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Everything posted by David

  1. Yeah. Fortunately that's one series where almost every game has been quite good, so I guess they deserve the benefit of the doubt until they screw it up.
  2. If you don't have an avatar (coughFergal), you should get one.

    1. Fergal


      Wut. Why doesn't the animation work when viewing topics? But it does work in my profile. Damn fail .gif

    2. Anarchy


      LMFAO! @David

  3. When you go back, make sure you do this quest (or quet line) BEFORE any of the other things you need to do. It would be horrible to re-do everything only to discover that the issue was still there.
  4. Hm, yeah, I believe that's one of the more annoying bugs in the game. I don't think there's any guarunteed method to fix it, so your only option may be to reload a previous save. Since your only save is so far back, you might be better off just ignoring this quest on your current character. I've highlighted some fixes above. If your issue is Delphine simply not giving you the quest at all at the end of Diplomatic Immunity, you're probably out of luck. Otherwise, there are some quest bugs that are fixable if you're having dialogue issues with Brynjolf.Make sure your game is the most updated version (release notes), I know v1.04 had fixes related to this quest. However, these patches usually only prevent this from happening in future games; if your current one is already bugged, it probably won't fix the issue alone.
  5. David

    Touched by an Arrow

    But did he want to play with the Nord doll, or the Breton doll?! Nevermind, none of you will understand.
  6. David

    Chikin? CHIKIN?! D':

    I didn't realize, but the guards actually really say that. I am now an anarchist.
  7. You just need to speak to Delphine after Diplomatic Immunity; she'll tell you to seek out Esbern. After that, you travel to Riften and talk to either Brynjolf or the Argonian bartender in The Bee and Barb.If you are having issues with the bug associated with that quest, you can reply to this topic to add more information about what you're struggling with and we'll help you out. If not, the wiki can help for bug workarounds.
  8. Yeah, but the vast majority would be wood. I guess you could have said the same thing about Italy, but eh. My main architectural complaint is the lack of any impressive buildings in the country.
  9. Have any of you guys checked it out? I'm certainly not going to buy it since it's extremely expensive and I never even used my PSP when I was into handheld gaming. It seems to have good reviews thus far, despite it's ridiculous current price of $250.
  10. Huh. I pictured an awkward encounter with Nazie and Babette. So they just non-chalantly ignore him and go about their business as if he didn't try to assassinate everyone?
  11. Is anyone interested in continuing the feed from RuneScape's site? The posts were usually just a sentence or two with a link to the article, but I'll set up the RS News Bot again if there's interest for it.I can also get RSS feeds from other locations as well. Such as streams from RL News sites, Tech News, etc.
  12. Most of the opinions I've read on other message boards seem to be critical of the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood as opposed to the Oblivion one. I mean, yeah, Oblivion's was probably longer - I don't remember any of it though. Oh, I do recall dropping a deer head or something on someone a few floors below. Maybe Skingrad? Either way, that's only one mission.As far as story is concerned, I'm probably going to have to give it to Skyrim's version. Oblivion did have more (and more varied) killing missions though, and since killing people is so fun that's probably what most people are bummed about in Skyrim.
  13. I didn't have any issues completing the DB questline with him thrall'd, although I didn't bring him around during it either.If you don't kill Cicero, what happens when everyone moves to the Dawnstar sanctuary (or does he not stay there)? I assumed you lie and tell Astrid he's dead regardless, but the wiki states that he re-joins the brotherhood after one of the quests if you let him live.
  14. I actually tend to not mind when there's a relatively complex leveling system. Don't get me wrong, I understand that Oblivion's was much too complex for the average player; however, the challenge behind leveling correctly and efficiently was a huge reason I loved playing it. When the story lines and quests get bored after the 3rd play-through, the leveling system challenge still remained.
  15. Ridiculous in the sense that a guy is wearing a merge of (what the series has described as) medieval assassin robes and a colonial uniform. Annnnd at the same time is holding a pistol in front of the American flag. So 2.
  16. Yeah. And unlike Europe, colonial America is going to have literally NO magnificent structures to explore. No cathedrals, Colosseum, etc. In fact, during that time the majority of buildings were 1-story and made out of wood. I just don't see how they can keep the impressive structures that are so defining of the series and yet maintain historical accuracy.I would have liked them to go back in time, if anything. Ancient Rome at its peak would have been great. Otherwise there are dozens of other Middle Eastern - and even Western-European areas - right around the time period of the last couple games they could have gone to.
  17. They're probably trying to get prices lower tbh. Prices have been extremely inflated for years.
  18. I'm putting my money on Alabama or Louisiana.
  19. Made quite a few edits to the format to convert it to an article, which can be viewed here.
  20. It's been leaked! Thoughts?
  21. Am I the only one who thinks this concept looks ridiculous?
  22. Assuming this is true, I'm kind of disappointed. I had really enjoyed the European history, and I feel like that the medieval/Roman era is often ignored (as far as these types of games are concerned) despite it being one of the most fitting periods in history for the genre. I am extremely opposed to the constant additions of guns and other more modern forms of weaponry to the series; I REALLY hate what they do to the atmosphere and strategy of the game. I understand how they want to really add to the scope of the whole "Pieces of Eden were responsible for everything" angle, but why can't they go BACK in time? They're in danger of jumping the shark. I don't ever want to play as Desmond in New York (or ever, really).Hell, does a medieval assassin even look like he should be there in that cover against all of the Revolutionary art? I don't think so, it looks like something someone would photoshop in my opinion. I'm not saying it's shopped - I'm saying that they're taking the series too close to the present time.That's just me though.
  23. David


    But this one has the addition of "LOL hitbox"!
  24. I chuckled about how it's already time to start the February voting.
  25. Eh, get on IRC so I can help you with it easily.
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