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Everything posted by David

  1. Checked the credits, the blonde is Holly Robison portrayed by Juno Temple (wiki confirms role). Sadly there's no Harley Quinn for you.Back on topic - this thread has had a constant 6+ people on it all day, so clearly other people must have thought the same thing. Where there's smoke, maybe there's fire? Juno/Holly's entire role in the movie seemed really pointless to me. Almost like the only point was to raise these types of questions since nothing was added to the plot besides a cameo.
  2. I've never heard of that. Could it be the mod that's causing the issue?I've split this into a separate thread.
  3. Skyrim's 1.7 patch has recently been anounced. It should arrive on the consoles in 1-2 weeks. PC users can already get at it by accessing the Beta Skyrim channel. This COULD delay Dawnguard on the PS3, which can legally be released on 7/26. The reasons being that the PS3 never received patch 1.6, which introduced files necessary for the Dawnguard DLC. With the 1-2 weeks required for 1.7 to be released (which includes 1.6), PS3 users will likely have to wait a bit longer. Update 1.7 (all platforms unless specified) BUG FIXES [*]General memory and stability optimizations [*]Fixed crash related to new water shaders (Nnnnnooooooooo!1) [*]Fixed rare crash related to dragon landings [*]Fixed logic error with loading screens from add-ons (Xbox 360) [*]Using vampiric grip and swimming no longer prevents swimming animation from playing afterwards [*]Improved recognition with Kinect voice commands (Xbox 360) [*]Kinect-enabled dragon language shouts for French, German, Italian and Spanish work properly (Xbox 360) [*]Fixed issue with Dawnguard Kinect-enabled dragon shouts for French, German, Italian and Spanish (Xbox 360)
  4. Activates on STEAM. Use the following coupon code for 20% off it's regular $9. COUPON CODE: PARTP-ALCNO-TIESU Last Remnant - $3
  5. Fantastic deal. Free shipping with Prime (2 day), as always. If you buy $25 in stuff total with it, you can also get free shipping without Prime. Gears of War 3 - $14.99
  6. Unbelievable deal, really. I thought I was getting a good deal at $20 just month or so back. While it's true this isn't the best AC game ever, it's still good and easily worth $10. NOTE: It is temporarily OOS from Amazon for the described price. In the mean time, you can still navigate to the right and select "Amazon" from "More Buying Options" for $9.99. This way you're still locked in and automatically moved when it comes back. Assassin's Creed: Revelations - $9.99 for 360/PS3
  7. I just watched TDKR last night. Great movie, although like all others it had a few issues. I might do a larger write-up on the rest of it later, but for now I just want to hit this since there seems to be a lack of discussion of it on the internets.Anne Hathaway really did a good job in the movie. If you remember my earlier threads, I was apalled they were going to try to bring someone as unrealistic as "Catwoman" into the movie. Fortunately it was done well.Anyways, Selina has this blonde female friend that hangs around her throughout the movie. At first she seems like a pretty generic side-kick/friend, although after a couple scenes of increasing "friendliness" she is shown to be hugging Selina from behind in a pretty intimate shot. At this moment I thought to myself, "Well, they're clearly banging or together."I later looked up who her character (the blonde's) was supposed to be interpreted as and it appeared to be Holly Robinson, who is shown to be openly gay in the Catwoman comics.Due to the end of the movie (which I won't go into details for spoiler purposes), we know that she PROBABLY isn't a lesbian. But bisexual? Maybe. Also, what the hell happened to the blonde friend?Thoughts?
  8. Yes and no. It's one of them but there will also be more (though they're in the planning stages, as are other benefits).
  9. Either forever or until Bethesda releases a patch to allow multiple marriages (highly, highly doubtful). As of now you can't get remarried.
  10. I looked up this game on IGN (Blast Corps.) and it has like a 9/10 or something. When the music came on and the thing came alive I still almost shat myself in fear. Nah, there are quite a few people 30 and up. I don't think many of them regularly post, though.
