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Blog Comments posted by David

  1. Few things I noticed and I hope I'm not the only one with these problems.

    • I can't navigate to my notification drop down menu from the home page. Not a huge problem, but it interrupts how I usually flow through the site.
    • Quotes have lost their box. Like the quote information and picture come up, but no outline and gray shaded area for the box.

    Gallery looks miles better though.

    I'll have a different write up on the home page later, but I'm aware of the messenger/notification issue.

    Testing quotes now. EDIT: No idea what you're talking about. Try clearing your cache.

  2. Good time to bring this up. They're actually turning the book into three movies I believe, so hopefully they'll be able to cover a good deal of it. I know that they dropped most of the story in the original trilogy as that was three books made into three movies.

    Have you read the books that go with the movie trilogy already out? I remember trying but failing since it was so dry. I was only in middle school, though, so it's not fair to say.

  3. I started with X, then went to 12. Loved both of them, but X was one of my favorite games of all time (probably because I was young at the time, but that game seemed to be a big leap forward for me). Following that I bought and played Crisis Core on the PSP, which got me interested in the FF7 universe. Bought FF7 for $10 on PSN, played it, and despite how poorly the graphics have aged I still loved it. The hype for FF7 is real.

    Then 13 came along, and I doubt I'll be buying another FF game unless they get unreal USER reviews.

  4. It's good to hear they made the world more open. FF13 was a joke in that regard. I haven't play 13-2, and I highly doubt I will (because of 13), but hopefully they're moving in the right direction.

    Then again, I read somewhere that 13 was one of the best selling of all time. It would be interesting to see sales figures since you'd think a bad FF game would hurt the next iteration as much/if not more than the one that's bad.

  5. I looked up this game on IGN (Blast Corps.) and it has like a 9/10 or something.

    Time to confront your fears.

    When the music came on and the thing came alive I still almost shat myself in fear.

    Am I the oldest one on here ? i cant be because im only turning 21 next month.

    Nah, there are quite a few people 30 and up. I don't think many of them regularly post, though.

  6. This reminds me of a Legend of Zelda game that I had as a kid on the Gameboy Color (Oracle of Ages). I got all the way to the 2nd to last boss and could not, for the life of me, figure out what to do. It took like an hour just to get there, and I would always die while in the process of trying to figure out how to even do 1hp of damage to one of its forms.



  7. One more thing. I was thinking that we could have a sort of "options" menu on our website, and if you have a high-res monitor, you can enable better themes. If this would cost money to implement, don't bother, but if doing such a thing would be free, then I would strongly recommend it. I love when sites have such features.

    I could do something similar. You can check for the resolution settings and display different things based on it. There are things that are prioritized above that at the moment but it may be something to look into in the future.

    I also think the ads are cool, although the ones for Call of Duty and Battlefield look a bit unfitting.

    Could you explain that a bit? Do you mean the image itself could have the layers merged differently, or that it doesn't go with the content of the site?

    your like a god to me <3

    I'm really pretty newby with all of it, but I give it a good shot anyway. For your purposes the Content app would make for a good "Latest Fights" portal.

  8. It's good to have you back. :smile:

    I'm surprised it was so difficult tracking us down again. I thought most of the top results in google for "The RuneScape Rebelz" were ads updated with the new site, but I may be wrong. It's something we should look into because I'm sure there are others in the same boat.

  9. I agree, but it's only going to get/gotten worse since Netflix lost its Starz contract. Other studios are mad/refusing to deal with them because they think they're killing their sales. It's the same issue that's facing music sales with CD companies refusing to enter the 21st century, opting instead to spend billions suing their own customers.

    I actually watched the entire season of Borgia, thinking it was the American hit "The Borgia" without realizing it until the last episode. Fortunately the show was decent to good and had nudity, so I really didn't mind that much.

    Netflix actually had Iron Man 1 and 2 on there for a long time, it was one of their few notable movies.

  10. TRR is the RuneScape sub-section of a gaming community. Right now, Skyrim is our front-end just because when we launched that's what practically everyone was playing (TRR also moved after said Skyrim launch). We'll eventually (soon?) move the Skyrim forums to it's own sub-section just like TRR (and the Diablo 3 shell that's not being used at the moment). TRR has its own index/landing page and everything, though, so it's really not any different besides the initial confusion of some original members.

    Why did TRR move in the first place? It's because no one would donate for hosting besides Brad.

  11. In all fairness: http://eldersouls.com/trolls/HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA/

    I'm personally at a loss on what games to move in on, though. CoD 7 or whatever the hell BLOPS 2 is will be big, but isn't really in our niche since so far we're RPG if anything. Diablo III is already out so we're a bit behind the ball there, and I'm skeptical of our impact since we only have 4-5 players at the moment.

  12. Com. is just the number of comments.

    The Words of Power guide does have a lot of competition, but it's been coming into its own recently. Some things take longer to move up search rankings than others (this could be due to competition as well). It's also relatively new, so it's likely just now coming into its prime and the growth should be faster from here on out. A few of the guides (last time I checked I think the WoP guide was one) also have the forum topic URL ranked higher in search engines than the one that links to the actual guide page, so that also has a bit to do with it.

    One thing I didn't add is that my first three guides (the ones before the Marriable characters table) all had pretty significant exposure on Yahoo Answers when I was keeping up with that, so it isn't really fair to compare them with the others (which are mainly search engine traffic).

  13. I really liked this one. They don't all have to be funny, just entertaining/interesting.

    So if I write a guide on Skyrim Abortions, is it sure to get a lot of hits?

    I'm glad someone appreciated it, I was getting nervous when it was up for 4 hours without a single comment.

    Also, yeah, you're definitely on the right track with Skyrim abortions. I suggested the following example to Unknown already, but a Skyrim example would be writing an article that sets Ulfric up to be a Thalmor spy based on numerous in-game things that could be interpreted different ways. If someone wanted to do that a decent amount of the information is already in that one thread from a few weeks back.

    Did any of the article stats above surprise you?

  14. I remember when I played Oblivion, I didn't know Fast Traveling was even possible until I was like 100 hours in. I remember having to literally plan trips to dungeons on the eastern edge of the map, and it took what seemed like hours... Looking back though, this was probably the best and most fun way to play the game.

    Still remember how awestruck I was when I accidently clicked 'X' or whatever over a city icon on the map.

    As far as the review goes, I agree with everything besides art style. There's simply not a game with a better environment. I mean, snow even accumulates. Have you ever been out at night and stared up at the sky around Morthal? You see millions of stars, the different colored moons of the world, and even active and changing northern lights.

    You could MAYBE say FF13 was more visually sharp, though FF13 imo had very boring environments and it wasn't particularly realistic looking, whereas even the embers from fire in Skyrim look fantastic.

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