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Everything posted by David

  1. Quick thoughts on the Dark Brotherhood questline, now that I've finally officially completed it. Characters... [*]Cicero is the best (uh...most memorable) TES character since... Well, ever. Maybe the adoring fan (who he posed as to kill the "Grand Champion" as stated in his journals). [*]Babette was also quite good too, I was pleased that she survived the whole sanctuary onslaught thing. I feel like a lot of background/development could have been added to her character, though. [*]Didn't know Gabrielle existed was until I found her body when I was looking for survivors. [*]The whole "we're a faaaaamily" thing was creepy and dysfunctional; I thought it was well-done. Specifically how the first time you meet everyone they're standing around and laughing about their murder stories. Story... [*]I had a sad when I was forced to kill the woman at her wedding. Then I was more sad as her husband bent over and cried after. Then I was even more sad when I accidently killed him in the ensuing struggle. And the rest of his family. Then the woman's mom was wailing about how horrible everything was. [*]On that note, do any of you still like Muiri?! That is one sadistic bitch. I don't know if any of you saw this extra post-quest thing, but after you kill the second Shatter-Shield sister the mom committs suicide and leaves a super despressing note by her body. [*]The whole, "Amagawd, you killed a double!!1" thing was really cliche but it still caught me off guard. Before that I felt as if I had gotten off too easy; that made up for it. [*]Seeing (and then having to kill) Astrid's horribly burned (yet living) corpse was pretty shocking, and it really helped out what I originally thought was one of the weaker Dark Brotherhood installements in the grotesque department. [*]The final confrontation with the Emperor was really surprising to me; I figured I'd have to do something lame like kill him in his sleep. The way he went about it really made me question why, exactly, I was even doing any of this in the first place. [*]Side Note: Being able to thrall the Emperor and run around with him in matching robes is the shit. Other... [*]Loved the eerie music alongside the pounding bass when you stand next to every sanctuary entrance. I have a good surround sound system and it really creeped the hell out of me. [*]Shadowmere is looks 10x better in this game. His eyes actually glow, and he's not some odd shade of blue/black with pink circles for eyes. [*]It was awkward spooning with the Night Mother in her coffin. [*]Lucien Lachance's appearance was great, and you get quite a few easter eggs through his comments by having him around during the quest line. Overall, the DB quests beat out the Thieves Guild in my opinion. I don't know why most people thing the Thieves Guild was the best quest line.
  2. Randomly heard the "... Until I took a sword to the chest." guy in Skyrim today. Thought it was just a joke; but nope, it's really in the game.

  3. I ended up killing him because I noticed that his armor had much better enchantments than the jester outfit you find at the beginning of the sanctuary.And... I found an epic glitch (which I looked up and confirmed after I did it in my game). I stole Cicero's armor off of his corpse, and then thrall'd his body so I could take it back to my house and stow it away for my thrall collection. When I left the sanctuary, I noticed that Cicero spawned with all of his armor. I killed him and stole it again, and re-thrall'd his corpse. When I fast traveled to Whiterun, he again spawned with all of his armor.It's quite epic since his outfit is VERY valuable. I also don't have to look at his loin-clothe constantly, so it's win-win.
  4. Just a quick, initial update: I've gone around fast traveling with Shadowmere quite a bit. I returned to the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, where I left Frost, and he was still there. So this is safe (at least short term). I can't guaruntee that he won't disappear after ages of doing this, but eh.
  5. Maybe we can all buy it and bring some life to that section of the forum, eh? It's certainly dropped fast in price, and from what I've heard it's a good game. Amazon Link
  6. Haha, there are differences between the counts listed on your profiles and those listed in the thread-view by your posts. It's probably due to the Spam & Forum Games section not counting towards your actual total.
  7. TODAY ( 2/29/12 ) ONLY -- MAYBE An amazing deal, because they're free from FilePlanet (IGN, not a torrent site)! Downloading Tiberian Sun as we speak. Loved Red Alert, Generals, and many of the other old C&C PC games. For those of you who don't know, they're real time strategy-based military games. Tiberian Sun Command & Conquer (Gold)
  8. Hello, welcome to the community! Let me know if you ever need anything for have suggestions for the site. :)

