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Everything posted by David

  1. So after months of a slow crawl we really achieved this with a bang.
  2. Blexun's Netflix blog entry gets a ton of hits. From the little I've seen a lot of people get there by google "why isn't Iron Man 1 on Netflix" or something. A lot of times the most important thing to getting a lot of hits is making the title something that a lot of people google that has no existing page elsewhere on the internet.
  3. I've read tons of opinions on other sites about how the leaked gameplay video will affect the game. Many of those ardently defending the game believe that the person who leaked it intentionally made the game look bad. Either way, it's safe to say the internet hasn't been very impressed with what they've seen. Do you think this has the potential to really hurt the game in the short/long-term?
  4. This video is getting absolutely hammered with traffic. I've made it temporarily available only to those with an ES account. Guests can still create one to view it, but it will still stop the bleeding a bit.
  5. Sadly both of our blogs are overtaken by Cheeky and Blake in views. Cheeky has over 8,000 views with only 4 entries, and Blake has 6,000 with 3. wat.jpg Your bit about exams freaked me out because I have 3 in like 4 days and haven't even started studying yet. One of them is Physics, which yeah... WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU AND SPOOGAN DO TO SANTA'S TESTICLES?
  6. All you need to do is start up Skyrim while your 360 is connected to the internet.
  7. Legitimately concerned the ES video is going to crash the server.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      Yeah... I thought making it member-only would dissuade most. Nope.

      It has reduced the bandwidth... Slightly. Before we were doubling our usual monthly allotment every 2 hours. There's still probably a decent chance we get shut-down until I pay for extra.

    3. Fergal


      Either way, at least you are getting some site activity. ;) Although it seems most are just here to watch the video, doubt much will actually stay, but you never know.

    4. David


      Yeah. It's sort of misleading though since there's really not that much more traffic than usual, it's just that almost everyone that goes to the video ends up registering.

  8. It was a great meme because it just happened with nothing said or planned; that was the brilliance of it. Was. RIP Elder Souls sloth meme April 17th - April 18th. We'll always have the puzzled looks on the faces of guests when they saw entire threads of nothing but sloths on a Skyrim forum.
  9. Here are some ways to fix Rikke not giving you the next mission... Repeatedly ask General Tullius "How goes the war?" until the phrase is no longer white and all 'new' dialogue options are gone. He will give you some information about every battle you've won, which will hopefully initiate the 'Reporting for duty' prompt with Legate Rikke.Using the cooking pot in the middle of any of the camps seems to somehow fix the dialogue. - this was posted on the wiki by someone. I'm extremely skeptical but it's worth a shot I guess.PC Only - After retaking Fort Dunstadt and before reporting to General Tullius; Using console command "SetStage CWMission07 9999" will allow you to see the 'reporting in' dialogue from Leggete Rikke at the Rift Imperial Camp.
  10. I guess this means community motivation for such a project is low.
  11. Were both builds ~$1000? What was the difference in price? I've never used a SSD myself, let me know how fast that sucker boots.
  12. Somebody alert the sloth-gods of High Hrothgar. This man knows too much.
  13. Earlier this week, an ESO Beta tester by the name of Worst Youtube leaked live game footage of the current Beta build. As word of the video slowly crept through various forums and fansites, more and more people were able to witness what was supposed to be top-secret content. Feedback was overwhelmingly negative. Skeptical commentators were critical of the majority of the footage, specifically calling out the noticeably dated graphics and bland combat. Some attempted to defend the game's current state, claiming that no legitimate complaints can be levied against a game still in the beta stage of development. The resulting back-and-forth arguments have caused a notable divide in a community that has otherwise been full of hope and optimism. Despite an aggressive effort by Zenimax to remove the leaked content from YouTube, Vimeo, and other sites, many uploads of the video can still be found. Those interested in viewing the leaked content for themselves can do so searching for it online. Click here to view the article
  14. New database for video sharing - http://eldersouls.com/media . Share, comment, and rate any YouTube vid just by copying the ID.

  15. MMO's will never compete with single player, though. You simply can't achieve the same technical specifications with all of the unique players.The genre is pretty dead at this point. I thought ESO could turn everything around, but that doesn't seem likely from what I've seen between this, no raids, etc.
  16. At , the guy says that the footage is the same as what they had at PAX. Clearly the hype has gotten away from people a bit. This isn't going to be Skyrim multiplayer.
  17. This thread has been getting a lot of hits since the title change. Most people seem to be searching for specific ways to power-level after the patch, so one suggestion I have is to change the formatting of the different methods. For example, instead of just having "Method 4" bolded and/or underlined, use the h2 bbcode. You should also sub-title the methods based on what they are. For example... Preceding Paragraph[h2]Power-Leveling with Fortify Restoration Potions[/h2]General paragraph goes here.I just mentioned Brodo Swaggins because he's a news bot, so there's no need to reference him (or me, really). I'd just put a single link to the article at the top of the guide.
  18. Better than life itself.
  19. Haven't played either of them yet, honestly, but Dragonborn is the one that interests me the most by far. Tired of the whole vampire thing.
  20. What have you learned from Elder Souls?
  21. That's really weird. If an NPC that can't be killed (such as a Jarl) took it you're definitely not going to be able to get it back by looting/stealing. The only solution that comes to mind is using the Disarm shout. If you use that, it should cause the weapon to be unequipped and thrown somewhere in the environment where you're fighting.
  22. Was sitting in a computer lab with hundreds of people when I clicked into the moderator control panel. Needless to say the girls who witnessed all of the hardcore porn pop-up weren't impressed with my "I'm a forum moderator" excuse.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      I've actually used that once and it went over surprisingly well. He-man knows no limits.

    3. Blake


      Also, was this status your subtle way of telling me I don't have access to the Mod CP anymore?

    4. David


      No, you should still have access to it. I actually just added the link to it on this skin last week; it's under the "Tools" drop-down.

  23. So with the news regarding Skyrim and Bethesda's next "major project" now in full swing... Is anyone excited for Fallout 4? I'm pretty indifferent. I enjoyed Fallout 3, but it was certainly no TES game... I just hope we don't have to wait another 4-6 years for TES 6.
  24. I probably should have clarified in my first post that I was talking specifically about destruction. I agree that other magic skills, such as conjuration, are probably either fine or a tad too powerful. On my pure mage character (destruction as main damage source), I was getting absolutely wrecked the entire game and I wasn't even on master difficulty. At high levels you just do absolutely no damage because destruction doesn't scale. I ended up doing the unlimited magicka trick (which is kind of a cheat honestly) and getting 100 Conjuration with multiple thralls just to feel like I was having any impact. At that point conjuration was probably my main damage source, which killed the point of the entire experience. Also, embedded tweets into the article. New things ftw.
  25. I really don't know what you're trying to argue. Destruction alone has always been a feasible combat style. That's just plain wrong. I don't really know what else there is to say. Destruction is forced to be a "utility skill" in Skyrim BECAUSE it is grossly under-powered. That does not mean that's how it should be.
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