing to trigger this right before it happens. Welcome to the site, by the way.
  12. I read all the time. I suppose I haven't read anything in the last year or so due to time constraints, but whatevs. My most recent large book(s) were World Without End and Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. They look intimidating, but they're fantastic stories if you're interested in historical fiction even remotely.
  13. David

    The Hunger Games

    Finished last night. Never in my life have I seen a movie stick so closely to the story of a book. It was almost word for word in some places, and really the only section that had minor changes in a significant number was the end. You can watch the movie and miss out on only a couple of details that help the story make sense, and they're nothing major. I almost feel like the story is already better suited for a movie as-is. Honestly, the quality of writing in the book was quite bad. The grammar and sentence structure specifically. There were tons of really poorly worded sentences and missing words. This is probably mostly the editors fault, but whatever. Toward the end I was getting sort of annoyed with Katniss and her Twilight-esque boy problems that for some reason took center-stage in a death arena. The book drags the "OMG IS HE ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH ME? NO. YES. MAYBE" bullshit on for far too long and it still isn't resolved at the end. That's not really bad for a trilogy of books... But it's mentioned dozens of times and it just gets old reading. I'll read the following books in the next few weeks. Nothing else to do right now. What?
  14. Is it the sound coming from your speakers, or is it a hardware noise? I realize it seems like a stupid question but it's hard to troubleshoot things like this over text otherwise.Check your "Active Effects" under "Magic" to make sure you don't have some sort of debilitating effect active. Is the sound present on all save files, or just the one?
  15. Here's an excerpt from an interview with a beta tester. I guess it could theoretically be out in time for the holidays? It explains why we're not really hearing anything.
  16. David

    The Hunger Games

    I actually thought it was sort of odd how large of a role Cinna had in the movie as I was watching it. Of course I haven't read the books yet, so I didn't know any background information. How it all happened just seemed odd; they seem to be instant best friends even though she never really talks to him. I thought Katniss had almost no personality in the movie. Prim didn't really have much screen time so I can't comment. I've decided to read the book for comparisons sake. I'm a fast reader and it seems fairly short so we'll see.
  17. It was... Alright, I guess. I'm an outspoken critic of the overplayed vampire bullshit in Skyrim, so I'm probably biased, but here are my thoughts... This playthrough was with the Dawnguard. I'll probably post a follow-up when I complete it as a Vampire. As usual, Bethesda doesn't disappoint as far as content goes... The new areas and maps are gigantic and gorgeous. Sadly, this is also my biggest gripe by far. Dawnguard took me ~7 hours to do one run-through (one faction, not both), and the vast... VAST majority of it was little more than traipsing around the environment trying to get to the next objective marker. There's little to no story or content inbetween the objectives... Just long, long.... LONG walks. Sadly, I died due to my own stupidity in the Soul Cairn and was forced to start back at the beginning. Man, that was when I first realized just how long and tedious the walks were. It took me like ~10 mins of pure walking JUST to get to an objective where something would happen. During that walk, there was absolutely nothing to pique my interest at all other than 1 random, annoying forced battle with shitty skeletons. As far as the story is concerned... Meh. Storytelling is never a Bethesda / TES strong point, so I guess I really can't complain - it's just more of the same. It's not particularly gripping. The motivations of Serena never make any sense, which is sort of bad since she's basically the point of the entire DLC. One thing that was surprising / disappointing to me was the lack of outright Dawngaurd vs. Vampire fights. There's really only one direct confrontation at the very end of the DLC. Prior to that, it's just you and Serena killing 3-4 random Vampire spawns. In fact, you kill more Falmer and Frostbite spiders than anything; there's a really long, extended snow-elf / falmer sequence that seems really out of place yet constitutes a huge portion of the content. Characters on the Dawnguard side are down-right bad. The only person who I even remember is Isran, the leader, and he's the generic gruff-voiced, stern Nord that we've come to expect. What's wrong here is that during the quest you have EXTREMELY little interaction with any character other than Serena. You talk to some nervous recruit at the beginning, get a single quest from Isran, and then the rest of the quest line is 100% adventuring with Serena. And you can't even marry her. Armored Trolls are bad-ass looking and sound great. There's nothing more hilarious and epic than seeing one growl like Chewbacca and run into a group of vampires that are hurling spells every which way. Unfortunately, though, they're pretty damned useless. They can't even keep up with you when you're walking and they're downright bad in combat (if they manage to get there before you win or die). I am pretty pissed because I lost Orchendor near the beginning of the quest line, so I'm going to have to re-do everything to get him back. I guess it does give me an excuse to play on the vampire side. All in all, Dawnguard was a decent expansion. I don't regret buying it because it gave me more of the game that I already loved. The thing is, though, that's all the Dawnguard side of the story felt like it was intended to be - a drawn out excuse to walk through a few more caves and get in a few fights with Falmers. If you're only going to play it once as the Dawnguard it's not worth $20 unless it's your thing. I paid $10 when it was on sale and that's probably what it's worth to me. Nothing ground-breaking. I hope the Vampire side will be more interesting because I can be a Vampire Lord at the very least.
  18. I've re-uploaded it to the video database. It's a huge file (1080p?), so I may have to remove it at some point, but here it is for now. Chrome / IE are the browsers compatible with the player.
  19. I've re-linked the video on the front-end page (you can't watch it in the regular topic).
  20. Are there any fans of the book / movie / series here? After my family was raving about it I decided to watch the movie on Netflix. It was okay, I really don't see what all of the hype was though. I'm assuming the book was much better than the movie (which is always the case), but man... If I had to write a plot holes article on it I don't even know where to begin. I mean, even the basic premise doesn't make sense. Ignoring the plot holes, Katniss was annoying as hell. Despite being some sort of "God-Tier" archer who can hit a fucking flying duck with a homemade arrow (hard as fuck with a shotgun), she manages to miss targets about a billion times throughout the movie, most of which are <15 feet away and not even moving. Her personality is annoying. I get the "I'm shy" bullshit that's supposed to be endearing and relatable, but she just comes off as a huge douche the entire movie. Anyway, it's 4am and I can't form coherent thoughts. There's my review.
  21. What are you playing on (360 / PS3 / PC)? Computer hardware can make buzzing noises if you have the PC version, should be fairly easy to tell if that's the case if you mute the game and it continues. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if it's that or the game itself.
  22. Honestly, same here. Games aren't really fun for me anymore. When I do play, I'm just going through the motions trying to skip the actual gameplay to get to the next 20 seconds of mediocre story.
  23. Started Dawnguard. There's nothing like seeing an armored frost troll roar like Chewbacca and then charge into 5 screaming vampires.

    1. DovahkiinDemon


      Too bad those SweeTrolls aren't found within the icy lands of Skyrim.

      I've heard that they're delicious!

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