  9. This is another guide that I think is worthy of being promoted to an article. I'm just posting this as forewarning if you want to change anything or update it.
  10. If you want to reformat a bit to go with our other articles, I think this is worth of being promoted to the main page now that we have IP Content. It should actually get some outside exposure and google ranking that way. Just letting you know in case you want to make any edits to it before I add it.Edit: and the corp mini-guide as well.Edit 2: Oh, and I'm sorry that our conversion broke half of the images. They should go back to normal after you edit it since I've upped the image limit.
  11. Did you let him live, or did you finish him off?I couldn't make up my mind. I understand that should you let him live, you can potentially have him as a follower after you finish the Dark Brotherhood. That would be more for the sake of being able to than anything else, since I'd never willingly drag him around as a companion. If I kill him, I can always just thrall him anyways.When I was messing around with the quest the other day, I summoned Luchien Lachance, who gave me some speec about how "the dread father" does not desire for me to kill Cicero as "the keeper is a sacred position."So. To follow the creepy corpse, or to listen to Astrid (who seems like a power-hungry incompetent tbh).
  12. I'm just wondering what you guys are doing - have you bookmarked TRR's index, or do you have ES bookmarked and then just navigate to the RuneScape sub-forum? Do you think I should move the RS sub-forum on the main index to its own spot, so it's easier to find?
  13. You can get away with owning two horses; the only limit that is guarunteed is that only one will travel with you at a time (the one you last mounted). In Frost's case, if you begin to ride a new horse (such as Shadowmere), I believe he will remain where you left him indefinitely. I'd just put him somewhere where you'll remember, such as Whiterun's stable. Fast travel around a bit on the new horse and see if he disappears or anything.I actually just happened into the exact same situation as you, so I'll play with it a bit and post back here if that hypothesis doesn't hold in Frost's unique case (though everything I've read and done thus far would indicate that it should).______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  14. Yeah, I'm going to try to add a TRR logo. It just might take a bit since I just found out all of my old .psd files are missing. Edit: Made a Skyrimy TRR logo. If people would prefer an image associated with something specific to RuneScape (e.g. the KBD), give me suggestions. Oh, and you need to test out your admin privileges now. You should only have access to the "Manage Skin Templates" area under "Look and Feel." If you can't access that, talk to me on IRC (I'll be on there for 30mins or so).
  15. I'm currently in the process of adding the old header back to the TRR index. I've changed it around a bit so that it will ONLY display on the TRR index - not the ES index or TRR forums. If you guys want, I can change it so it also displays when viewing all of the TRR forums and topics (like how it used to display even when you were viewing threads); however, I figured no one read it in the thread view anyways and it probably significantly added to the load times. I'll add a TRR-specific logo hopefully later tonight. If you have any further suggestions while I'm on top of the TRR side things post it here. Fergal: I'll also see if I can give you limited Admin responsibilities so you're able to edit the header and all of the other information. When that's set up, you're also in charge of editing all of the header links so they actually work. I've also discovered that it will be quite easy to mark profiles on the topic view to have their own rank-specific images. This will (potentially) enable us to bring back rank images and have them only show up on the TRR threads.
  16. There's a few possibilities here. [*]If you accidentally told her to wait somewhere and then left her there, she should re-appear back at your house after 3 days. You will get a message saying this when she returns. [*]If she is dead, you can check the "Hall of the Dead" in Whiterun to see if her corpse is there. [*]Fast traveling to different cities or locations should make followers re-appear with you. If none of those work, try getting another follower. If someone else will join you, the game doesn't even recognize that she's supposed to be with you. Otherwise, post back here and let us know if it still says she's "with" you. If none of the above work, you may have to end up reloading a previous save if Lydia's important to you. I wouldn't worry about it too much personally, as there are many other companions you can have that are at least as good as Lydia. ______ You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  17. I liked how they go about it in most Bioware games. They have an insanely expensive tome that you can purchase and use to reset all of your perks. I'd even be fine if it was a one-time deal.I understand that it would really kill the point of having one build, but I can't be assed to put 200 more hours into another character for no reason other than to try a different play-style.
  18. So today I was exploring a cave. After reaching the end after an hour or so, I started to fight the area "boss." It was a falmer something or other. After dispatching him rather easily, I turned around... Just in time to see one of the Dwemer giant Dynamo things bring its metal club of death right onto my head. It was a one-hit KO since I never bothered to heal from my encounter with the Falmer.Anyways, I reloaded an autosave, went back, and finished the cave. After I left, I realized my prized thralls had disappeared. Since I had spent so much time fucking around and not paying attention, I only had one autosave that was from before I left the cave. I reloaded it, and sadly they STILL weren't with me. This was quite tragic, and I nearly rage quit... However, for some reason I accidentally went backwards one load screen into the cave I was previously at. As soon as it stopped loading, I saw my two thralls fighting. As soon as I approached them, they both turned and started hammering the hell out of me; I quickly turned the difficulty down (didn't want to risk dying and losing them permanently, they're seriously tough SOB's) and killed them so I could re-capture them like the pokemon bitches they are. =')
  19. I'm not familiar with the sanctuary/shrine you're talking about, could you be more specific? If you're positive you are unable to go back to the sanctuary where you stored your masks, you're probably out of luck unless you re-load from one of the previous saves. If you haven't done too much after losing the masks, you should still have three auto-saves to load from. Of course, these are overwritten every time you enter a new area of the world (or a house), so chances are you've missed that opportunity. You'll probably have to decide whether or not the masks are important enough to you to have to re-do a lot of your game to get them back. If you have the game on the PC, you will probably be able to use console commands to work around it (though this is not an option if you play on the PS3/360).
  20. Yeah, maybe. It's important to not ever make it impossible for people to view the majority of the site, though, as that would be search engine suicide; Google's bots wouldn't be able to crawl and index any pages. Some member-only content is a good idea though.
  21. Right now the main issue seems to be getting people to sign up and post on the forums. The traffic from search engines has been quite good, but people just "lurk."
  22. I'm actually not a huge fan of it. Yes, it forces players to essentially pick a play-style and stick with it... But leveling is now pointless for too many skills. Although each level you gain in something like One-Handed is going to help you, skills like Illusion (and other magic skills) don't have the same benefits. The only purpose of leveling those skills is to essentially unlock the perks, which you can then... Unlock. It just seems redundant and sad that some skills have nearly no difference between Master level and Novice without perk investments.
  23. David

    Alchemy in Oblivion

    Oblivion Cheese Wedges | Oblivion Cheese Wheels
  24. Not as good as the last deal, but if you missed it and still want to play it before XIII-2 comes out, this is probably the best you're going to get. You can't complain about a PS3/360 game at $15. Amazon Link - 360/PS3
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