I just watched TDKR last night. Great movie, although like all others it had a few issues. I might do a larger write-up on the rest of it later, but for now I just want to hit this since there seems to be a lack of discussion of it on the internets.Anne Hathaway really did a good job in the movie. If you remember my earlier threads, I was apalled they were going to try to bring someone as unrealistic as "Catwoman" into the movie. Fortunately it was done well.Anyways, Selina has this blonde female friend that hangs around her throughout the movie. At first she seems like a pretty generic side-kick/friend, although after a couple scenes of increasing "friendliness" she is shown to be hugging Selina from behind in a pretty intimate shot. At this moment I thought to myself, "Well, they're clearly banging or together."I later looked up who her character (the blonde's) was supposed to be interpreted as and it appeared to be Holly Robinson, who is shown to be openly gay in the Catwoman comics.Due to the end of the movie (which I won't go into details for spoiler purposes), we know that she PROBABLY isn't a lesbian. But bisexual? Maybe. Also, what the hell happened to the blonde friend?Thoughts?