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Blog Comments posted by David

  1. ...or at least smiling. And you are resting your head on your hand.

    How did you know?!

    I let myself get trolled into clicking the link. I then listened to the song as background music for the rest of the entry when I was reading. It went quite well with it.

    5. Never heard of any of this, but I was a sheltered child. Drinking hand sanitizer? The hell?

    4. Shorts + sweatshirts. Long-sleeved shirts don't really bother me, but the sweatshirts do. Though I've been guilty myself a time or two.

    shat in a Pringles can and offered it to the bus driver.

    Just lol... Would have liked to see the reaction.

  2. I really, really enjoyed this game as well. All of the different "origin" stories of the different character classes and races makes replaying the game almost a must. Sadly the DA2 left the series with a sour taste.

    Also, I'll add that most of my characters in this game were mages. Yeah, they may be overpowered (as I was dealing 60-80% of all party damage combined with one character), but you FEEL like a mage, damn it. That's what they should be like IMO.

  3. The worst is when people post pictures of babies with birth defects for sympathy likes. Then post a comment about liking them for 2000 friends.

    Yeah. Half of them are photoshopped anyways.

    I don't know when the whole obsession with collecting likes started, or why it matters. It's not like there's a counter on your profile that keeps track (such as here, where they mean everything. :P )

  4. So, how exactly can I "help" you run the blog? I'm all yours if you need any help.

    You can just do your own posts and write-ups on funny facebook things you've witnessed. I won't say you can't take things from failblog/failbook and such, though it would be best if you use original stuff since half of those are fake.

    I've made you both Editors of this blog so you can see what I'm talking about. 1 Blog =/= 1 person.

    Facebook does have a longer shelf life, but only because of its size. It will stop being socially relevant long before it stops being widely used.

  5. Lmao, yes, usually.

    The funniest one I've read yet involved a girl who was mugged. Her description of the attacker was something like "Male between the ages of 16 and 30 and a height between 5'4" and 6'1." After eliminating about 50 people in the United States, she went on to be hilariously specific about the guy's shoes, "Black/Green Multicolored Special Edition Tonik DC footwear."

    To this day I hope to meet this wonderful troll.

    • Upvote 1
  6. o.O If you notified the police that's some serious jail/ fines from her. At the very least you probably would have got money back to replace what was broken either from her or your insurance. Was it just your PS3/Modem or was it mass destruction?

    The picture of my girlfriend buying a golf club for the sole purpose of destroying my shit makes me chuckle. For a minute, then I realize it's probably possible. Now I'm just scared.

  7. I remember playing that. I was quite young when I bought it, so it was one of those things I never quite completed. It was definitely a great game, specifically the scale as Blex mentioned. The story is intentionally vague, and many people love it like that. I personally thought it needed some direction, but meh. That's not what the game was about.

    Is there any difference between the normal and HD version? Seems like some kind of marketing ploy.

  8. I had never heard of that game. y u no download FF7 and play a real classic?

    But yeah, I have had my own fair share of bad Christmas video games...

    • Some motorcycle game for the PS2 that was literally unopened for 4+ years until I felt bad and played it for 10mins.
    • Two of the same Pokemon games.
    • Things involving popular culture TV shows, such as Scooby Doo/Spongebob/etc.

    But now I look back on those days and miss them... I only get a few clothes for Christmas now, and my life is going to be work from here on out. Lame.

  9. Good review. My main complaint was that the enemies level with you to the extent that you never feel like you're getting more powerful (relative to anything else) throughout the game. You get cool attacks, but by the end it takes like 5+ of ANYTHING just to kill a standard baddie.

    Evil Mode is also 10x better the Good imo. Good game overall.

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