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Blog Comments posted by David

  1. Although I'm a notable "hater" of the game, I must agree that it's graphically astounding. My main issues with it stem from the fact it almost seems like a "backwards" step for the series compared to Western RPG's that focus on choice and an open world.

    JRPG's have always been about their story and character development, which Western RPG's are weak with. I had no idea what the hell was going on EVER with FF13, and as you said, I hated many of the characters (Hope).

    • Vanille is like 14, yet it's frightening how "sexualized" she is. Every irrelevant little yelp/moan for no reason sounds sex.
    • Hope is horribly annoying and the mom thing was cliche.
    • Speaking of that, the line "Moms are tough"... GOOD GOD HOW DID THAT MAKE IT THROUGH QA.
    • Snow is a douche.
    • Sazh is decent yet his cartoony personality/bird/fro was distracting.
    • Lighting was the standard FF brooding/emo hero. Couldn't relate to her since she was a chick and had pink hair.
    • Fang was the best character IMO, although I'm sure she's a lesbian.

  2. I remember swinging on one of those push-pull two-person swing-sets (holy compound modification!), you know, the ones that you can get going fast enough to violently shake the whole damn set. Anyways, my like... 4 year old sister walked right in front of me and took it right to the face. Chipped an inverted "V" right into her two front teeth.

    To this day I'm shocked she wasn't decapitated.

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