  11. You have a week to make the 130k required for rune. If all else fails someone will just give you the money.
  12. You should still be able to complete the dungeon and the quest without meeting him. In fact, he'll probably join you in the dungeon after a few zones regardless.However, I strongly advise you create a save before doing so and leave it alone after you've done a bit - just in case. You should be perfectly fine, though.
  13. This is part of their 20% off everything July sale. All digital item pre-order bonuses are included. Also, $64 for the Digital Deluxe Edition. PROMO CODE: COSYO-UDIDN-TGET1 Guild Wars 2: Digital Edition | Guild Wars 2: Digital Deluxe Edition
  14. Deal is through Newegg, and also includes free UPS 3 day delivery. Use Promo-code EMCYTZT1935 at checkout. Forza Horizon - $44.99
  15. I remember this game getting some good comments on an old thread. It's not shipping with extras: soundtrack and artbook. All with free shipping from Amazon. Catherine for $29.99 at Amazon
  16. Release date is 11/6/2012. This deal is live through 11/5/12. Deal Link
  17. Regularly $49.99 I believe. Good deal, especially since it has $0.99 shipping. $29.99 at Best Buy starting 7/22
  18. Use coupon code "CAPTAINWINCON" at the checkout page.You can view subscription packages and purchase Premium Member here.
  19. This reminds me of a Legend of Zelda game that I had as a kid on the Gameboy Color (Oracle of Ages). I got all the way to the 2nd to last boss and could not, for the life of me, figure out what to do. It took like an hour just to get there, and I would always die while in the process of trying to figure out how to even do 1hp of damage to one of its forms. EDIT: IT WAS THIS BASTARD
  20. Seems a little bit lengthy for me. What are the main ways you'd get money? Gathering things in the wilderness?Sleeping would probably be the most annoying thing to keep track of.
  21. It could be good or awful. The developer, Zenimax Online Studios, is new and I'm pretty sure this is the first game they've worked on as a unit. It's hard to say what they're capable of doing.
  22. The title "Skyrim and Dawnguard Forum" or whatever will definitely be changed. That's just up until the whole Dawnguard thing settles down."ElderSouls".com itself doesn't bring any traffic really. The problem in switching domains is that every page that's linked to on other websites is now a broken link. This is bad because not only is no traffic able to come directly through that link, but all of the "link juice" (the boost we get in search engine page ranking when legit sites link to us) that we get from simply being linked to is lost and ALL pages in Google are then affected. Google itself will even have to re-crawl EVERY page and determine whether or not we're worthy all over again.Domain age is also something that's important. At 6-7 months, ElderSouls.com is finally maturing into something that search engines will rank (tons of spam sites are just up for a month or two and there's a threshold) and our traffic has been steadily improving at a pretty good rate.For the reasons above changing the domain name isn't really practical or advisable at all unless it's obviously going to greatly hinder future growth. Is having the current domain name going to matter to Assassins Creed or CoD players to the extent that they don't visit/register? Will they immediately discount the site as something other than what they're looking for? Is there a clearly superior alternative domain available? That's what it comes down to.
  23. There's no way of permanently ridding Skyrim of all Thalmor if that's what you're asking.The whole Empire v. Thalmor thing will either continue on in DLC, the next TES game, or just be resolved through lore (the background story of the universe TES games take place in).
  24. Interesting. What clan was that? I figured the RS link to the TRR index would have fixed most of that.The only thing with changing domain names is that our search engine traffic (like 85-90% of our traffic) would likely tank and it would take months to recover, if ever. It's the same reason I'm afraid of burying the Skyrim sections to the same level as other games. It's such a large majority of our traffic that I'm afraid change will jeopardize it.The only thing I can say is that regardless of the domain the Skyrim stuff is eventually going to need to be relegated to the "Game Specific" category like RuneScape. Possibly under an "Elder Scrolls" series link to it's own mini-forum along with previous/future TES installments.It then just becomes a matter of whether or not people are going to join a Call of Duty community/section (just an example) whose main domain "Elder Souls". It's kind of a genre stretch.
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