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Everything posted by David

  1. Down from $60, which they claim is 50% in savings (depending on what it costs elsewhere). Amazon Link
  2. Currently only $7.49 to download the game. Note that this is not a physical copy. You can also get a code to download it from Steam. Amazon Link
  3. They range in look from Native to African American. I thought they were more "red" in Skyrim than previous games, though I'd still hardly call them that.
  4. I'd just like to point out our own blog system, which allows any member to create, style, and manage their very own blog. As of now, it's not being used much; however, this system is often one of the most active aspects of IPB sites and I fully expect it to take off soon. Those of you who are interested in having your own blog should create one! The system hasn't been debugged yet, so it will be helpful to see if there are any initial issues as well.Side Note: People don't seem to realize that you can view the gallery 1000x easier by using the slide show display. You won't even have to reload the pages using that.Cheers.
  5. It's good to know that everyone (or most people) seem to think it's working well initially. I'm definitely open to discussing changing the layout/organization of the forums. I'd like add that I'll be able to give TRR's forum and index page its own skin, so you can have your own "The Rebelz" logo and such. Things like the header can be re-added as well so that they only display on TRR's section.I'm also looking into a way to make a "TRR's Active Topics" link that will only display the active threads in the RuneScape section. It's already possible by using the "Filter by Forum" feature in "View New Content," but at the moment there's no link; it's an individual user option that's just saved.
  6. Long time no see man! Good to see you around again.

    1. Anarchy


      Yeah, it's good to be back in the clan (: What happened....to everyone like I barely see MODs on or members on IRC

  7. I've only played the game once, but immediately thought you were talking about Air Strip. If it's not that, I'm not sure. Here's a link of the Uncharted Multiplayer Maps.
  8. Looks very WoW-ish. Interesting. So is everyone a fairy or what?
  9. The conversion/integration with TRR is done. Let me know your thoughts on the layout! :)

    1. Blake


      y u no can haz comics on main page?

    2. David


      Sorry, I just removed them for a minute to test something and appear to have forgotten to change it back. :[

  10. David

    Smithing in Skyrim

    y i can no maek arrows?
  11. David

    Nose bug

    Yeah, I'm sorry about the image issue - guests aren't allowed to post images for security reasons. Forums in general attract a lot of bots who often post links to pornography sites and the like to generate traffic. If you want, you can create an account and then post a picture (up to you, though).I'm assuming the pixel remains even if you equip/remove a helmet that would otherwise cover it. We have a member here that SWEARS by transforming into a werewolf as it is a fantastic way to fix several graphical glitches. If possible, that may be a relatively quick and easy option with a high rate of success.Either way, let us know how it goes. If it doesn't help, we can try something else.
  12. The conversion is done. I'd like to enlist all of your help in aiding my in finding bugs and other issues. The imported forums, specifically, are likely to have permission issues.Fergal, you will need to edit the joining topic's links; they all still point to the old site. The advertisement links will have to be updated, too. Although trr.eldersouls.com is the new domain, things that point to a specific thread, e.g. trr.eldersouls.com/joining_topic will still just redirect to the main index for TRR. All of the topic ID's have also changed, so things that used to point to the joining thread now post to some random Skyrim question. You'll also have to change some of the info in the joining topic that is no longer relevant; e.g. the "Rebe" and "Community Member" stuff.
  13. You will get moderation powers in the RuneScape forum (at least), which will also let you adjust member groups if we find it necessary to make new group for TRR members (although I doubt we need to), and the multi-moderation for apps and such. If it gets to the point I need another Admin you may have to go back to that.
  14. Post count will be transferred over (and possibly combined with ES if you already have an account there). Personally, I'd prefer it if the people that have an ES account just kept that and the TRR members had it reset, but I won't take that away from people because I know they want it.
  15. In a few hours, TRR will be moved to a sub-forum of ES.This decision was made due to our recent low level of forum activity; there's no point in paying $10-20 a month to host this community when there's a more than capable option in ES. All user accounts, topics, and other data will be converted (although I'll probably delete the spammy shit).The one thing that won't be carried over are our clan-specific member groups (Clan Leader, Warlord, etc). This is because I don't think it would help the legitimacy of ES by having a smaller community dominate with its own ranking system. All of these jobs will still be available and carried over; there just won't be specific forum groups.All in all, this transition will lead to TRR being more dependent on the in-game clan systems implemented by Jagex a few months ago. In the long run, I think the decision to split apart from a large dependence on a forum will help us change and compete with the new clan system that's largely overtaken the old ways of forums.trr.eldersouls.com (our current address) will point to the sub-community in ES that TRR will reside in. This probably won't take effect instantly, as your ISP will have to resolve the DNS. Until then, you will be able to access TRR by just visiting ES and going to the appropriate sub-forum.Cheers. Here's to hoping everything goes smoothly in the transition.
  16. David

    Skyrim Marriage

    I find this comic offensive as it portrays a false and sexist view of women. Shame on you, Blex, shame on you.
  17. David

    Skyrim Horses

    No comments? This is like the best one. >.>
  18. Hey, welcome to ES! :) Feel free to dive right into discussion; we have a pretty knowledgeable community here. Let me know if you ever need anything.

  19. Welcome to the site. Don't be afraid to jump right into discussion. Feel free to contact me if you ever need anything. :)

  20. David

    Skyrim Horses

    Physics? Physics be damned.
  21. I put about 10 hours into FF13 and I was literally - nearly - bored to tears. I made a point of playing it before I went to bed every night because it helped put me to sleep. No joke.
  22. Eh, not a whole lot. TRR isn't doing great since RuneScape in general is just an old game that's on its way down. You could probably get more specific information by asking on TRR's site.You should make a thread on your thoughts of FF13. I'd enjoy the banter, I was not a fan of the game AT ALL, but I enjoy others perspectives.
  23. That's quite the set-up, how new is it?
  24. Golden Sun: The Lost AgeOblivionFinal Fantasy XSkyrimFinal Fantasy 7 (the only reason this is lower than 10 is that I didn't even play it until 2010, so the sheen had... slightly.... "worn off" for me as a gamer, whereas X was during my most happy-kiddie days)
  25. I never knew what the fuck was going on during Shadow of the Colossus. I just questioned why I was trying to kill these magnificent giants. Yes, that's precisely why many said it was a masterpiece, but there's a fine line between being intentionally vague and just being a lazy developer. There's definitely a gray area to be exploited.
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